Coconut Grove Population and Household Characteristics
By Riley Smith, Coconut Grove Specialist
(EWM Realty, International)
Today I thought I would post some recent population and household statistics for Coconut Grove (33133). Source: Claritas, 2009. Total Population Of Coconut Grove? 22,872 (Projected 5 Year Growth: 7%) Male to Female Ratio: 49.3% Male, 50.7% Female Total Adult Population? 83% (Median Age is 43) Race Origin: 48.9% Non-Hispanic White, 31.3% Hispanic, 17.3% Non-Hispanic Black, 1.1% Non-Hispanic Asian, 1.4% Non-Hispanic Other Education: 21% have had some college, 51% have graduated from colllege Marital Status: 34.1% Single (Never Married), 38.5% Married, 27.5% Divorced/Separated Language Spoken At Home: 63.1% English Only, 29.3% Spanish, 7.7% Other Occupation Status: 60.9% Employed, 3.4% Not Employed, 35.5% Not In Labor Force Occupation: 21% Executive/Managerial, 33% Professional and Spec...