Submitting REO Offer Tips
By Janet Fetterman, Selling Luxury Lifestyles...
(Royal Shell Real Estate Inc)
When submitting your offers to an REO agent, put in your contract that you are to receive copies of the negotiation worksheet. This will insure that your buyer has proof that their offer was submitted and what date and time that offer was submitted. If they bulk on this, go to their broker as you would be given the right to present your offer face to face on behalf of your buyer, you have a right to prove that their contract has been presented to the seller and negotiated. The banks have no problem rejecting contracts in writing to provide proof. Note: in my 10+ years experience as an REO Veteran, when there are multiple contracts, the 3 dozen clients I've worked with have always, ALWAYS, stopped negotiations and asked for a highest and best from ALL parties and resumed negotiations wi...