How do you get the Domino Chain Started?
By Ed Silva, 203-206-0754, Associate Real Estate Broker
(Mapleridge Realty, CT 203-206-0754 )
As kids we all had the set of dominos that we would set up all over the place just to see the trail when we started the action. Hours were expended trying to get just the right configuration so that when we were ready we would make the grand pronouncement and wait for the audience, usually our parents or friends, so that the first strike could be made. If we had the right number of dominoes, the chain reaction would commence and depending on our imagination the trail would snake it's way around the room, up over obstacles, through a hoop, and then at last the final peg would fall. Sounds a lot like our real estate business. I get email responses to my blogs from the readers in my database wanting to know why I talk so much about the opportunities in the larger towns and don't expend as ...