Esplanade Iii (Marco Island, FL)
By Colleen Irwin, Creative Real Estate Solutions...
Ok, why is a Realtor from Celebration Florida writing about Marco Island?  Because I used to work and live on Marco Island and I still have ties to the community!    This week I posted a few articles about Marco Island and as a regular feature David Podgursky posted too!The Olde Marco Island Inn & Suites and Marco Beach Ocean Resort are two Condo Hotels on Marco Island.Rising in popularity is an alternative to timeshares - Condo Hotels. Condo Hotel are rising in popularity, especially in areas like ours!  Read more at Marco Island | What is a Condo Hotel?  Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARM) are not very unpopular right now thanks to the media bashing them.  To make things worse, they currently (August 31, 2007) have higher rates than Fixed Rate Mortgages.   Read more at Florida Mortgage | ...
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Marco Island, FL Real Estate Professionals