Whether you are buying or selling property in Venice ,Sarasota, Englewood, North Port, Nokomis, Port Charlotte & Punda Gorda: I offer you expertise as resident here since 1991.
A full-service brokerage providing Real Estate & Family Planning, Probate, and Relocation services. A professional resource to the Venice/Sarasota, FLORIDA SUNCOAST market!
12 Important Things Sellers Must Do After Closing on a Home Selling a home and moving into a new home is stressful at times, even if your family members, friends and your REALTOR® or hired people help you to pack and clean. The following are 12 important things sellers must remember to do after closing on a home. 1. Utilities Companies – contact your electric, water and gas companies to close your accounts and disconnect the services, so that they will have your final reading of the usage for payments as well as to refund your deposits. 2. Cable & internet service – to remove your modem or the box to the cable company to avoid un-returned box charges. 3. Air condition service - if you have a maintenance service contract ask them if it is transferable, othe...
Happy Easter, 2014 - Around the World Wishing all my friends, readers from around the world, staff members of Activerain and their families to have a Happy Easter 2014! Jesus is Alive! The Lord is Risen!!! Thank you Jesus for giving us a new life… May you and your families enjoy the celebration with hope, joy, love, peace and a wonderful meal. Happy Easter, Languages from Around the World · Chinese - 复活节快乐 · French - joyeuses Pâques · Filipino - Maligayang Pasko ng Pagkabuhay · German - Frohe Ostern · Irish - Cáscasásta · Italian - Buona Pasqua · Nigeria - barka daEaster · Portuguese - feliz Páscoa · Ru...
Big Deal or No Big Deal - You Decide This post is inspired by Debbie Reynolds’s ActiveRain challenge on “A Really Big Deal or No Big Deal " About ten years ago, I helped a small business owner selling his business in Sarasota County, Florida. The listing went under contract quickly, due diligence was done on time, buyer was satisfied with the report and everyone in the transaction was excited and happy. However, a week before closing the buyer got cold feet, walked away and lost his escrow deposit. And the seller also decided to withdraw the listing. After all the effort and the time spent, it was wasted for nothing because no closing no pay. Is it a Big deal or no big deal? A few years later I received a call and the caller said “Do you remember me, I am…. I want to inv...
Bougainvillea, Florida Gardening Bougainvillea is named after Louis Antoine de Bougainville, a French scientist, lawyer and explorer whose name also graces an island in the South Pacific. Its bracts have a showy beautiful variety of colors that stand out from the crowd, and make it popular in landscaping design. The papery leaves are called bracts, and flowers are in many different colors, including magenta, pink, purple, red, salmon, variegated, white and yellow. The bracts which surround the tiny white flowers are three sided and provide a protective enclosure. It is also referred to as paper flower. The branches have spiky thorns and may grow from 3 to 40 feet. There are dwarf bougainvillea, shrubs and vines. The dwarf variety is slow growing and the shrub and vine are fast...
Venice FL – 26th Annual Consumer Expo – Organized by VACC It is the time again for the free 26th annual Consumer Expo event in Venice FL. It is organized by VACC – Venice Area Chamber of Commerce with media sponsors: the Herald Tribune Media Group and Clear Chanel Media & Entertainment. 26th Annual Consumer Expo All are welcome – young and seniors to this event. It will take place on Friday and Saturday, October 4 & 5, 2013. It opens from 9:00am to 3:00pm on both days. It is a free event - no admission, free parking and free information as well as $100 free gift by lucky draw 5 times a day – best of all you are not required to buy anything or to be present to win. The show is located at Venice Community Center at 326 S Nokomis Ave. Venice FL 34285. For more information please ca...
Plumbago (Plumbago auriculata) – Florida Gardening Plumbago is a native plant to Florida, and is also found in South Africa. It’s name means lead in Latin (the Plumbago auriculata plant was once used to treat lead poisoning). It is a tender fast growing shrub and blooms with clusters of blue or white flowers. Plumbago Florida Gardening Plumbagos like full sunlight, well drained enriched soils, and do not like salt. Many people use them as a border, along the drive way as low hedges, or as stand-alone a specimen. They are popular plants in Southwest Florida. The plant will grow to 5 feet, however it can easily be pruned from 2 to 4 feet tall to keep the plant in shape, encourage new growth, and blooms. It has green leaves which are about 2 inches long. The flowers have ...
Sawgrass Venice FL Real Estate Market Snapshot – 2nd Quarter 2013 Real estate market snapshot for homes in Sawgrass Venice FL is provided by Kwee Huset Realty for your over view of how homes for sale performed during the 2nd quarter 2013. Sawgrass is a stable gated golf community. Currently there are (click to see) 2 properties listed for sale 3 were listed in the 2nd quarter 2013, 0 are pending and 12 properties were sold. All were regular resale. The highest sold price was $473,000, the average sold price $393,775, the median sold price was $389,650 and the lowest sold price $295,000. Compared to last year’s 2nd quarter, the highest sold price $420,000 went up 12.61% to $473,000 in 2013. The lowest sold price $285,000 went up 3.5% to 295,000 in 2013. The average sol...