Saddle Bridge (Johns Creek, GA)
By Deborah Weiner, "Your Journey To Home"
Saddle Bridge is located in the City of Johns Creek, North Fulton County 30022. Saddle Bridge is located just East of Jones Bridge off of Taylor Rd. The average list price for a home in Saddle Bridge is between $121,000 to $279,900. Most homes built between 1995 to 1997. Most homes have between 3 to 5 bedrooms & 2 to 3.5 bathrooms. Homes & Real Estate For Sale In Saddle Bridge The average selling price for a home, at time of post, is $228,290.00. Schools At Time Of Post Elem: State Bridge Crossing Middle: Taylor High: Chattahoochee Home Owner Association fees, at time of post, are $125.00 a year. The neighborhood does not have a pool or tennis courts. More Real Estate Homes For Sale In 30022-Johns Creek / Alpharetta-Built 1995 to New Streets in the community include Saddle Bridge Drive,...
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