Video Blog: Real Estate is Local and Steamboat Springs is Improving
By Charlie Dresen, Steamboat Springs, CO e-Pro
(The Group, Inc)
Video Blog: Real Estate is Local and Steamboat Springs is Improving Being a Realtor here in Steamboat Springs, I read and keep a sharp eye on national and local real estate trends. Just this morning, I noticed that real estate values are booming in Southern California and Silicon Valley. Sure Case Shiller show real estate values dropping within most cities, but that doesn't mean all homes are going down. Prices are up 14% in Beverly Hills. If jobs are great in an area, or it's a desirable place to live, or you have fresh power to ski, real estate values can and will recover sooner than other markets. So I thought I'd do a little video blog about how and why it's important to know that real estate is local and what that means to buyers and sellers of Steamboat Springs Real Estate.