
Nampa, ID Real Estate News

By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
September 2011 will be busy for the Fine Arts in Nampa Idaho   2 wonderful and different events have been planned at the Nampa Civic Center First on the Calendar for September 9th and September 11th Is Late Nite Catechism a at 2 pm and 8 pm According to thier publicity this is a one woman show that has "sister" teaching a class to the audience....her students!               Next on September 21 at 7:30 pm is IL VOCE Classical musice with a crossover sound created by the combination of 4 magical voices   For more information on these shows or on other upcominig eventsa at the Nampa Civic Center go to their Website or call 208 468-5555    
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
It is the 27th Annual Harvest Classic '11 Fun Run Saturday September 17th At the Nampa Rec Center Register Today either in person at the Nampa Rec Center or Online Here $20 for 8k, 2 mile ($25 after September 13th) $10 1 Mile Race ($15 after September 13) All day will be a lot of fun Prizes Potato Bar Vendor Booths Entertainment Kids Activities!  Sponsors include the Idaho Press Tribune, Nampa Parks and Recreation, Nampa Rec Center, Dominos Pizza, MVP Sports, College of Idaho, Kiss FM 103.3, Wow Country 104.3, Red Robin, Walmart, Sport Clips, TCBY, and Franz Bread    
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend so far!  I ran all about Nampa Idaho today It wasn't all that long ago...maybe even as recent as 5 years ago that Nampa Idaho didn't have a lot of shopping opportunities We relied heavily upon the Stores in Boise.,, That changed with the new on/off ramp commonly known as the Karcher Exchange! Today I felt truly blessed at all the places we have in Nampa now... I was able to get my errands done in half of the time it would have taken me previously! For the make up I needed I popped into the fairly new ULTA store in the Treasure Valley Marketplace Then we headed down to the Nampa Farmers Market....for some veggies and music and friendship!   I love to wander around every Saturday! After that I hit the Simpson Corn Stand for my weakness...fresh a...
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
The college of Western Idaho is rather new in our area  It fills the need for a Junior College And many find it a better alternative for their first couple years of College!  Although it is to late to register for the Fall Semester... They are taking applications for the Spring Semester!  There are a few programs that will be starting soon that you can still register for such as Medical Assisting The Schedule of Important Dates for College of Western Idaho  for the Spring Semesteris below : November 21 Spring Registration Begins December 5 Financial Aid Priority Date January 9  Tuition and Fees Due January 17 Classes Begin January 23 Last Day to Register for Without Instructor Permission!  You can get started on tiehr website at for more details!   What are some of the Pr...
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
It is back to school time in Nampa Idaho.... and most of our youngsters have already started the school year!  There was a frenzy to get the back packs filled for all of our own kids... But now I would like to recommend is to help some of the needy kids with school supplies... Talking to the Nampa Salvation Army and LOVE INC they have mentioned that students are all ok now for school supplies...   However mid year they will start needing some replacements.. How about filling up the back up shelves at LOVE INC and Salvation Army Nampa with extra supplies., Now the sales are going on for school supplies...   How about if you throw a few extra supplies in your cart such as:   Crayons Pencils Glue Rulers Pencil Boxes Protractors Pink Erasers Loose Notebook Paper Spiral Notebooks Notebooks P...
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
Dear Mr Seller..... I want to start out by letting you know that I truly do want to help you to sell your Nampa Idaho Short Sale home.... I scheduled the appointment per the MLS instructions.....I even left you my phone number with a request that you call me if that time didn't work for you .....but I received no phone call so I assumed that it was ok to show the house!   However when we attempted to show the house you refused to let me in....because it WAS NOT A GOOD TIME...Please help me to understand when a good time would be?   We noticed that you have had your home listed for nearly 6 months......yet it is still active and on the market.... Could it be that you have prevented enough showings on your Nampa Short Sale...that your house has gained a "reputation" and that agents are no...
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
    What I Learned In Kindergarten.... Have you found me in the picture????   (answer at the bottom of the post) What did I learn in Kindergarten?   I so remember Kindergarten vividly!  I don't think I even understood what Kindergarten was until I was there.    I remember during the summer before Kindergarten my mom helped me to write my name as that is what Kindergarteners were supposed to do....Well it was in block capital letters and apparently you were supposed to write you name with upper and lower cases!   In order for me to go to Kindergarten my mom had to pack up my baby brother in the stroller and my 3 years old little sister as we walked the 3-4 blocks down to the class room....she had to pack them up again to come and pick me up!  Mom and Dad only had one car in those days so...
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
  It is Thursday and time for Down Town Nampa Nights Located on the corner of Front and 14th at Lloyds Square from 5:30-8:00 pm Every Thursday night this summer Tonight will feature the band Come Together Bring your lawn chairs Food and beverage will be available for purchase!   Come on down for this free may even find a friend down there!   
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
It is that time of year when the sweet corn is ready!    Every year I buy my corn from the same place Acoss from the Sugar Factory in Nampa Idaho on Karcher Road Nearly every afternoon you will find the stand set up for you to buy your sweet corn! I like the Ambrosia corn they have! Prices are reasonable...$3.50 a dozen or $10 for a bag of 3 dozen!   Simpsons Sweet Corn Stand will be selling until the beginnng of October! I had fun talking with and taking pictures of Jeni and Ryan the other day when I got my corn!  This is the most tender corn ever!   It  practically falls off the ear as you are eating it!  So go on down and buy some corn for dinner tonght... or a big bag so you can blanch and freeze it for corn all winter long!  I know I am going to do that!!! Simpsons Corn can be reac...
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
It was a great day in the Treasure Valley for 2 of my clients!!! One was a short sale for a good friend of mine!   Due to her age and her financial situation we were forced to do a Short Sale on her home.   She moved into a Town House in Nampa Idaho last winter!  We listed her home in April.  We got an offer on her home very quickly and we were on our way.... But wait...we got a second offer......we opted to go with the first offer as it was all cash!  The second buyers really wanted the house and revised their offer and ended up asking $10K over asking price.  We gave the first buyer the chance to bump thier offer up but they opted to stay in second position.   We got the first and second loans negotiated and....the second even wrote in their letter that their would be no further recou...
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
Dear Deborah, Now that we have an accepted offer on the house we are we really need to have a home inspection?    I know we have to do an Appraisal....isn't that the same thing?   The homes we looked at and have made an offer on are being sold "as-is" so what is the point of a home inspection? New Home Buyer   Dear New Home Buyer..... Well the decision is completely yours.   I know that when the home is a short sale or a bank owned home that the home is being sold As-Is.... But here is the deal....what if there is a major defect to the property....such as a bad roof or problems in the crawl space?   These might be things we can't see with our untrained a case where the property is being sold as is we are mostly having the inspection to rule out any problems.... Ev...
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
  It is Thursday and time for Down Town Nampa Nights Located on the corner of Front and 14th at Lloyds Square from 5:30-8:00 pm Every Thursday night this summer Tonight will feature the band The Almost Dangerous Band Bring your lawn chairs Food and beverage will be available for purchase!   Come on down for this free may even find a friend down there! Brave the will be worth it!
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
I had mentioned earlier this week that I had 2 closings on Monday.... One of these closings hadn't been easy... It was a HUD owner occupant sale with an escrow hold back.... Finding a lender who was willing to do an escrow hold back and not complete the loan as an FHA 203k was a challenge But we found Brent Kotter at First Mortgage in Nampa Idaho.... NO  Sweat....the loan was done in record time Because of all of the hassles in purchasing this relocation home in a new area for my client I thought his mentioning early in the transaction that he wanted to look at investment homes was just an idle statement.....thought he wouldn't want to go through the hassles.... As he shook my hand after the closing he did bring it up.... Deborah...Look up some more homes for us to look at for investmen...
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
I read an AP article in the Idaho Press Tribune yesterday.... It was only a couple of paragraphs.... (surprising as they like to sensationalize this type of news...) The article's headline stated "Home Sales on Pace to be Worst in 14 years" Don't know about you....and your market.... we know Real Estate is Local.... and maybe we won't sell as many homes this year.... But I do know that personally I am busy... Busier than I have been in recent years.... Why?  Because I haven't bought into the hype... I knew I had to make a certain amount of money this year.... or I was out of the business.. So I some help and I focused on selling houses in Nampa IDaho.... Guess what..... It worked.... At our office we have been taking the newspapers headlines and creating some pi...
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
The Rodeo is here The Rodeo is here... In Nampa Idaho we take Rodeo Week very seriously! All sorts of events are planned for the entire week.... Today Monday and tomorrow will be a Buckaroo Breakfast 7-10 am at Idaho Center.... Proceeds go to Canyon County 4 H Slack competiton has been going on all day long Every night the doors open at 6:30 pm at 7:15 is Precision Riding Club Drills 7:30 is Mutton Busting 8:00 is the Rodeo.... Billed at the Wildest, Fastest  Show on Earth... You won't want to miss the 96th Annual Snake River Stampede Our Rodeo is ranked in the top 10 of Rodeos in the World... Over $400,000 will be given out in prize money!   Other Special events and Nights will be Wednesday Stampede for the Cure Wear Pink to show your Support for Breast Cancer Thursday Military Night.....
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
Hurry on down to the festivities of today.... Snake River Stampede Community Festival!!! Starting now until 10 am Downtown Nampa Buckaroo Breakfast!! Stay for the Annual Horse Parade starting at 11:00 am..  Best place to view the parade is along 2nd or 3rd Street South... Bring a lawn chair and enjoy the view!  After the parade you will want to head over to the Idaho Center From 10 am -10 pm  there will be a ton of activities.... 10 am - 9 pm Rope and Run and Barrel Racing 1:00- 4:00 pm Western Kids Activities 1:00 - 5:00 pm Health Booths and Screenings 4:00 -6:00 Idaho State Chili Cook Off 6:00 Chili Cook Off Awards 6:30 gates open for Concert 7:00 - 10:00  Stampede for the Cure Concert Featuring Mackayla Hunter  and Steve Holy Concert admission $5.00 general admission $10.00 Reserved ...
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
It is Rodeo Week in Nampa Idaho.... Saturday July 16, 2011 is the Day for Fun..... Start the Day off with the Annual Horse Parade through Downtown Nampa Always sure to be a lot of fun! Starting at 11:00 am Get your seat along the parade route on 2nd Street South or on 3rd Street South Don't forget your lawn chair. Professional Riding Groups and Folks who just like a good ol parade will be participating... Downtown Nampa will also have a Buckaroo Breakfast to start the day off in Down Town Nampa from 7:30 am -10:00 am Come support your community!   Here are some pictures from previous parade's. Did you know that this will be the Snake River Stampedes 96th year???      
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
Today is the Day the the First....soon to be annual Idaho Brewers Festival Will be held July 8  5-9 July 9  11-9 July 10   11-5 Nampa Idaho Lakeview Park Admission is  as follows.... $20.00 for entrance and 16 4 oz beer tastings $5.00 gate admission Children 5 and under are free!  This is an event that local breweries hope to turn into an annual event.... Crescent Brewery is the organizer of the event and wanted to bring together many of the local brewery's we have in the Treasure Valley. Local breweries will provide over 50 varieties of beer.  Those Breweries include Crescent Brewery, Laughing Dog Brewing, Von Scheidt Brewing, Grand Teton Brewing Payette, Brewing Co, and Highland Hollow. Music will be provided throughout the day by area local bands such as Decade Blues Band, Streetwise...
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
Awaken the Senses..... It is time for the 7th Annual 2011 Lakeside Lavender YOu Cut Festival     July 9 and July 10 And the Best part..... It is Free to attend!!! Visit the beautiful Lavendar farm that over looks Nampa's Lake Lowell   Look at all they have Planned for the day!!! 1500 Lavendar Plants for you to cut Lavener products and live plants Local artisans adn live music Culinary and craft classes Horsedrawn Carriage Rides Homemade Lavendar Ice Cream Birck 29 Bistro Lavendar Lunch!   For More Information Check them out at
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
It is Thursday and time for Down Town Nampa Nights Located on the corner of Front and 14th at Lloyds Square from 5:30-8:00 pm Every Thursday night this summer Tonight will feature the band The Chancellors Bring your lawn chairs Food and beverage will be available for purchase!   Come on down for this free may even find a friend down there!   
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