Smyrna GA Short Sale Success
By Elva Branson-Lee, Marketing Specialist, Atlanta Short Sale Pr
(Best Atlanta)
Smryna GA short sale success report: Over the past few years of assisting Georgia home sellers to achieve successful short sales, I’ve received a lot of appreciative emails. I’ve quite a collection now, and thought it good to begin sharing them on my blog. This one is from the seller of a lakeside rental property short sale in Smyrna, GA. I hope, Dear Reader, you will be encouraged to give me a call if you need relief from an unaffordable mortgage. Maybe I can help you (or someone you know) with your Smyrna GA short sale, too. “Concerning the short sale of my Smyrna, GA town home, first, "THANK YOU" for all your hard work. You were very kind and accommodating to get this sale done. You saved my life. I appreciate you and will certainly recommend you to any potential buyers or sel...