Another Closing - This One Was An REO
By Barbara-Jo Roberts Berberi, MA, PSA, TRC - Greater Clearwater Florida Residential Real Estate Professional, Palm Harbor, Dunedin, Clearwater, Safety Harbor
(Charles Rutenberg Realty)
There was another closing and this one was an REO. As with most of the properties that banks own, the closing turned into a bit of a nightmare. There was a bond involved, two packages to be signed at the closing table and a courtesy closing at Integrity Title since the title company the bank chose was up in Destin. You get the idea, enough bumps in the road to get everyone involved exasperated! So here I am with my client who has only been in the country for 3 years and recently became a citizen, and Barbara Brownell from Integrity Title in Clearwater. At this point we ware all pleased that the signing was over......but it took several more hours before the paperwork that I had scanned and sent on to Bank of America (who did the mortgage and bond work for this closing) had approved ever...