Advertising Where You Know Clients Are Searching
By Chris Thomas, Realtor of Livingston Parish and Baton Rouge La
(Smart Move Real Estate)
Advertising Where You Know Clients Are Searching One of the toughest tasks a real estate agent faces is finding new clients. That’s why it’s important to know where homebuyers are searching for you. With all of the technology in the world today, it’s becoming more difficult for you to be everywhere where possible clients are looking. However, being in the most common places, will give you the best chance of finding new clients. According to the 2009 National Association of Realtors’ profile of home buyers and sellers, most people use more than one source of information when looking for a new place to live. But the primary source for finding an agent is with no surprise, the Internet. According to the survey, 9 out of 10 buyers are searching online with 36% of those home buyers looking o...