Cantonment Rotary: Today's Program Our Own Tech Guru Tony Lee
By Charles Stallions, 850-476-4494 - Pensacola, Pace or Gulf Breeze, Fl.
(Charles Stallions Real Estate Services )
News about Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) dominates news and social media. What is it all about?Today’s speaker, Tech Guru Tony Lee,Tony provided insight into how to use A.I. to enhance your work performance. He will show us how A.I. can be used in business, from spreadsheets to writing a business letter to using A.I. with Microsoft Products. The program will be improved with a live demonstration showing the speed and ease of the many A.I. faucets.As our newer members may not know, Rotary has always championed the value of Vocational Education/Training. The Rotary calendar has a month (January) designated explicitly for emphasis.Rotary was started by four business people who wanted to help the city of Chicago. It has morphed into a worldwide philanthropic organization, topped by no one ...