How do you know when God is speaking to you?
By Charles Stallions, 850-476-4494 - Pensacola, Pace or Gulf Breeze, Fl.
(Charles Stallions Real Estate Services )
I have been wrestling with this for days and just cannot come up with a meaningful answer so I thought I would put it out to the Activerain Universe. I pray and read the bible every single day I pray for guidance and wisdom for the day mostly but here late I have made some awful decisions which I thought God was telling me to make. Now I am questioning whether it was for selfish reason of which I don't think so. How do you know? I have prayed for weeks over a deal that was profitable I mean really profitable but felt the Lord was not in it so I let it go now I see someone really make a lot of money and I am sick. But I have had it the other way to. Just so you know I am not greedy far from it I donate time, money and such in the 10's of thousands every year. So how do you know when G...