A NEW Ordinance in Commerce City: Trash Talkin'
By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
I'm not usually known for trash talk. But there's a new ordinance in Commerce City that breaks that rule- I've just gotta! Commerce City recently passed a new ordinance regarding trash and recycling receptacles. If you've lived in our area for any length of time, you have no doubt seen run-away garbage cans being blown down the street. In an effort to beautify our neighborhoods (and protect our car doors and windshields!), the ordinance states that they must be kept out of public view, expect on collection days. In residential areas, they must be kept behind a privacy fence, in a garage or enclosed storage area, completely away from public view. They can be set out the night before collection, but must be put away within 24 hours of collection. Failure to properly store containers w...