
East Fort Myers, FL Real Estate News

By LLoyd Nichols, Southwest Florida Homes By The Sea
(Premier Florida Realty)
3 bedroom/2 bath home, tile throughout. Where:  Fort Myers Beach, Florida.  Fort Myers Beach, which occupies all of skinny Estero Island, offers just as much sun and sand as you can wish for along with a laid back lifestyle.  Old-fashioned beach cottages are still prevalent.   Narrow Matanzas Pass leads into broad Estero Bay, which separates the island from the mainland. While the pass is the area's largest commercial fishing port "fresh off the boat" is fresh off the boat), the bay is an official state aquatic preserve inhabited by a host of birds as well as manatees, dolphins, and other sea life. Nature cruises go forth onto this lovely protected bay, which is dotted with islands. Terms:  Foreclosure listed at $202,950. LLoyd Nichols Realtorlloydn@aol.comSandals Realtycell: 239-810-29...
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By Joe Kendall Broker, It's Always best to talk to "Broker Joe"
(Keller Williams Elite Realty )
              Joe Kendall, Realtor with Sandals Realty a Waterfront & Foreclosure Specialist writes, Southwest Florida has some of the very best is Golf Courses and Golf Course Condo Living in all of Southwest Florida. Now is the time to buy your vacation home or retirement home on or near one of our many  public Golf Courses in southwest Florida. Fort Myers is home to many great golf Courses! Listed below are just a few of the most popular courses in my mind, some of these have condo's located on and around these courses. Prices of golf course condos are at almost a 6 year low with many being offered as bank owned, foreclosure property. Now is the time to live and play on the links of southwest Florida! Call or email me today for a complete list of Condos for sale in Southwest Florida!...
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By Chris Griffith, Bonita Springs Listing Specialist - Agent
(Downing-Frye Realty, Bonita Springs, FL)
Tonight I ran an errand with the Prada Purse (my dog that has cost as much as a Prada bag to keep alive).  We headed to Estero to check one of my listings in Colonial Oaks.  On the way back I cut down Williams Road and passed Estero High School.  **sigh**  Before I got to the train tracks I u-turned and headed back.  Beside the high shool is an area that is the back half of Estero Community Park.  It was put in a few years ago and is mostly the ball fields for Pop Warner sports.  The football players were out there in the rain, working it and doing their jobs!  (we have lightening sensors here, don't be too worried for them)  It struck me just then - that I never thought I'd be on this side of the field.  My kids grew up and I'm just some crazy old nag taking pictures of someone elses k...
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By Ray Higdon
(Forever Wealth Club)
Great Rental Income!!! Three duplexes in East Fort Myers. All three building have been refurbished including new roofs,updated electrical and plumbing. All units are currently rented with a total monthly income of $3150. Your price only $275,000 - Pics and More at  Ray HigdonRLH Holdings
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By LLoyd Nichols, Southwest Florida Homes By The Sea
(Premier Florida Realty)
Syd Kitson, the chairman and CEO of Kitson & Partners, the man who purchased 90,000 acres from the Babcock family, certainly has a formidable vision.  He is proposing to develop a self sub staining on 17,800 acres that would include 19,500 homes and up to 6 million square feet of office, retail and commercial space.That means that his plan is to preserve 81% of that land.S ome will be used for the public for biking, camping, and to carry on a responsible ecosystem area with the continuation of hunting and fishing and timbering and cattle operation, which will carry on with the same employees put in place from the original Babcock ranch family. In addition to being an astute businessman, as he sold back 75,000 acres to the state for 351 millions and $41,5 millions from Lee County for con...
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