Port Orange Florida Homes For Sale $150K to $250K
By Joyce M. Marsh, Joyce Marsh Homes & Design
(Luxury Home Couture)
Port Orange Real Estate UpdateHomes Currently For Sale in Port Orange Floridapriced $150,000 to $250,000 There are currently 131 Port Orange Single Family Homes For Salepriced between $150,000 and $250,000 that are active listings on the market.SEARCH Port Orange MLS Listings Under 250K Port Orange Real Estate is a currently a very active market especially in this price range There are currently 57 pending sales $150,000- $250,000 in Port Orange 73 homes sold in Port Orange with List Prices between $150K-$250K in the past 90 Days There are many beautiful communities located throughout Port Orange, Florida which is in Volusia County. The location is perfectly situated along the Florida coast. High rated Schools, great shopping and restaurants, close proximity to the beach, parks, sp...