
Elizabethtown, KY Real Estate News

By Tommy Johns, Broker ~ Woodstone Realty
(Woodstone Realty ~ Your Link To Home in Louisville, KY)
INVESTMENT PROPERTY $ 625,000 12 Units All 2 Bedroom, 1-1/2 Baths     Great investment opportunity. 8.5 cap rate. Well built and maintained building w/ solid tenant base Close to downtown Elizabethtown. Many updates. All units have seperate furnaces and A/C's as well as seperate meters for electric and water. Tenants pay all of their own utilities. Owner pays for trash pickup. Maintenance free exterior. Talk to Tom Johns 502-419-3186      
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  As posted by Sheila O'Mara on TVPG Radio: A few weeks ago on the TVPG, Get More Business, Radio show we discussed specification vs. diversification.  Points were made in favor of both and you can listen to the podcast for more information. I have always been a big believer in diversification.  There are so many possibilities out there – why limit yourself to one?  I will be the first one to admit that it is important to do what you do well before you move on to something else.  No one wants to be a jack of all trades and a master of none.  Having said that though, there is so much to be said for expanding into new horizons. [...Click Here To Read The Rest On TVPG Radio] Jason Sanders @ValuePagesGroup Business Networking Specialist Help Spread The Word!
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As posted by Sheila O'Mara on TVPG Radio: On Wednesday, March 24, the TVPG, Get More Business, Radio Show had a guest on the show.  Adam Horning was our guest and shared with us some of his techniques for taking a very small start up business in 2005, in a very crowded field, to company that made just shy of a million dollars last year.  Adam did a fabulous job not only adding revenue and also employees and that is great for him and his local economy. Adam doesn't have a magic product and is very reasonable in his pricing - I would say on the reasonable end without a doubt.  He has built this company by recognizing some very simple ideas very early on and capitalizing on them.  Allow me to share ... [...Click Here To Read The Rest On TVPG Radio] You can use the player below to liste to...
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As posted by Sheila O'Mara on TVPG Radio: You are struggling with capital for advertising and need to get your message out.  You use all of the social media tools you can think of, but can't seem to grab a hold of local consumers. Sound familiar?   It is a common problem for many small business owners and there are a few ways to pick up a bigger market share and save money in the meantime. [...Click Here To Read The Rest On TVPG Radio] Jason Sanders @ValuePagesGroupBusiness Networking Specialist Help Spread The Word!
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By Marsha Booth
(Remax Executive Group, Inc., Marsha Booth & Associates)
Lots of people have been asking me what some of my favorite I Phone Apps are since I have had my I Phone for quite awhile now. I thought I would share them here so whether for business use, there should be something for everyone. I will list my favorites first then describe each one according to how I use them.FacebookAmazon KindleDragon DictationEvernoteGoogleWeb Albums5-0 RadioLose ItDrop BoxFacebook speaks for itself, no better way to catch up than using Facebook for the IphoneAmazon Kindle- the Iphone version of the Kindle App is even better than the real Kindle if you ask me. I actually purchased a Kindle for Christmas because I loved this app so much but was disappointed with the "real thing" because of the lack of touch screen that comes with the Iphone app. Also, the screen flas...
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By Caroline Huising
Price: $92,500 ID 14041260 Single Family with 3 bed, 1.0 bath, in 117 Hickory Hill Drive Elizabethtown, KY, 42701 117 Hickory Hill Drive - For Sale By Owner Property Details: Type: Single Family Address: 117 Hickory Hill Drive, Elizabethtown, KY, 42701 Sq footage: 1200.0 Floors: n/a Bathrooms: 1.0 Bedrooms: 3 Year built: 1975 View full property details and seller's contacts. View more Kentucky homes for sale. Homes for Sale by Owner. Description: This home has hardwood floors, new paint, and new kitchen cabinets and ceramic floor. All kitchen appliances stay with the house including the stove, refrigerator, dishwasher and built-in microwave. The bathroom is large with a laundryroom. The master bedroom has two closets, including a walk-in. Ther...
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By Marsha Booth
(Remax Executive Group, Inc., Marsha Booth & Associates)
I am excited to be a charter member of the newest networking opportunity in our area, Networking for Women in the Heartland.  We had our second meeting yesterday and our group has already doubled in size.  The Brown Pusey House in downtown historic Elizabethtown was host to our meeting and has already been booked for next months meeting too.  This group is based on another similar Networking for Women group out of Bowling Green, KY and we are happy to now have a chapter here in the Hearltand.  If you or someone you know would be interested in being a part of this group, feel free to contact me and I can give you some additional details. We had several speakers who spotlighted their business to the group and I think we all took away information we would not have known otherwise.  The eve...
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By Marsha Booth
(Remax Executive Group, Inc., Marsha Booth & Associates)
For anyone wondering if we would be having a local Tea Party to suppor the national Tax Day Tea Party movement, Yes there is one being organized here locally. The Tea Party is scheduled for Wednesday April 15th from 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM in the town square.  For those of you not familar with downtown, the square is where the movie "Elizabethtown" was filmed several years ago.  This Tea Party is being organized to allow local people to protest government spending and taxation!  It does not matter what your political party, this is just a symbolic jesture sweeping across the nation to allow for a public venue for citizens to come together for this cause.  Bring your tea bags and join us in this historic day! 
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By Marsha Booth
(Remax Executive Group, Inc., Marsha Booth & Associates)
“ASK THE EXPERTS”: DOWNSIZING   *Do you need to downsize from your home to an apartment? *Do you feel overwhelmed and don’t know who to call to get help? *What can you do with the items that are no longer needed? *Have you thought about downsizing your home and don’t know where to start? Let us help you!!                     PLEASE JOIN US FOR THIS FREE SEMINAR FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2009    2:00 p.m. UNTIL 3:00 p.m.   The Panel of Experts Include: Shelia O’Mara- Staged SO Right Marsha Booth- Marsha Booth & Associates Birgit Stubblefield- Century Mortgage Sarah Lenihan- Transitioning Treasures    Enjoy coffee, dessert and don’t miss a chance to win door prizes! Seating is limited.  To register call The Allegro at (270)765-4414 no later than April 15.      The Allegro is located at 108 Dieck...
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By Sheila Kennedy
(J29 Project)
  Are you as tired of winter as I am?  I get so excited when I see daffodils popping up all over the place.  As the temperatures rise, I get a bigger case of Spring Fever everyday. With every change of season I get an itch to "Stage" my home's décor.  Just like I change my wardrobe to reflect the season, I also try to change my home.  As fall and winter approached, I changed to spice-scented candles, heavier fabrics for window coverings, thick blankets for my bed and pinecones and winter berries replaced my florals.  I was thrilled to add touches of the winter season throughout my house, but now I am ready to Stage the house for Spring!               Spring is rapidly approaching and the warmer temperatures invite wonderful décor ideas on the inside and outside of the home.   Before ch...
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By Sheila Kennedy
(J29 Project)
Announcing a great Staging opportunity in Elizabethtown:   Stage It For Spring   Feeling the winter blues?  Not yet excited about Spring?  Does your winter decor have you at Whitt's End?  Don't fret - check out this fabulous FREE event!                                      Stage It For Spring                                         March 26, 2009                                                   7pm                            Whitt's End:  Home and Garden                           Cool Springs Plaza on Ring Road     Join me, Sheila O'Mara, of Staged SO Right for an evening of Staging demonstrations on how to inject Spring into your home decor.   Refreshments will be served.  10% discount will be given toward the purchase of any items made that evening.                                   ...
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By Sheila Kennedy
(J29 Project)
 I have to give a big shout out to a great connection I have made in my community.  I have the privilege of working with an amazing event coordinator that also happens to do a great job decorating cakes. Her name is Rebecca Reszka and her company is Social Solutions.  I usually take two cakes whenever I go to a presentation at a realtor's office.  This was a marketing techniques that I learned of at the ASP course I took in July 2007. I tell the realtor that I will bring whatever flavor cake they choose.  I take that request and then I call Rebecca and she works her magic. Rebecca makes me two cakes, one decorated and one not.  The one that isn't decorated usually has a bag of icing that is ready to decorate with lying next to the cake.  (Everything needed to have chocolate cake without...
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By Marsha Booth
(Remax Executive Group, Inc., Marsha Booth & Associates)
As a fairly new Team we are always looking for fun ways to interact with our community and recently Hardin County's Repair Affair was brought up at one of our meetings.  Repair Affair is our community coming together to make a difference for our low-income elderly and disabled citizens who need help making repairs to their homes.  With both skilled and unskilled volunteers, minor repairs and safety issues are mostly addressed.  The event is to be held Saturday June 6th, 2009 and what is needed are the following: Teams of skilled and unskilled volunteers from businesses, churches, etc. to come work on the planned day. Contributions are needed to purchase materials to make the needed repairs. Your friends or neighbors who are in need of some assistance repairing or winterizing their home ...
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By Sheila Kennedy
(J29 Project)
I found this quote today and thought that it would be good to share.           In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer." By Albert Camus.   Economic times being the way they are and the uncertainty of survival for many people, we must take heart in believing that we can survive.  Not only can we survive, but we can muster all of the strength we have acquired and shine like the sun.  Perservering through the darkness of the desolate and desperate times,  we will be an example to those who may be faltering.  I see many people who have an "invincible summer" within them.  Find them and learn from them.  If you are one of them already - thank you for your inspiration and please continue to set an example. 
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By Sheila Kennedy
(J29 Project)
              There is a huge group of our population that deserves a shout out!  They are our Seasoned Citizens - those that have lived through many stages of life and are embarking on a new journey of the "Golden Years."   All seasoned citizens deserve our thanks for the contributions they have made to our society and the wisdom they share with us daily. Becoming a "seasoned or senior citizen" does not come without changes in lifestyle.  Many seniors decide that their current living arrangement no longer works for them.  Some may be approaching an age where caring for a house becomes more burdensome than ever before and can no longer be done without assistance.  Some may be reaching physical and mental limits on what they can do to live independently or cannot do so safely.  Many seas...
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By Sheila Kennedy
(J29 Project)
   Any stagers, decorators or designers out there that may be looking for twigs, sticks, branches or bunches?  I have some amazing inventory for you.  You can have it for free but you have to haul it.  You are welcome to as much as you can handle.  Of course you probably want to see the inventory first so here are some  pictures:       Back yard- see the swingset is crushed!                       Front yard                                                       This is some of the debris left over from last week's ice storm.  We were very fortunate not to have any damage to the house - there were many that did. I spent a few hours outside today trying to clean up and it seems like I didn't even put a dent in it.  Maybe I should stick to finishing the office organization project. It was m...
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By Sheila Kennedy
(J29 Project)
Okay I am a home stager.  I often advertise that I stage not only to sell, but stage to live, stage to work and am even throwing in my hat at Staging for seniors.  Today I realized that I could add one more - I have now Staged for Survival. Sounds drastic doesn't it?  Today I purchased a day-glo orange rubbermaid bin that you can't miss - even in the dark.  I wanted something that I would stand out even without a flash light.  I wanted somewhere to put all of the great items that saved me and helped me survive this week without power.  I have lived in Hawaii with Hurricaine season, in Arkansas with tornado season and in New York with just plain winter.  I have always had a survival kit for the various natural occurances that could take place.  I didn't make one after we moved to Kentuck...
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By Sheila Kennedy
(J29 Project)
Well I have learned a whole bunch about myself this week.  On Tuesday our area was blanketed with a most horrific ice storm.  We have been without power since Tuesday night and four days later, I am ready for the power to be back on. I learned that I am much more dependent on technology than I ever realized.  I feel like I had a limb cut off or something. Not being able to communicate with the outside world is crazy.  I just worked out my profiles on Active Rain and facebook and then I can't check them.  What is the world coming too?  Well, I have survived, but sighed a deep sigh of relief tonight when my husband suggested that we go find an internet connection.   I have been trying to make his time useful - although it takes longer because I am cold.  Last fall I decided that I would k...
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By Sheila Kennedy
(J29 Project)
  I know that the New Year has begun, but because I am just starting my year with Active Rain, I thought I would share a poem I wrote for the readers in our local newspaper in Elizabethtown, The News Enterprise.  Below is a lighthearted view of staging.  I would like to take this opportunity to wish you happiness and prosperity in the New Year.  May your houses get sold and your wishes come true!   T'was the night before the showing, when all through the house, Every creature was stirring, getting rid of the mouse.   Trying to prepare for the buyers to come, And hear them shout, "This is the one!"   The tile floors are all sparkling, and carpets are clean. In anticipation for the house to be seen.   The windows are glittering and the light fixtures too, The pet smells are gone, so it wo...
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By Sheila Kennedy
(J29 Project)
Starting a business of your own is always a risky venture. There are many people that will try and hold you back, but only if you let them. This business I started a year ago has been a blessing for sure. I always wanted it to be a full time gig, but ... I was a teacher when I originally started my business. My time was very divided. I felt I needed to spread my wings a little more and decided that being a stager was what I wanted to do. So in December I hung up my apple and red pens and plunged into the Staging business full time. Working in today's market and economic climate is risky for sure. I gave up a paying job to try something out that may or may not pay off. There are people that are trying to hold me back, but I won't let them. I now have the time to devote to areas of my bu...
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