How Agent John Doe Ruined the Neighborhood
By Charlie Dresen, Steamboat Springs, CO e-Pro
(The Group, Inc)
How Agent John Doe Ruined the Neighborhood. I will make several qualifications throughout this post. It occurred to me last night while browsing the MLS that each time I saw Realtor "x" name appear on a listing that the value of another neighborhood was about to drop. Yes, we all know of these agents, the one that get those bank owned listings. They alway bring the listing into the MLS to sell so they are priced low. And if it does not sell soon, the price drops, and drops. And now every home in that area suffers. But I get that. It has to happen. Nothing against this Realtor, they are just doing their job. But gosh it's just unsettling. Unfortunately, this Realtor has been very busy. They are solidly it the top 10% of production within the MLS. They are juggling many homes and doing ...