
Colorado Springs, CO Real Estate News

By Derek and Mariana Wagner, The Artisan Group - Colorado Springs REALTORS®
(The Artisan Group- Keller Williams Premier Realty )
Do you SEE that mountain?!? With a backdrop as majestic as Pikes Peak and the Rocky Mountains, a hospital visit and stay at Memorial Hospital North may just be a bit more tolerable. Colorado Springs warmly welcomes a new Memorial Hospital, in the North End of town at the corner of Briargate Boulevard, Austin Bluffs and Union Boulevard. With all the new homes in Colorado Springs being built in the north end, and all the current hospitals located much further south (in downtown and on Academy Blvd.) this new facility is veryneeded. (Penrose St. Francis is also building a new medical facility up North on Powers and Woodmen.) This new building has plenty of architectural style, and it has been exciting to see it progress to its near completion. We have come to call it the "Bubble Hospital" ...
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By Laura Kaan
(The Platinum Group Realtors)
Part 2 of "Why So Many Colorado Springs Homes Won't Sell"I started a series on Why So Many Colorado Springs Homes Won't Sell a few weeks back.  The three main points discussed were price, condition, and Realtor.  I discussed how price is often the #1 factor that will help you sell your home in Colorado Springs in a buyers market.  With a high inventory of over 5,000 available Colorado Springs homes buyers have plenty of options and are looking for deals.  Todays Colorado Springs real estate market is very healthy yet we are in a buyers market and on average the absorption rate of home sales is low with about 10-15% of Colorado Springs homes on the market selling each month.   This leaves the other 90% still on the market with most neighborhoods experiencing 6-8 months of housing invento...
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By Derek and Mariana Wagner, The Artisan Group - Colorado Springs REALTORS®
(The Artisan Group- Keller Williams Premier Realty )
On the busy corner of East Woodmen and North Powers Boulevard is the beginning of a new Penrose Hospital: Saint Francis Medical Center.I drive by it several times a day on my way to carpool or to the office. The kids are always in awe of the massive cranes swinging around huge metal beams and walls... It is an awesome experience watching the changes, day by day. We are starting to recognize it more as a hospital and less of a skeleton building.Colorado Springs has experienced quite the jump in growth in the past few years, and we are not even ½ done growing! Within the next 20 years, Woodmen and Powers is said to be the geographical center of Colorado Springs. What a strategic location for a hospital! This is the 2nd hospital on the N/E side of town that is going up. Memorial Hospital i...
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Just a quick FYI for fellow Citizens of Colorado Springs:According to an article by, Colorado Springs is reaching out - to the West Coast that is. With new direct flights offered by ExpressJet Airlines, to the Los Angeles-Ontario area, San Diego and Sacramento. 
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By Jose Luis Ramirez
(5 Star Mortgage, Llc)
 The real estate market in Colorado Springs is, contrary to recent headlines, in excellent shape. The much-hyped factoid that Colorado is leading the nation in foreclosures is due directly to our "deed of trust" and Clerk & Recorder process. When someone fails to pay their mortgage (or deed of trust in this state) the law compels the Clerk and Recorder to initiate the foreclosure process immediately. The process will likely take another 4 to 6 months, and the property will likely be sold or "redeemed in this period, but nonetheless it is counted as a foreclosure. In other states, the mortgagor will initiate the court process and it will not be counted as a foreclosure until the process is completed. The other reason that the headlines seem so scary is that they are reporting the total n...
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By Derek and Mariana Wagner, The Artisan Group - Colorado Springs REALTORS®
(The Artisan Group- Keller Williams Premier Realty )
Academy School District 20, in northern Colorado Springs, Colorado has decided to combat all the snow days that we have been having by adding 20 minutes to the school day, starting 1/29/07, instead of adding school days to the end of the year. It has been met with some opposition, as now some elementary schools are not being let out until almost 4:30pm - very close to sundown. However, the district is "confident that the last child on the latest bus route will still be dropped off during daylight."Why did they not just add a few days to the end of the school year? Well, two main reasons dictated this choice over others were:Adding days to the end of the year does not help High School Seniors make up needed time.The majority of parents, teachers and administrators wanted minutes added fi...
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By Derek and Mariana Wagner, The Artisan Group - Colorado Springs REALTORS®
(The Artisan Group- Keller Williams Premier Realty )
A favorite past time for many ‘Spring-ers is golfing. You will find people on the greens at all times of year in all kinds of weather. Since Colorado has upwards of 300 sunny days a year, golfing is a very appropriate hobby.Here is a collection of the golf courses that you will find in and around Colorado Springs.  Or, for more information, please visit the following or Private Courses/ Clubs:Colorado Springs Country Club - 18 Hole -Designed by Dick Phelps3333 Templeton Gap Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80907(719)473-1782Kissing Camels Golf Course - 18 Holes/27 Holes reg. - Designed by Press Maxwell and Mark Raithert3320 Mesa Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80904 (719)636-2373Country Club of Colorado- 18 Holes reg. -Designed by Pete Rye125 E Clubhouse Dr, Colo...
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By Laura Kaan
(The Platinum Group Realtors)
Part 1: Why So Many Colorado Springs Homes Won't Sell! Many factors can contribute to Colorado Springs homes not selling in a reasonable amount of time.  Many of these factors can be controlled.  If your Colorado Springs home has been on the market for a long time, try not to be discouraged.  Even though we have a high inventory of homes on the market making this area a buyer's market, the Colorado Springs real estate market is still on solid ground.   Last year when many cities experienced a decrease in housing prices, Colorado Springs homes actually experienced about 6% increase in the average sales price.  How could this be?  Colorado Springs did not experience the outrageous double digit appreciation that areas like Los Angeles, and Las Vegas witnessed.  Colorado Springs maintained ...
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By Derek and Mariana Wagner, The Artisan Group - Colorado Springs REALTORS®
(The Artisan Group- Keller Williams Premier Realty )
Derek came home from an afternoon showing homes to his very first buyer client, as a Realtor in Colorado Springs (we'll call her Ms. P) and sits at the computer in obvious bewilderment. He logged onto the local MLS and then paused for a few minutes. "Honey. What's up? How did your day go?" I was excited about his first time out showing homes, as well as interested in why he was so bewildered."Well, it went ok. But I need to narrow down her search to homes on streets with no mature trees and a lot of street lamps.""Huh?" I now joined him in his bewilderment. There are not searchable fields for either of those requests. How were we going to search for homes in Colorado Springs with those guidelines? This was going to be interesting. We decided to pull up all homes that fit her previous re...
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If you have followed the "Hoopla" - including Discussions, Protests etc about the Widening of Woodmen Road on the North Side of Colorado Springs, as well as the accompanying planned might be interested in the Open House that will be held on: January 24th from 5:00pm to 8:00 pm at Jenkins Middle School.Jenkins is located on 6410 Austin Bluffs Pkwy. Hope to see you there!
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 We are 21 days into 2007. And so far, our Real Estate Market in the Springs has been active! The following Data is for the period from 01/01/07 to 01/21/07:Homes Sold 01/01/07 to 01/21/07 - 351Average Price - $245,373Average Days on Market - 118This is the total number of homes that have sold and closed since 01/01/07. No distinction has been made as when the home was added to the Market.Homes currently under Contract/Pending - 480Average Price - $235,620Average Days on Market - 108New Listings since 01/01/2007 - 823Average Price - $274,887Average Days on Market - 38This includes - 88 Homes already Under Contract/Pending since they were activated/offered for Sale as of 01/01/07- 4 Homes that are currently withdrawn from the market for a variety of reasons If you are considering selling...
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Are you a Military Spouse, who is, once again,  trying to rally the necessary enthusiasm to pack up and move? To get to know new surroundings, find a new home, a school for the kids and meet new Neighbors? Make new friends, continue long distance friendship and start a career - all over?I've been in the same situation plenty of times! And I know what it feels like to hear those words: Honey...we've got orders! We're moving in a month...If you just found out that yet another PCS move is coming up and it's bringing you to Colorado Springs or the surrounding areas, feel free to contact me with any questions you might have. I am here to help.Here are some website that can give you a glimpse about the City you might call home soon....City of Colorado Springs - City Agencies, News, Events, Vi...
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New to Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak region? Want to own your piece of beautiful and wild Colorado? Look no further than me to help you find the PERFECT location for you to plant your roots.... Whether looking for that uptown city condo or those wide open spaces I can help you find just the spot! Don't hesitate to call Robyn - your partner in the real estate market!!   
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I know of several commercial/retail locations in the Colorado Springs area that are open and available right now!! Excellent locations with high traffic counts and great visibility, not to mention a wonderful landlord!! So hurry and contact me now before all the good spots are already taken!! I know I have just the spot for someone out there!!Contact Robyn now!!
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Hey there - Are you having problems making your house payment and have been told that the only solution is bankruptcy and foreclosure? Please call or email me - I CAN help. Whether you have decided you want out, or you really want to save your family from the pain of forclosure and eviction - let me help you!! I know where you are and how distressing this time is for you. I know how frightening it can be to tell your lender that you really can't afford your mortgage payment. There is help! I don't know if I can save your home, but at least let me try... No false hope and no lies or misleading information. I will do EVERYTHING in my power to help you.....  
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By Candice Despy
(Merit Co., Inc.)
I just signed up to be a member of this site and thought I would say hi. I'm a Realtor in Colorado Springs and love to travel. Go check out my website at and don't forget, if you or anyone you know is considering selling, buying or renting property now or within the future, please do not hesitate to contact me. Also, I can help with relocation needs anywhere in the world!!!Warmest Regards, Candice Bronwyn Tracy DespyBroker AssociateMerit Co., Inc.1150 Elkton DriveColorado SpringsCO  80907Cell: (719) 229-0935E-mail: Candice@Despy.netWebsite:
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By Derek and Mariana Wagner, The Artisan Group - Colorado Springs REALTORS®
(The Artisan Group- Keller Williams Premier Realty )
What happened in December, here in the Colorado Springs Real Estate Market? I would have thought that the snow would have made more of an impact on the market than it did, seeing as we were "snowed in" for several days at a time... (title companies were closed, no one was driving around to show or list homes...) But, it seems as though the market is stronger than the weather. I pulled the MLS data for Colorado Springs and surrounding areas (Manitou Springs, Fountain, Monument/ TriLakes area and Falcon) for the month of December 2006, and this is what I found. *Please note that this does not include many new home sales nor FSBO's (which are not prominant enough to really skew the numbers, anyway).The Average Days on Market (DOM) for December 2006 were 92 (same as November!). The highest ...
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By Derek and Mariana Wagner, The Artisan Group - Colorado Springs REALTORS®
(The Artisan Group- Keller Williams Premier Realty )
I am sure that most of you have been aware that the Active Rainers ... or should I say "Snowers" that reside in the front range of the Rocky Mountains (Denver and Colorado Springs) have been hit with quite the snow storms over the past few weeks. Kristal Kraft has some great posts about the weather. I have even done a few posts myself. (See below for a few good reads...)What does all of this snow this mean to Colorado? Well, nothing good. According to a local news article, despite all the snow that we have been getting, "much of the states snow-pack is below average." This is not good because we need snow-pack in the right places (mountains) for our water supply. Proper snow-pack alleviates the problems associated with living in a high desert like watering restrictions and, more importa...
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By Derek and Mariana Wagner, The Artisan Group - Colorado Springs REALTORS®
(The Artisan Group- Keller Williams Premier Realty )
Here is the 5th in a series of posts dedicated to Understanding the Realtor® Code of Ethics. These posts are designed to explain the Ethics that Realtors® are bound to. For the full Code of Ethics, please visit the National Association of Realtors®.Before I delve into Articles 6 & 7, I would like to take a moment to bring up a few relevant posts that I have read recently that touched on the Code of Ethics, as well as provide links to the previous Code of Ethics posts that I have written. Please take a moment to check these out, if you haven't already..."I Promise" :: Those Are Some Strong Words -A very tought-provoking post by Jeff Turner.Does Our Code of Ethics make us LIARS??? -Written by a NAR Instructor Monika McGillicuddy Many Agents Need a Lesson in Etiquette -A great companion to...
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By Derek and Mariana Wagner, The Artisan Group - Colorado Springs REALTORS®
(The Artisan Group- Keller Williams Premier Realty )
I guess my prediction for "no snow on new years" from my last SNOW post has been proven wrong. Over the past couple days we have had more snow, here in Colorado Springs. Depending on where you live, snow has fallen anywhere from 7" to a foot, between Thursday and Friday.Again, we knew it was coming. Only THIS time more people decided to prepare ... But no one knew how difficult it was going to be to "prepare" - as many of the stores did not have regular deliveries because of the last snow storm and the Christmas holiday. Derek and I went to several stores, in search of "comfort food" to prepare and share with our friends and neighbors. What did we find? Well, we sure did not find BREAD! Have you EVER seen a major grocery store with shelves THIS EMPTY?!? And the bread aisle was not the o...
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Explore Colorado Springs, CO