Quality of Life Raise
By Scott Seaton Jr. SLS Home Insp, The Home Inspector With a Heart!
(SLS Home Inspections-Kankakee Will Iroquois Grundy Counties)
Quality of Life Raise. This post could have started writting many years ago, 2014 to be exact. I started my home inspection business, SLS Home Inspections in 2007. I started with a 13 page pile of paper with components of what to inspect. It matched the primitive report software I was using. It wasn't very expensive to use the report writing software but it did the job for 11 years. I was at a home inspection conferance and met Erin Brockovich, yes the Erin Brockovich. I was standing in line to get a picture with her and the inspector behind me in line and I were chatting about business and inspector stuff. He said he was doing about 300 inspections a year. I was only doing about 200-225 and was having trouble keeping up with the signatures and payments and sending reports. I asked how ...