
Henderson, CO Real Estate News

By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
Belle Creek Monthly Market Minute January 2013 by Jennifer Prestwich REALTOR® Home sales in Belle Creek for January continued with the seasonal slowing noted in December.  The winter months are traditionally a slower time of year for home sales.  This winter, we are experiencing a tremendous contraction in available home inventory.  As a result, Belle Creek is continuing to see a welcome increase in prices and decrease in days on market. The turnover rate in Belle Creek for January is 8.3%.   This is a significant increase over December's 7.4%.   This is also a huge year over year increase from January 2012's 5.7%.  Yet again, this means is that people who are entering the Belle Creek real estate market are actually selling their homes.   Average Days on Market for all Belle Creek homes...
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
2012 was an exciting year in the Belle Creek Real Estate Market.  At last, individual sellers entered the market and were able to sell their homes fairly quickly and at better prices than we’ve seen since 2007.  While there was still some short sale and foreclosure activity, it is good to see some normalcy returning to our neighborhood real estate market.Fourth Quarter 2012 closed out with 6 New Town homes sold.  This is a pretty encouraging number for a traditionally slow time of year, and it is an increase over 4Q 2011‘s number of 4 New Town homes sold. The Breakdown: Of the 6 closed sales in 4Q 2012, only 1 was in a “distressed” situation.  This is a decrease over 3Q - which saw 2 short sales.  Prices decreased slightly to $106 per square foot for 4Q 2012, after an average of 22 Days...
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
Belle Creek Monthly Market Minute December 2012 by Jennifer Prestwich REALTOR®   Home sales in Belle Creek for December saw a seasonal slowing.  With the holidays, home sales throughout Adams County saw a bit of a slowing.  Those houses that were available went under contract, however there was no new inventory to take its place.  That said, the increase in sales has continued in Belle Creek, and 2012 ended on a positive note. The turnover rate in Belle Creek for December 2012 is 7.4%.   This is an increase over November's 7.1%, which is a bit of a surprise in a winter market.   This is also a big increase over December 2011's turnover rate of 5.6%.  What this means is that people who are entering the Belle Creek real estate market are actually selling their homes.   Average Days on Mar...
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
Belle Creek Monthly Market Minute November 2012   Home sales in Belle Creek are continuing to hold steady.  If you have been following the Belle Creek market for the past few years, you will have noticed that the past few months have seen a welcome change.  The increase in sales prices and decrease in distressed homes being sold points to a balancing of Belle Creek real estate market. The turnover rate in Belle Creek for November 2012 is 7.1%.   This is a slight dip over October's 7.4% rate, but that is not surprising.  This time of year there is always a seasonal shift as real estate activity slows in general in the winter months.  However, this is a marked increase over November 2011 turnover rate of 4.6%!  What this means is that people who are entering the Belle Creek real estate ma...
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
Henderson CO: Join in the First Ever Belle Creek Turkey Trot! Thanksgiving is just a few days away, and no doubt you are looking forward to your favorite foods to enjoy with your family.  I heard on the news this morning that the average Thanksgiving meal can be in the thousands of calories (a little research online brought back results ranging from 2400 to over 4,000!).  But how can you resist all that yummy goodness? One thing you can do is make sure that you get some exercise - thanks to the first ever Belle Creek Turkey Trot!  The Belle Creek Family Center is sponsoring this family event for a $5 entry fee.  (Proceeds will go to buy new equipment for the gym at the family center.) Here are the details: Who: YOU!!  And your spouse, your kids - strollers, bikes and scooters are encour...
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
Henderson CO- Belle Creek Monthly Market Minute October 2012 Part 2 by Jennifer Prestwich, REALTOR®, YCRE   In Part One of the October Belle Creek Monthly Market Minute, we discussed the trends for the Real Estate market in Belle Creek as a whole.  Every month, we take a look at the turnover rate, days on market and average sales prices as a whole, and further break that down based on home size and style in Belle Creek. For the month of October, a further differentiation in the Belle Creek real estate market has come to light.  For the first time in the past 2 years, there is a notable difference in "regular" sales as compared to "distressed" sales. Before we take a look at those differences, let's define what that means.  A "distressed" sale is either a short sale, bank owned or HUD-ow...
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
Belle Creek Homes for Sale: Monthly Market Minute October 2012 by Jennifer Prestwich, REALTOR®, Your Castle Real Estate   Home sales in Belle Creek have continued to edge upward in October.  This is welcome news for home owners in Henderson CO who have been following the market for the past several years.  There are 4 homes currently under contract or pending contract in Belle Creek, and no New Town Homes available!  Over the past year, we have seen the market steadily getting stronger: The turnover rate in Belle Creek for October 2012 has increased to 7.4%.   This has been steadily improving over the past several months.  In July and August, the turnover rate was 6%, and in September it was 6.5%.  This is nearly a 2% increase over October 2011 stats .   This tells us that the number of...
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
Henderson CO - Have a Spooktacular Weekend in Belle Creek! Goblins, Ghouls and Creatures of the Night - Unite!  Join your Belle Creek neighbors and friends at the Belle Creek Family Center for some frightful fun this weekend!  Put the finishing touches on that fabulous costume and join in the costume contest. Holy Sugar Rush!  The Great Pumpkin told me that he will be leaving Krispy Kreme donuts and milk to snack on while the judges deliberate over the entries, followed by a rowdy parade of spooky specters under the age of 12. The fun starts at 2:00pm and the vampires need to be back in their coffins by 4:00, so don't be late!  Boo!    
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
Belle Creek Homes for Sale: Monthly Market Minute September 2012 by Jennifer Prestwich REALTOR®, YCRE   Home sales in Belle Creek took a jump in September.  This is welcome news for home owners in Henderson CO who have been following the market for the past several years.  There are 7 homes currently under contract or pending contract in Belle Creek, and only 1 New Town home currently available.  Oakwood homes has completed 2 "Spec" homes ready for immediate occupancy, and has 13 dirt-start lots available.  Recently sold homes have helped bolster the values in Belle Creek: The turnover rate in Belle Creek for September 2012 has increased to 6.5%.   This has been steadily improving over the past several months.  July and August saw a turnover rate of 6%, and this number has increased for...
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
Belle Creek Homes for Sale: Monthly Market Minute August 2012 by Jennifer Prestwich REALTOR®, Your Castle Real Estate   Home sales in Belle Creek were fairly calm for the month of August, although we do have quite a few that are under contract.  This is welcome news for home owners in Henderson CO who have been following the market for the past several years.  There are 6 homes currently under contract or pending contract in Belle Creek, and only 4 New Town homes currently available.  Recently sold homes have helped bolster the values in Belle Creek: The turnover rate in Belle Creek for August 2012 is steady at 6%.   The marked increase in turnover rate we saw for July is holding steady.  This has been improving over the past several months.  It is also an increase over the August 2011'...
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
Belle Creek Homes for Sale: Monthly Market Minute July 2012 Home sales in Belle Creek took a jump in July.  This is welcome news for home owners in Henderson CO who have been following the market for the past several years.  There are 7 homes currently under contract or pending contract in Belle Creek, and only 4 homes currently available.  Recently sold homes have helped bolster the values in Belle Creek: The turnover rate in Belle Creek is 6%.   We are seeing a marked increase in turnover rate over the past several months.  It is also an increase over the July 2011's rate.   This tells us that the number of people putting their home on the market and actually selling them is continuing to increase. Average Days on Market for all Belle Creek homes is 64.  This number has dropped signif...
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
Belle Creek Homes: Welcome to Belle Creek in Henderson Colorado! Belle Creek was founded in 2000 by New Town Builders.  The first home owners began to move in in 2001, attracted to the walk-ability of Belle Creek, and the large front porches, which are consistent with the New Urbanist design theme.     Belle Creek has many features that you wouldn't expect from a community so close to downtown Denver.  This little oasis is a quick 15 minute drive to downtown's baseball and football games and offices, and you can be on your way to the mountains in a matter of minutes.   As a mixed-use community, Belle Creek has apartment homes, town homes, and single family detached homes - something to suit every taste and budget level.  All of these are anchored by the Belle Creek Family Center - the h...
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
Home sales in the Dunes Park subdivision in Henderson, Colorado are continuing to hold steady. The turnover rate is 8%, which is unchanged from last month. A Great Dunes Park Community Feature - the Pool! Right now in Adams County, we are seeing an all time low availability of homes for sale in the under $300,000 price range.  This is in line with the rest of metro Denver, and homes for sale in this price range are going under contract quickly.  What a welcome change when compared to the last several years! Average Days on Market for homes sold in Dunes Park over the last 12 months was 60 days.  This means that from the time a home is first actively listed until the time that a contract was signed by buyers and sellers was about 2 months. There are currently 5 Dunes Park homes under con...
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
  May home sales are continued to hold steady in Belle Creek.  There are currently 7 homes under contract, and there has been one closed home sale in the past 30 days.  These under contract homes will further shift the Belle Creek home values when they do close. As of today, the numbers are showing improvement in Belle Creek:   The turnover rate for Belle Creek home sales in 5.4%.  This number is an increase  when compared to April, as well as when compared to May 2011. Average Days on Market for all sold homes is 111.  This number represents the number of days from the time a home is actively listed to the time a valid contract is signed by both buyers and sellers.  Once a contract has been signed, it is usually 30-45 days until it comes to a closed sale and the home is officially "sol...
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
  After March's amazing upturn in Belle Creek home sales, April is holding steady.  While there were only two closed sales in the past 30 days, there are still 5 homes under contract.  These under contract homes will further shift the Belle Creek home values when they do close.   As of today, however, the numbers are still looking fairly steady:   The turnover rate for Belle Creek home sales in 5.1%.  This number is steady when compared to March, as well as when compared to April 2011. Average Days on Market for all homes is 74.  This number represents the number of days from the time a home is actively listed to the time a valid contract is signed by both buyers and sellers.  Once a contract has been signed, it is usually 30-45 days until it comes to a closed sale and the home is offi...
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
Goldfinches and other colorful birds are easy to attract- if you feed them right For years, I have put out a birdfeeder with a mixture of wild birdseed in my Belle Creek backyard.  I have attracted robins and house finches, occasional chickadees and grackles.  But I never saw a single goldfinch. Well, I figured, they aren’t found around here.  They are common when I visit family in Illinois and Wisconsin.  The climate here is much drier- goldfinches must not like it here.  How wrong I was! Finch Facts Goldfinches are sociable and will visit backyard feeders in hungry flocks of 30 or more. Thistle or Nyjer seed is the preferred food of Goldfinches. Provide thistle in specially designed thistle/finch feeders. Store your thistle seed in a cool area or refrigerator to preserve it. Hang your...
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
The Real Estate market in Belle Creek is picking up quite a bit. Belle Creek residents are finally seeing their home values rise and houses are going under contract quickly. This week, there are only 2 New Town Belle Creek homes available for purchase.  Oakwood Homes continues to sell dirt-start lots. There are currently 9 New Town homes under contract in Belle Creek, and 1 Oakwood Home.  Last week, Oakwood closed on one home sale. It is an exciting time if you are thinking of selling your Belle Creek home.  Prices are starting to come up, and buyers are seeing the value of the Belle Creek community! Thinking about selling you Belle Creek home?  Every home selling situation is different - Call me today at 720-341-5235 to find out if now is a good time to make a move!         This Belle...
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
A Great Dunes Park Community Feature - the Pool! The Dunes Park Real Estate Statistics are looking encouraging.  With mortgage rates at a historic low, home buyers are shopping, and they are buying in Dunes Park. Over the past 12 months, there have been 17 homes sold: There were 4 non-distressed sales (not bank owned or short sale).  The average price of these was $193,438, or $98 per square foot.  Average Days on Market was 15. There were 4 short sales.  Average price for short sales was $176,903, or $92 per square foot.  Average Days on Market for short sales was 172. There were 9 bank owned or HUD owned sales.  Average sold price for these was $167,888, $86 per square foot.  Average Days on Market was 47. What this means is that home buyers will pay the most for clean, well-maintain...
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
The stats for the last week of January/first week of February 2012 are encouraging.  After a strong 4th quarter 2011, it is good to see our real estate market remaining steady. There are 4 currently available extisting homes for sale: 9443 E 108th Ave.  3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, 1 Car Garage.  1392 square feet.  $145,000.  HUD. 10682 Dayton Way.  3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, 1 Car Garage.  1464 square feet.  Finished basement.  $152,000.  Short sale. 9219 Longs Peak.  3 Bedroom, 3 Bath, 2 Car Garage, plus 1 space carport.  2447 square feet. Finished Carriage House apartment.  $209,900.  Bank Owned. 9281 E 107th Place.  5 Bedroom, 5 Bath, 2 Car Garage, plus 1 space carport.  2779 square feet.  Finished Carriage House apartment.  Finished basement.  $239,900. There are 3 homes Under Contract.  There are ...
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By Jennifer Prestwich, Madison & Co Properties
(Henderson, Thornton, Broomfield and Westminster)
4th Quarter was a definite shot in the arm for the Belle Creek real estate market.  While 3rd Q saw only 3 closed sales - all Oakwood Homes - 4th Q saw double that amount.  Of the 6 homes sold, only one was an Oakwood Home.  There were 5 existing homes sold in 4Q! Inventory remains at an incredible low.  As of January, there are only 3 homes available for move in, and another 4 are under contract.  Two of the available homes are bank owned, and are extremely well priced.  Oakwood continues to sell lots for dirt-start homes and currently has several lots reserved or in some stage of construction. The Breakdown: Of the 5 closed sales in 4Q, only one was bank owned.  In 2010, there were 7 sales in 4Q, and 5 were bank owned or short sale.  It is good to see distressed inventory clearing ou...
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