
Henderson, CO Real Estate News

By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
I'm not usually known for trash talk.  But there's a new ordinance in Commerce City that breaks that rule- I've just gotta! Commerce City recently passed a new ordinance regarding trash and recycling receptacles.  If you've lived in our area for any length of time, you have no doubt seen run-away garbage cans being blown down the street. In an effort to beautify our neighborhoods (and protect our car doors and windshields!), the ordinance states that they must be kept out of public view, expect on collection days.  In residential areas, they must be kept behind a privacy fence, in a garage or enclosed storage area, completely away from public view.  They can be set out the night before collection, but must be put away within 24 hours of collection. Failure to properly store containers w...
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
  Don't Forget to Clear Your Walk- I learned this lesson the hard way...    Section 19-1 of the Commerce City Municipal Code is a ZERO Tolerance Ordinance   Exhausted, we pulled up to the front of our home, after an 18 hour cross country drive.  We had not stopped to rest overnight, preferring to get across Iowa and Nebraska in the frigid temps as quickly as possible.  We came home to plenty of snow.  We had been gone for over a week and had no idea when the snow came, or how many times it had snowed, but a makeshift path had developed on the sidewalk beside our house where people had gone on their daily sojourns.  I removed the "warning" slip from the city and the next day diligently shoveled our sidewalk.   Too little, too late.   About a month later came the court summons.  This was ...
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
Although 4th quarter is not yet done, there is plenty of information to share about the home sales in Belle Creek since October 1.   As your Belle Creek REALTOR®, I pride myself in keeping my neighborhood up to date on the activity in the neighborhood.  Here's a snap shot:   Since October 1, 2010- 6 Homes have sold! The average net sold price was $154,140.  (This price reflects the sold price minus any concessions or buyer down payment assistance) The average price per square foot of the sold properties was $92. Average time on market for the sold properties: 173 days. There are 3 properties under contract. There are 3 active properties. This data is for existing homes.  New construction by Oakwood Homes has not yet closed but has 5 pending sales.   While the sold prices are down, it i...
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
Belle Creek!  Hurry!  Call the Fire Department! How long do you think he can hold on?   So many of my neighbors have gotten into the Christmas Spirit this year.  You can see some of the beautiful light shows that I photographed by checking out my blog post "See the Lights in Belle Creek!"   Even better, take a drive or a walk after dark with the dog and the kids and see them for yourself.  This one gave my husband a double take!  He was leaving a friend's house and nearly starting running toward this house when he realized it's just a dummy! Don't forget to vote for your favorite Holiday Display at the Belle Creek Family Center by December 21.  The winner will be announced December 22 and will receive a $100 gift card!  Wow! Also, starting in January, the weekend hours for the Belle Cre...
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By The Richards Group, JD, ABR, GREEN, SFR, Denver CO Home & Real Estate
(CCP, LLC - Denver CO Home & Real Estate)
Henderson CO real estate is located in Adams County, Colorado, about 19 miles northeast of downtown Denver CO homes. Pictures will be added so check back soon! Henderson CO homes is a great place to call home. Check it out! Denver CO Home Search Henderson CO Home Search Nearby cities and towns: Brighton CO Homes 5 miles Thornton CO Homes 8 miles Commerce City CO Homes 10 miles Northglenn CO Homes 7 miles Looking to buy or sell a home in Henderson CO? Let me know how I can help!
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
Come see the Lights in Belle Creek!   I was driving through Belle Creek on my way home last night and I was truly amazed by the displays!  I thought my neighborhood pulled out all the stops for Halloween.   And then Christmastime came!  There are so many clever decorators here in Belle Creek.  I took some photos to share of just a few.   A Blue Christmas?  Hardly!  The lights on this home are aglow and "chase" each other across the front porch.  The rooftop lights are set to look like snow is sprinkling down onto the lower roof. Diamonds may have been Marilyn's best friend, but this Monroe style home on Belle Creek Boulevard is shimmering with red and white lights!   The competition is going to be tough this year at the house decorating contest!  Don't forget to cast your vote at the Be...
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
Belle Creek is alight with Christmas spirit!   Driving through the neighborhood, I am delighted to see how many homes are festooned with twinkling lights, animated figures, and abundant greenery!  This year's sleigh ride is bound to be a treat for all the kiddies- young and old. Have you entered the House Decorating Contest yet?  There's still time.   Head on over to the Belle Creek Family Center to sign up.  The cost is $5.  You could win $100! Don't forget that that Santa will be listening to the Christmas wishes of all of you good little girls and boys at the Belle Creek Christmas Holiday Tradition.  We are so very lucky that he was able to take time out of his busy schedule to stop by!   See you there this Saturday at 6:30!
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
  Where  in the world is Henderson, Colorado? I get this question all the time!  People seem to think that this small town must be somewhere way out on the eastern plains of Colorado, or on the border of Wyoming.  They are shocked when I report that it takes me 15 minutes to get from my home in Henderson to Lower Downtown Denver. So here are the facts: HistoryIn 1859, John D "Colonel Jack" Henderson bought an island on the South Platte River in a bar for the sum of two barrels of whiskey.  He set about building a trading post, cow corral, a bridge, and a hotel.  Also on the island was a ranch house. Colonel Jack sold provisions and food to gold seekers heading up the South Platte during the Pike's Peak Gold Rush.  At this time, Henderson Island Station was a part of Kansas Territory and...
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
Here's a great one of the kiddos sledding on a snow day.  It's not from this year (not enough snow- boo!), but it always makes me smile.  Enjoy!  
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
Belle Creek's First Turkey Bowl! I am so excited to announce the first ever Belle Creek Turkey Bowl!  Come on out at 8am on Thanksgiving Thursday morning and join your neighbors for a fun filled morning of Flag Football. Flag Football in Belle Creek! The game is open to anyone 18 years or older.  We will be having two 20-minute halves.  Grab your friends and family and head on over to the multi purpose field on the south side of the Family Center. See you there!
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
You know how it feels when you eat too much candy?     Well, don't just toss it out!  Did you know there are soldiers overseas just starving for a taste of Home?   The Belle Creek Family Center is going to package up all that extra candy and send it to Operation Gratitude.  Now through November 15, you can bring it into the Family Center at Belle Creek and they'll make sure it gets put into Holiday Goodie Bags for our troops.  (Click on the link to find out more about Operation Gratitude- no matter where you live)   The Belle Creek Halloween parade and party was a resounding success, so I KNOW there's a lot of candy out there.  (I ran out in the first 30 minutes of the parade, myself.  I then resorted to handing out pennies....)   Popular entries into the parade included several Buzz Li...
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
My husband tells a story about his parents back in the 70s.  He can remember them arguing over a sign that his father was going to affix to an oak tree in their yard.  His mother was having nothing doing! The content of the sign?  "DON'T VOTE!  IT ONLY ENCOURAGES THEM!" It's a funny story.  But that was then. Now, it is imperative that we all exercise our RIGHT TO VOTE!   I don't care what party you prefer.  Just make sure your voice gets heard!! You've got 12 whole hours to do it!  And it's right here in Belle Creek!
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
Belle Creek Halloween Magic:  Come to the Family Center this Sunday, October 31st at 1 p.m.  Bring your Goblins and Ghouls to the Belle Creek Central Park to trick or treat around the square!  Locals Witches and Warlocks will be opening their enchanted chariots to distribute an abundance of tricks and treats! There will be a parade, costume contest…with great prizes, magic show, milk and cookies.  Don’t forget to bring money for great raffle prizes. We have indoor skydiving, a two night’s stay at a 3-bedroom cabin in Estes Park and more.    
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
On a run in the late summer, I noticed something new in Belle Creek.  A football team!  Boys of many different ages groups were gathered with their coach, running plays, doing pushups, and learning the fundamentals. Soon after, when the Belle Creek Playground was being installed, neighbors volunteered their hours to help with the installation.  Namely, spreading 2 semis'-worth of mulch under the newly installed equipment.  Shortly after I got there, I noticed something impressive.  The football team and their coach were leading the efforts!   Henderson Hawks Get the Fundamentals   I soon found out that these were the Henderson Hawks, lead by Chad Weinand (Coach Chad).  I spoke with the coach to find out more about the team, the league, and what makes the Colorado Youth Football Associa...
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
As I sit here in my office overlooking Belle Creek's expansive central park, the rain is whipping at my window in gusts.  Lighting is flashing with thunder not far behind, and my dog has positioned herself under my desk, atop my feet. It reminds me that Fall is here and Winter is on the way! Upcoming Events for Fall and Winter It’s one of my favorite times of year in Belle Creek.  Starting in October, there are so many fun things to do with the whole family!   Boo on You!   The Halloween Parade will start at 1pm on October 31st.  Bring your goblins and ghouls to the Belle Creek Central Park to trick or treat around the square.  Local witches and warlocks will be opening their enchanted chariots to distribute and abundance of tricks and treats!  (Volunteer to pass out treats from your v...
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