Yesterday I wrote about a blood drive being held later this month at the Ocshner Clinic in Slidell near Cross Gates Subdivision. Today I have a similar theme in mind, but a different method. On may 17 there will be a bone marrow registry at Our Lady of Lourdes which is located in Westchester Estates in Slidell Louisiana. This will be a free event. This usually costs about $50 to do this. The test takes about 15 seconds and is painless. All they do is swab the inside of your cheek to get a good dna sample. It takes over 2.5 million samples to find one match. There are over 6000 people in need of a bone marrow transplant. For more information call Anne Pugh at 504-628-2856 or 985-246-7980. Imagine your young child or someone you love in need of this procedure.