A Mountain Home is the Perfect Place for Inner Renewal
By Charlie Dresen, Steamboat Springs, CO e-Pro
(The Group, Inc)
A Mountain Home is the Perfect Place for Inner Renewal Sometimes the best thing for your body, mind and spirit is time in the mountains. The fresh mountain air, the sounds of birds singing and wind rustling the leaves on trees, stargazing without the interruption of city and street lights, and nature’s playground with its boundless opportunity for relaxing hikes and recreation are the perfect recipe for relaxation and rejuvenation. If you are looking for this kind of renewal, whether as a getaway a few times a year or full-time living, these two homes in north Routt county are perfect. 58035 Jupiter Place, Clark, CO 26805 Placer Place, Clark, CO Located just 25 minutes from Steamboat Springs, the quiet mountain town of Clark and surroundings offer year-round outdoor recreational activit...