Regency Estates, Libertyville, Illinois - January 2017 About Regency Estates Regency Estates is a single family home neighborhood built in the mid 1970's by Barney Loeb. Regency Estates is located in Libertyville, Illinois on Golf east of Butterfield Road. Average taxes in Regency Estates $10,392 Average association fees in Regency Estates $0 Average home size in Regency Estates 2,159 ft2 Average lot size in Regency Estates 0.00 acres Average year built in Regency Estates 1971 Photos of Regency Estates Homes for sale in Regency Estates Address Beds Baths Built Price 1107 Regency Ln. 4 2.1 1970 $505,000 1120 Regency Ln. 3 2.1 1972 $399,900 Sales Summary for Regency Estates (Jan 31, 2016 - Jan 30, 2017) # of Sales Average Days on Market Average List Average Sale Ratio% 6 107 $421,450 $...