There were 93 Single Family Homes Sold in Clermont Florida (Zip Code 34711) in November 2012. If you take a look at my Clermont Florida Market Report For October 2012, you will notice that closed Short Sales went up quite a bit. I attribute this to lenders working a little faster to get these short sales closed before the Debt Forgiveness Act expires on December 31, 2012. The good thing about this market report, is that traditional, non distressed homes are still the majority of the sales. Below are the average statistics: REO/Bank Owned: $143,886.00 or $78.99 per sq. ft. Short Sale: $148,900.00 or $65.20 per sq. ft. Traditional Sale: $191,357.00 or $90.90 per sq. ft. If you would like a market report for your particular neighborhood, please contact me and I will create one for...