Plainville Fire Company 32nd Annual Hot Air Balloon Festival This Weekend
By George Souto, Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert
(George Souto NMLS #65149 )
The Plainville Fire Company 32nd Annual Hot Air Balloon Festival This Weekend. This festival is much more than just a Hot Air Balloon Festival, it is also an Outdoor Arts & Crafts Show as well.The Plainville Fire Company 32nd Annual Hot Air Balloon Festival This Weekend actually started today and will run through Sunday. The festival takes place at the Norton Park on South Washington Street in Plainville, CTIf you have never been up in a hot air balloon and would like to do so, this is your perfect oportunity. Below is a video and schedule of events for this weekend Plainville Fire Company 32nd Annual Hot Air Balloon Festival. ********************************************************************************************** Info about the author:George Souto NMLS# 65149 is a Loan Or...