
Notre Dame, IN Real Estate News

By Evelyn Johnston, The People You Know, Like and Trust!
(Friends & Neighbors Real Estate)
Notre Dame vs USC Football Game Room to rent Available to rent for a week at the Varisty Clubs of America in Mishawaka, Indiana.  A mere 6.4 miles from the Notre Dame Stadium! $750 for a week stay in a one bed room, can sleep 1, 2, 3 or 4 friends if you don't mind sharing...A kitchenette, living room, bathroom/shower with seperate vanity and dressing area.  Luxurious, well appointed and comfortable.  Now, you can't get this from The Varsity Clubs of America, they are SOLD OUT!  This one bed room for rent for one week during the Notre Dame vs USC Football Game is available by contacting Mr. Bob Ebbole (Ebb-bol-ee) at 574-226-2379.  First interested Fan gets this great room close to the Notre Dame Stadium! Beautiful grounds will greet you upon dring onto the property and a Notre Dame Foot...
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By Sondra Meyer:, See It. Experience It. Live It.
(EXP Realty, LLC)
It is amazing how fast time flies.... Rewind the clock back four years ago.  2008.   My son graduates from A&M Consolidated High School, in Texas.  Next thing I know is that it is August, 2008 and that I've dropped him off at Notre Dame and listened to the speech admonishing parents that we do NOT want to be helicopter parents.  It was time to let our baby birds fly.   This link is my Active Rain post when I got back from the trip.  In September 2008, I decided to take a sabbatical from real estate and to join the Army as a way of handling empty nest syndrome.  My contract started in November.  I bet many people in the real estate industry remember what happened in October 2008.  I ship out for the Army in November 2008, thinking that maybe my timing for this sabbatical was great.   By ...
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By Sondra Meyer:, See It. Experience It. Live It.
(EXP Realty, LLC)
I always try to encourage my children and others to follow their hopes and dreams.  In doing so, my son, Sean, chose to attend Notre Dame, a school know for academic excellence AND sports.   I am just now recovering from my 7 day road trip to Notre Dame, Indiana.  While I was gone, Gary Woltal decided to me-me me.  He inspires me most of the time, but this me-me was a challenge because this trip was REALLY long since  I don't always choose to go the quickest route on a trip.  3 of the 7 days were used for dorm check in and orientations - that included parents.   By the way,    I never plan my trips months in advance.  On the day we left, I decided to avoid the thunderstorms that were going through Texas, OK, MO and AK.  Coming back, I decided to avoid the rain from Tropical Storm Faye t...
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