
Jacksonville Beach, FL Real Estate News

By Carol Zingone, Global Realtor in Jax Beach, FL - ABR, CRS, CIPS
(Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Florida Network Realty)
I'm sure you know what I'm talking about... BLOGGING! I realize I'm writing this in the afternoon, but typically, I prefer to blog in the morning.  It's part of my schedule of waking up: coffee, Active Rain, then off to work. The gym used to be part of my morning routine, that has shifted since I started working out with a trainer Monday & Wednesday nights.  So...when do you do it?   
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By Pam Graham, Jacksonville, Clay & St Johns Counties
(All Real Estate Options)
  Photo of the Week This was taken at Jacksonville Beach Florida. Look at how blue the water is. I love seeing those colors.  There were alot of people out enjoying the beach today, and many lifeguards out watching the water, always alert. We were close to the Jacksonville pier and not far from the Lifeguard station, which is next to Joe’s Crab Shack.     Originally Posted at: Northeast Florida Life
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By Carol Zingone, Global Realtor in Jax Beach, FL - ABR, CRS, CIPS
(Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Florida Network Realty)
I know everyone is ready for a day off to celebrate our Independence this Thursday, and Jacksonville Beach is a popular destination.  To improve public safety, and facilitate increased traffic both to and from the beaches, Jacksonville Beach has the following roadway closures you should be aware of before you come out to the beach:  To increase safety and keep traffic moving after the fireworks follow the traffic routes listed below SR A1A will have the turning lanes blocked from 10th Avenue North, as far south as 16th Avenue South. Beach Boulevard will have limitations to Penman Road. The westbound right lane of Beach Boulevard approaching Penman Road will be a turn only lane onto Penman Road. The southbound right lane of Penman Road approaching Beach Boulevard will be a turn only lane...
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By Carol Zingone, Global Realtor in Jax Beach, FL - ABR, CRS, CIPS
(Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Florida Network Realty)
I knew our weather forecast was not great today, but still thoughts I could get some sun...however, I was later today then planned. Mother Nature had other plans iplaced for our local weather...and tha included much rain that came up very quickly...oh well, there is always another Sunday, right?    
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By Carol Zingone, Global Realtor in Jax Beach, FL - ABR, CRS, CIPS
(Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Florida Network Realty)
With the Fourth of July literally right around the corner, (and WHERE has the year gone?!), I wanted to update as to Jacksonville Beach fireworks. Last year, we didn't have fireworks here in Jacksonville Beach, due to an imbalance between visitors and police force. This year, Charlie Latham the Jax Beach mayor has promised we would have fireworks again, with an exended police presence to ensure public safety. There will be a different traffic pattern as well, I will post that information when I have it. Here is the schedule for July 4th in Jacksonville Beach, FL    July 4, 2013 - 12:00pm - 10:00pm Stars & Stripes at the Sea Walk Location:  Sea Walk Pavilion Celebrate Independence Day at the Sea Walk Pavilion.  Music, food & fun.  Kid's Zone.  Food Trucks.  Live music all day. Life musi...
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By Carol Zingone, Global Realtor in Jax Beach, FL - ABR, CRS, CIPS
(Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Florida Network Realty)
We have a new destination for sushi, Thai & Asian cuisine in Jacksonville Beach, Kamiya 86. Owned by the same people as Pacific Fusion in Ponte Vedra Beach, Kamiya 86 is fresh, bright, and they did an incredible job on the build out of the space. A long bar is at one of the dining room, the sushi bar is at another end, and there appear to one or two more private dining areas, separate from the main dining room, with drapery defining them. Every menu item we tried was fabulous, and so incredibly fresh. The next time you are in the mood for Asian, sushi or Thai, I highly recommend you visit Kamiya 86. They are open for lunch and dinner on the following schedule:  Mon-Thur:11am~2:30pm, 4:30pm~9:30pmFri-Sat:11am~2:30pm, 4:30pm~10:30pmSunday:4:30pm~9:30pm   Here's their website: http://kamiy...
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By Carol Zingone, Global Realtor in Jax Beach, FL - ABR, CRS, CIPS
(Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Florida Network Realty)
If I had known about this, I would have been out there cleaning up our local beaches!   As it was, I spent the day on the beach, and the surf in Atlantic Beach, FL, and am a little crispy right now.... Please, keep in mind whenever you visit, you should take with you everything your brought: most of our public beach accesses in Duval County have trash cans; a few have bathrooms and showers  as well. It's your beach too - help us keep it clean!  
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By Carol Zingone, Global Realtor in Jax Beach, FL - ABR, CRS, CIPS
(Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Florida Network Realty)
Those of us with pets, whether rescued or pure bred, tend to keep an eye on the local animal care centers. This story is so sweet, and really touched a chord in my heart (I fostered a litter of 5 a year and a half ago, and adopted one, Stoli), as it's so important for the entire community to be aware of these kinds of things. Kitten University is the only neo-natal kitten university, and provides homes and care for homeless, underage kittens. KU helps them get to the the eight week period and reach 2 pounds, so they can be adopted.  You can read the full story here: And, that is Stoli in the pic above, trying to fit into my suitcase!
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By Carol Zingone, Global Realtor in Jax Beach, FL - ABR, CRS, CIPS
(Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Florida Network Realty)
Here are the May homes sold in Jacksonville Beach, FL. This report includes all single family homes, and do not include any condominiums.    May 2013 Homes Sold:                                             11 Highest Sold Price:                                    $524,000 Lowest Sold Price:                                     $79,90 Highest Sold Days On Market:                    107 Lowest Sold Days On Market:                     0        Average Index of Sold Price/List Price:        100%+ Here are the same statistics for May 2012, for comparison:        May 2012 Homes Sold:                                              Highest Sold Price:                                    $1,237,000 Lowest Sold Price:                                     $537,300 Highest Sold Days On Market:         ...
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By Carol Zingone, Global Realtor in Jax Beach, FL - ABR, CRS, CIPS
(Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Florida Network Realty)
This is a wonderful feel-good story about turning a vacant city owned lot into a produce producing garden.   How many of us have seen or see vacant lots that are overgrown, unattractive, and unproductive?  This is a fabulous idea to turn currently unproductive land into productive land. The families that are served by BEAM have always appreciated fresh produce, and this is a wonderful way to be able for BEAM to provide fresh produce.  You can read the full article here:
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By Carol Zingone, Global Realtor in Jax Beach, FL - ABR, CRS, CIPS
(Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Florida Network Realty)
If you are listing your home currently, or getting ready to? Chances are you will need to fill out a seller's disclosure. A seller's disclosure in Northeast Florida is a five page form asking for details of your home to provide to the buyer. It's a report card of sorts, asking for what types of improvements and issues you have had during the time you've owned your home.  Items include:  Any plumbing problems. All appliances, including makes, that are staying in the house. Age of HVAC units, dates of replacement. Existence of termite bond and with what company.  While it may seem a bit exhaustive to fill out, it's vital to be as complete as possible.  Why? A complete seller's disclosure is the first thing I ask for when a buyer is interested in a property, and I prefer they be in the onl...
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By Sharon Alters, Realtor - Homes for Sale Fleming Island FL
(Coldwell Banker Vanguard Realty - 904-673-2308)
This is the last week for the HGTV Smart House Tour at Paradise Key in South Beach at Jacksonville Beach! HGTV chose Paradise Key to build its first ever Smart House and The Beaches Museum & History Park was selected to conduct the tours. For $20 a person, you can take a tour of this house and enter for a chance to win this amazing new home!  The HGTV Smart Home features a home automation system that includes honey comb louvred shades that operate electronically and protect the home from UV rays for furniture and interior. Smart technology allows automated and remote operation of appliances, security systems, lighting, electronics and heating/cooling systems. The home's interior is also very intriguing, with the use of drapery to open and separate spaces for either a more wide-open feel...
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By Carol Zingone, Global Realtor in Jax Beach, FL - ABR, CRS, CIPS
(Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Florida Network Realty)
Matt "Rasta" Gray Memorial, Jacksonville Beach, FL  This is an annual surf & skateboard challenge to honor a Fletcher High School grad who passed away, with scholarships awarded to the best surfer and best skateboarder.  The competition is held annually in April, and takes place at a local skateboard park, and the Atlantic Ocean: where else would we hold a surf competition??? Matt excelled at both surfing and skateboarding, and worked at a local skate shop at the time he passed.   He was so competent at his skills that he was nationally sponsored at the age of 12, and a well known figure at the Beaches.  Many of you may not live in coastal areas where this kind of scholarship is awarded, and, honestly, I was completely unaware of it until last night at Fletcher High's graduation.  Why ...
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By Carol Zingone, Global Realtor in Jax Beach, FL - ABR, CRS, CIPS
(Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Florida Network Realty)
Florida Surfing Association Grom Fest Series, Jacksonville Beach, FL  This is an annual series of three separate surfing competitions for Groms (also known as young surfers).  The Florida Surfing Association was created in 2003 as an organized body for surfing.  Their mission is to further the sport of surfing, and to offer programs the encompass their passion for surfing the enrichment of surfers through the sport.  The FSA offers monthly contests with experienced, qualified judges, a well-organized 4-man heat format, rankings to compete in state championships and additional instruction of both beginner and professional athletes. The FSA has partnerships with Surfers for Autism & the Special Olympics to give kids a chance for social engagement and healthy activity while in the water. T...
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By Carol Zingone, Global Realtor in Jax Beach, FL - ABR, CRS, CIPS
(Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Florida Network Realty)
City of Jacksonville Beach, Moonlight Movies, Summer 2013   One of the best things about summer is our Moonlight Movies.  Shown at the oceanfront bandshell, it's  fabulous family friendly oceanfront environment. Famlies come to spread out blankets and they can bring food for their kids, as well as non-alcoholic beverages.  This is the site also known as Latham Plaza, named after a prior mayor of Jacksonville Beach. His son is our current mayor, continuing the tradition of being a family friendly community.    Moonlight Movies in Jacksonville Beach, FL has been a summer tradition for a 12 years and is one of the highlights of summer living in our oceanfront community. The movie schedule is shown below; please keep in mind, should the weather turn inclement, there are no covered viewing ...
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By Carol Zingone, Global Realtor in Jax Beach, FL - ABR, CRS, CIPS
(Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Florida Network Realty)
How much time should I schedule to see a house? It depends! It depends on so many factors, including:  Your schedule. Are you coordinating with your spouse and kid's schedules? Sometimes it's best to see the house first, without the kids present as they can distract you from the house itself.  The seller's schedule. Some sellers have requirements for advance notice of showings on their home. These can vary from 2 hours to 24 hours.  And, with the Memorial Day weekend coming up, they may have out of town company, and request no showings for that weekend.  Your agent's schedule.  As Realtors, we have busy schedules, just as you do. And, just like yours, we may have last minute changes. Letting your agent know a few days in advance, especially if you intend to see more than one home is goo...
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By Carol Zingone, Global Realtor in Jax Beach, FL - ABR, CRS, CIPS
(Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Florida Network Realty)
  Zeta, Jacksonville Beach, FL We here in Jacksonville Beach are familiar with new restaurants coming into our oceanfront community - as the largest of the three Jacksonville beach towns (to the immediate north is Neptune Beach, and north of that is Atlantic Beach), we have the most commercial space, so we have more opportunity for new restaurants.  Zeta took over the space formerly occupied by Urban Flats, and employs a similar menu: toothy appetizers (including fried 4 cheese ravioli), flatbreads, salads, burgers, and artisan pizza.  We enjoyed the fried cheese ravioli as an appetizer, and ordered the Caprese flatbread (basil, tomato & fresh mozzarella on whole wheat flatbread) and the Shrimp & Chorizo flatbread - which were both awesome.  Trendy & urban, with a terrific location for ...
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By Carol Zingone, Global Realtor in Jax Beach, FL - ABR, CRS, CIPS
(Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Florida Network Realty)
  HGTV Smart Home Public Tours, Paradise Key, Jacksonville Beach, FL  If you would like to tour the HGTV Smart Home being built in Paradise Key, Jacksonville Beach, FL, you can do so up until 6/2/13. Located in South Jacksonville Beach, the HGTV Smart Home has certainly created a buzz in our area. I live close by and was able to walk close to it before they roped off all access points in preparation for the tours beginning. Filled with technology features designed to enhance daily living, as well to reduce your energy costs, this home features sustainable local landscaping; a pool; outdoor kitchen; 3 bedrooms with the owner's suite on the first floor, 2 other bedrooms & baths on the second, and the opportunity to finish out a guest suite on the second level of the garage. Tickets must b...
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By Carol Zingone, Global Realtor in Jax Beach, FL - ABR, CRS, CIPS
(Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Florida Network Realty)
HGTV Smart Home, Paradise Key, Jacksonville Beach, FL I toured the Smart Home this past week, and it is more amazing in person that online.  Loaded with features that help monitor energy usage, the technology can really reduce the monthly utility bills, without sacrificing human comfort. The features include:  Whole home automation, including security, lighting, pool & entertainment control can be controlled via two tablets, that can be used anywhere in the house.  Lighting and shades can be scheduled according to the owner's personal preferances; so one can schedule the shades on the west side to come down at 12 noon each day, for example.  All door locks can be remotely locked and unlocked via the tablet or other web enabled device.  Security cameras can be operated remotely as well, ...
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By Carol Zingone, Global Realtor in Jax Beach, FL - ABR, CRS, CIPS
(Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Florida Network Realty)
HGTV's Smart Home in Jacksonville Beach is just about ready to make it's formal debut. It's being built right around the corner from my own house, so I pass it quite frequently.  Paradise Key is located on Jacksonville Drive, close to 3rd Street/A1A South in Jacksonville Beach, and a short walk to the ocean. The 2400 SF home features 3 bedrooms, 3 1/2 baths, and 1000 SF of decks and patios. I love that the home is designed to be environmentally friendly, with a natural landscape plan that has NO LAWN! I'm not sure when the tours start, but there will be a fee for each tour, which will benefit the Beaches Museum & History Park. You can read more about the HGTV Smart Home in Paradise Key, Jacksonville Beach here:
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