Foreclosure du Jour/Close to the Beach
By LLoyd Nichols, Southwest Florida Homes By The Sea
(Premier Florida Realty)
3 bedroom/2 bath home, tile throughout. Where: Fort Myers Beach, Florida. Fort Myers Beach, which occupies all of skinny Estero Island, offers just as much sun and sand as you can wish for along with a laid back lifestyle. Old-fashioned beach cottages are still prevalent. Narrow Matanzas Pass leads into broad Estero Bay, which separates the island from the mainland. While the pass is the area's largest commercial fishing port "fresh off the boat" is fresh off the boat), the bay is an official state aquatic preserve inhabited by a host of birds as well as manatees, dolphins, and other sea life. Nature cruises go forth onto this lovely protected bay, which is dotted with islands. Terms: Foreclosure listed at $202,950. LLoyd Nichols Realtorlloydn@aol.comSandals Realtycell: 239-810-29...