The Painted Ladies of Topeka, Kansas: The Potwin Historic Homes
By Patricia Kennedy, Home in the Capital
When I was growing up in Topeka Kansas in the 1950's, Potwin was a neighborhood of big old Victorian and Queen Ann homes that had become rather thin at the elbows, often used as boarding houses or broken up into apartments. Now the neighborhood has blossomed, with some of the most beautiful restorations I've seen. Charles Wolcott Potwin bought 70 acres of land in near the Kansas River back in the 1890's, and divided it into 70 lots. If you wanted to buy one, you had to agree to build a house that cost at least $2,000 to build. In fact, the homes cost around $5,000 to build, and the neighborhood attracted prosperous lawyers, importers and a few real estate professionals. The homes have wonderful architetural details, with fishscale shingles, wide verandahs (many of the wrapping aroun...