Fannie Mae Downgrades Forecasts
By Susan Isaacs | DC Real Estate Consultant, Partnering with: DOMOofCompass
(Compass | 1313 14th St NW DC 20005)
2025 Existing Home Sales Expected to Stay Near Historic Lows Mortgage enterprise Fannie Mae has revised its 2025-2026 forecasts for mortgage interest rates and housing sales. Housing Sales Projections Fannie Mae lowered its expectations for existing home sales to 4% for 2025, from its prior forecast of 11%. Fannie Mae’s downward revision is based on increased mortgage rates and other long-duration bonds over the past two weeks. The 2024 market pace is on track to end at a 30-year low. Existing home sale volume is forecast to increase to 17% in 2026, when affordability conditions are forecast to improve, the lock-in effect weakens, and pent-up demand builds. New home sales are forecast to continue their upward trajectory in 2025 and 2026, supported by homebuilder incentivizing for exi...