Schaumburg Homes - Top 10 Home Improvement Project Paybacks - Lyn Sims (847)230-7324
By Lyn Sims, Real Estate Broker Retired
Top 10 Home Improvement Project Paybacks Every year I have posted on my website Remodeling Magazine’s Improvement Project Payback Reports for my clients and prospective clients looking for this kind of valuable information. This proves that every nail, fence post and shingles should ‘improve’ your home for maintenance and your sense of well being, your sense of home, your sense of style. Not only to improve value! If you go down to Lowe’s or Home Depot and spend $20 in materials on your home – does it increase your home that amount? If you spend $35,000 on a kitchen remodel does your home increase that amount? What amount of increase do you see?Maintenance items do not increase your homes value – all homes need a roof or there is going to be big trouble to your investment! What a n...