
Nampa, ID Real Estate News

By Juniper Cooper, I will provide the services you need and expect.
(Silvercreek Realty Group )
Put in your zip code on the image below to compare home price trends in Market Report House to Buy in Nampa ID.       Market Report House to Buy in Nampa ID. As you can see home prices in Nampa ID 83651 increased from the previous month. And many listings started to sell with in a few days on the market. If your planning to buy a home make sure to have a good real estate agent that does a thorough market analysis of a home you are making an offer on. To avoid buying a home above market value. Market Report courtesy of Juniper Cooper, Keller Williams Boise. Market Report House to Buy in Nampa ID.  
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By Juniper Cooper, I will provide the services you need and expect.
(Silvercreek Realty Group )
Before moving or buying home this is one of the most important factor to consider. Know nearest schools in your area. Put in your zip code on the image below to know nearby schools in For sale home nearby Schools in Nampa ID 83686.     Nearby schools courtesy of Juniper Cooper, Keller Williams Boise. For sale home nearby Schools in Nampa ID 83686.              
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By Juniper Cooper, I will provide the services you need and expect.
(Silvercreek Realty Group )
Before moving or buying home this is one of the most important factor to consider. Know nearest schools in your area. Put in your zip code on the image below to know nearby schools in Search Real Estate by School in Nampa ID 83651.       Nearby schools courtesy of Juniper Cooper, Keller Williams Boise. Search Real Estate by School in Nampa ID 83651.              
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
What a treat it is to work with sweet people.  The Nampa Idaho market is very tight right now... There isn't a lot of inventory to start with ... Combined with the stress associated with a move it can be tense during  in a transaction, Not with my listing in Morning Sun Subdivision.... Jim and Faye, listed their home at 8:30 am and we had it into MLS by noon.  We ended up with 2 offers on their home that night.... Of course it was the night before I was leaving town.   We got an above asking price offer accepted that night!   Today we signed the closing papers.  Jim and Faye brought me the sweetest card and a really neat honey pot and honey stirrer!  I am not sure if they knew that I collected honey pots and have them displayed in my kitchen or not....But I do!!! Needless to say it was ...
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
New Buyer in Nampa Idaho..... Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate   I know that you know...that every one of my clients is special....   I love helping folks go through the process of buying or selling a new home.   Because I grew up in Nampa Idaho and I also sell homes in Nampa   I have had the opportunity to meet and help many schoolmates...     I consider it a privilege to help each and every one of my clients who are buying or selling in Nampa Idaho.    But today was one of the funnest and best closings I have helped with in nearly 19 years of selling Real Estate   I was given the opportunity to help a long time friend Allison with her purchase of a home.  Allison and I met in the second grade when she moved to Nampa as a little girl.    I had helped Allison and her husband at ...
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
Today I had a listing appointment very first thing... Princess was pretty excited that I came to list her Nampa Idaho home... She had to be up on her Mommy Faye's lap in order to reach the contract.  She had her pen ready to sign all the paperwork... After awhile Princess was a bit bored and nearly fell asleep while I was explaining all the paperwork... The best part of this listing?   This Home already has a verbal offer and should have the written offer this afternoon... Nampa Idaho Homes are in short supply and they are selling quickly.  We are definitely in a Sellers Market. If you are interested in Selling  your Nampa Idaho home and buying a different one.... Then don't today! 208 703-1433
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
I have worn glasses since I was just starting the first grade For those of you who are counting....that would be for more than 40 years.... I have a very bad astigmatism...I have kept this under control with gas permeable contacts since I was 16 years old.  We have tried soft lenses but they just don't correct my vision the way I would like.   The past year or so I have noticed a big change in my eyes Not sure if it is all of the computer work I have been doing.... or just old age... At any rate the Optometrist today gave me the news I have been dreading... To much of a disparity between my close up and my distance vision..,,, So I got these new lenses to see if we can decide if we can correct the vision with "readers"  So here we go...a new phase in my life...Ready or Not!!!
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
I voted early today....Did you ???   Voting is a privilege that is offered to nearly all of us who live in the United States... It is some thing that we should cherish..the fact that we have to opportunity to Vote.  I have always felt that it is a Right to Vote....and that in order to have an opinion about political topics you must actually cast your vote. If you do not vote then you do not have the right to complain....or to have the opportunity for me to listen to your opinion.   Who you vote for in an election is a personal choice.    I promise not to condemn you if you do not agree with how I vote... If you don't hassle me for how I vote.   Trust me....I vote differently than how my family votes.....but that is ok...I respect their decisions....and most of the time it is pretty amic...
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By Craig Zuber, Eagle Idaho Real Estate
(Zuber Group Real Estate)
Just Completed! The “Durango” from Sunrise Homes in Dallan Woods! A fresh new inviting single level design with 9’ ceilings and maintenance free stucco exterior.Perfect finishes include: expansive rustic hardwood floors, custom niches & cabinetry, 3 cm granite slab counter tops, Sun Valley wall texture and tile back splash/accents.Now this is living! High quality amenities are complemented by low maintenance features (including a one-year builder warranty, easy to care for yard, and low cost utilities with Energy Star efficiency)!
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By Juniper Cooper, I will provide the services you need and expect.
(Silvercreek Realty Group )
      Once in a lifetime! Free list of best price home for sale in this highly desirable community in Nampa Idaho Real Estate. CALL OUR BUYERS HOTLINE TODAY TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THESE PROPERTIES! SIGN-UP TO OUR WEBSITE to access 1000's of up-to-date Homes for Sale in Idaho Real Estate right in your inbox for FREE! Click Here to Get your FREE newsletter!      For more information and additional photos for these properties CLICK on the image below:          
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
You never know where your blogs will show up... Last December I hosted a jewelry party for a company called Paparazzi, at my office!   It was so much fun that afterwards I wrote a Localism Post about the rep for the company!  I addded her picture and a few things about the company.... Today she came to my house to show me a few pieces of jewelry for a Gift Basket/Purse  the Past Idaho State WCR Presidents are putting together for an upcoming fund raiser.   We are making a Boise State themed Kristi Miller Brought me over some Orange and Blue Bling Bling.  As she was getting ready to leave she asked if I had promoted her on my website... Apparently she had gotten a call from a lady who needed about 12 graduation gifts and decided Jewelry would be best.   She told Kristi that sh...
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
Is it the First Day of Spring....Or the First Day of Winter in Nampa Idaho? At the beginning of the Month of March I wrote a blog about March coming in like a Lion and I hoped that meant it would go out like a Lamb... Well I hoped and guessed wrong.... This morning we woke up to an 80% chance of rain and "snow in the Mountains"  .... Well actually we are getting snow now down here in the Treasure Valley... SO we start the First Day of Spring in Nampa Idaho with a snow storm.... I can't remember for sure but I don't think that we even had received any snow by the first day of Winter 2011 I know we need the rain... but boy am I looking forward to spring flowers and blue skies and warm temps.... in other words...sandals and skirts weather I hope you are all having a wonderful First Day of ...
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
 Busy but Not too Busy....Such a Fine Line   Interesting conversation today with a couple of clients... It is pretty common for me to get phone calls from previous clients... With over 17 years of Real Estate experience can imagine that I have many previous clients I am still in contact with ... Whether it be on the phone or running into them around Nampa Idaho... Today caught me a bit off guard... First was a phone call from a gentleman who I sold a home to about 2 years ago.....His comment was "I know you were busy last time I talked to you ..... do you have time to meet with us..." Needless to say I was thrilled to hear from him .... with life changes he may need to sell now... and yes I do have time for him.... I next visited a wonderful little place that I like to go and re...
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
  Shop ‘til you drop at the 2012 Canyon County Women’s Council of Realtors Trade Fair! Thursday, March 1, 2012 from 4-8 o’clock in the evening Hampton Inn & Suites at the Idaho Center in Nampa from 4-8 o’clock in the evening Admission is FREE! (Dinner Available at $15.00 each with RSVP) This is definitely  “Where it all comes Together”! National  WCR President Bobbie Nelson Will be on hand to meet all who attend!!!  What a privilege!!   We have Real Estate Industry Professionals on hand, such as…  Building Specs Home Inspections                           Coldwell Banker Tomlinson Group Coleman Homes                                                       HouseMasters Home Inspections Landmark Home Warranty                                     Pioneer Title Co. Real Property Management     ...
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
March 1.....In like a Lion....and we are Hoping Out Like a Lamb....   As many of you, we have had  a very mild winter... But is March 1st.... And living up to the saying....In Like a Lion...and out like a Lamb... In Nampa Idaho we woke up to snow.... And now it is snowing harder  than when I took the first picture... But the snow should let up by 11 am....according to our local weathermen who are always right!!!     I will admit that I don't mind a bit of is actually pretty...and a bit of a novelty as Nampa only gets 10-12 inches of precipitation per year.... I just don't like dealing with other drivers out there.....who don't know how to drive in the snow!!! I am looking forward to the spring weather ...and all of the spring flowers.... So here is hoping that the L...
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By Jake Conklin
(The Conklin Team )
College of Western Idaho VisionThe College of Western Idaho provides affordable, quality teaching and learning opportunities for all to excel at learning for life. Mission: Purpose and Constituent GroupThe College of Western Idaho is a public, open-access, and comprehensive community college committed to providing affordable access to quality teaching and learning opportunities to the residents of its service area in western Idaho.                  For mor infomation about registration, class offerings, and locations check out Another reason to call the Greater Boise Idaho area your home!
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By Kasey & John Boles, Boise & Meridian, ID Ada/Canyon/Gem/Boise Counties
(Jon Gosche Real Estate, LLC -
0 Orchard Ave., Nampa ID 83651 $250,000 PRICE REDUCED! $225,000! For more pictures and information check out 9.93 Acres in Path of Growth. Possible Commercial or Low Density Housing Development. Future comprehensive plan has property shown as low density housing, but could possibly be re-zoned for commercial use. Please do your own due diligence with the city and county to find out what possibilities there may be. Great opportunity in a fantastic location near Edwards Cinema, Karcher Mall, Nampa/Caldwell Blvd and many housing developments. Property frontage is on Middleton Rd.
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
The sky fell today....well actually it was just the very much anticipated snow... From our office we can see the remnants of the storm this afternoon. Here in the Treasure Valley we had got no snow to speak of in a long time..... since December 2010!!! Doesn't do much for those that sell snow shovels.... In Nampa we only get an average of 12 inches of precipitation per year.... That is part of why we are referred to as the Treasure Valley... We have all 4 seasons and other than very hot summers our temperatures are pretty mild.   We got good news that Bogus Basin Ski Resort will be opening tomorrow... I think that the Louder for Powder fundraiser worked.... (actually it was tonight and the snow started falling this morning!!) We were predicted to have got between 4-8 inches of snow duri...
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
I have been working on my Facebook Business Page off and on all year long....some months more so than others... But I am at 96 "likes" and would love to get to 100 by the end of the year... Since the end of the year is coming up rather quickly..... This is a shameless act of begging.....can you please "Like" my Bzy Bee Real Estate Page??? I know that Facebook is a love/hate thing with many of you .... I do have my 2 business pages...BzyBee Real Estate and Things to Do In and Around Nampa Idaho And both pages have grown in the past year however... I get far more of my leads from my main Facebook personal page... I have reconnected with so many folks I knew from High School.... The key, in my opinion, is that you need to have both to differentiate and not bore your friends to death....but...
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By Deborah Byron Leffler BzyBee Real Estate Lady!
(Keller Williams Realty Boise)
What is the market doing in Canyon County .....Nampa Idaho?   Below is a chart with all sorts of information to explain what our market is doing... As many of you have seen in TV commercials... Real Estate is Local.... Our Market is a Sellers Market... The above chart has so much information....where to start.... If we look at the total number of homes sold in Canyon County we can see that we are just short of 3000 homes sold in the past 12 months.... The average price of a home sold in 2011 is $85,862 compared to 2010 where the average price was $85,323 72.2% of the homes sold were Distressed....(short sales or REO/Bank Owned Properties)    This actually makes a seller who has equity in their home have a very good chance of selling their home.    Buyers are fed up with the long process...
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