Central Park (Port Orange, FL)
By Joyce M. Marsh, Joyce Marsh Homes & Design
(Luxury Home Couture)
Low Cost Ideas to Boost your Curb Appeal and Sell your Home Faster.Everyone knows that it is Spring and along with Spring come Buyers!There is something about the burst of flowers, the energy of spring, that sparks the Buyer Rush each spring.  When your home makes a great first impression, everyone will want to see the inside!Here are some low cost tips for Improving your Home's Curb Appeal*Pressure Clean everything! Driveway, Sidewalks, Pool Decks*Clean...Clean...Clean - The Windows, Gutters, Doors, Trim, Porch*Paint Your Front Door, Trim & Shutters *Patch and Seal Driveway Cracks*Upgrade your Mailbox or paint*Add New Front Door Hardware*Add Window Boxes or Container Gardens*Trim All Hedges, Trees & Improve the landscaping as needed*Update your Flower Beds with color and mulch*Replace ...
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