Stat Shot- by Jennifer Prestwich, your Dunes Park and Belle Creek REALTOR®
By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
Neighborhood Market Data There are currently 21 Available homes in Belle Creek and Dunes Park. 9 of these homes are existing homes; 12 are Oakwood homes-5 of the Oakwood homes are available for move-in. There are currently 10 Under Contract homes in Belle Creek and Dunes Park. Since January 1, there have been a total of 7 homes sold. There were 4 detached single family homes sold in Belle Creek, and 3 in Dunes Park. The average Price per Square Foot of all homes sold was $90. The average Days on Market was 108. The average price for all homes sold was $181,300. In both Belle Creek and Dunes Park, homes are selling at an average rate of 1.6 per month. This represents a market that slightly favors sellers in both neighborhoods.