Voted CO Springs Best Realtor 5 times, working with Buyers and Sellers in the Pikes Peak Region, decades of experience, cutting edge technology, extensive professional resources, Bestselling Author
(CO-RE Group, LLC -Real estate sales and services)
6330 Basalt Court Colorado Springs, co 80922 If Walls Could Talk: 4 bedroom Family Home For Sale Price : $220,000.00 Bedrooms : 4 Bathrooms : 3.00 Square Ft : 2,312 Lot Size : 5,972 sq.ft. County : El Paso County Property : Single Family Year Built : 1997 MLS No : 6649948 click for more information and pictures Property Description If walls could talk, you could hear the kids laughter during the holidays and learn of the wonderful family stories this home has shared over the years. A proud owner has enjoyed the comfort and warmth now offered to you! A cozy fireplace in a large living room to welcome friends and family, the backyard invites to fun summer get togethers.Beautiful 4 bedroom home in Stetson Hills has nice updates throughout! This property is l...
Below are some remarkable statistics about Powers neighborhoods regarding Single Family/Patio Homes: Sold Listings: 71 Median Sales Price: 195,000 Average Sales Price: 203,262 Median List Price: 199,900 Sale Price to List Price %: 98.4 Currently, the Average Days on the Market is 69. In comparison to last month, the number of sold listings has decreased from 94 to 71, as the actual sales price decreased only a few hundred dollars. Bargains are to be had in the Powers market, as prices show elasticity and wiggle room for savvy negotiations. Powers Colorado Springs Neighborhoods typifies the housing growth on the eastern part of Colorado Springs. If you’re looking for property around the 200K mark, then this area offers a variety of home selections, plus having the new growth of movie ...
Powers Colorado Springs 80922 and 80923 Stats – August 2011 to August 2012 Below are some remarkable statistics about Powers neighborhoods regarding Single Family/Patio Homes: Sold Listings: 94 Median Sales Price: 202,450 Average Sales Price: 203,494 Median List Price: 204,950 Sale Price to List Price %: 98.4 Currently, the Average Days on the Market is 58. In comparison to last month, the number of sold listings has decreased from 101 to 94, as the actual sales price increased about $667. Powers Colorado Springs Neighborhoods typifies the housing growth on the eastern part of Colorado Springs. If you’re looking for property around the 200K mark, then this area offers a variety of home selections, plus having the new growth of movie theatres, shopping, dining, and such. There are pla...
Powers Colorado Springs 80922 and 80923 Stats – July 2011 to July 2012 Below are some remarkable statistics about Powers neighborhoods regarding Single Family/Patio Homes: Sold Listings: 101 Median Sales Price: 207,000 Average Sales Price: 202,827 Median List Price: 209,950 Sale Price to List Price %: 98.6 Currently, the Average Days on the Market is 65. In comparison to last month, the number of sold listings has continually increased from 90 to 101, as the actual sales price decreased about $4,800. Powers Colorado Springs Neighborhoods typifies the housing growth on the eastern part of Colorado Springs. If you’re looking for property around the 200K mark, then this area offers a variety of home selections, plus having the new growth of movie theatres, shopping, dining, and such. Th...
Powers Colorado Springs 80922 and 80923 Stats – June 2011 to June 2012 Below are some remarkable statistics about Powers neighborhoods regarding Single Family/Patio Homes: Sold Listings: 90 Median Sales Price: 204,850 Average Sales Price: 207,597 Median List Price: 207,425 Sale Price to List Price %: 98.4 Currently, the Average Days on the Market is 58. In comparison to last month, the number of sold listings has continually increased from 89 to 90, as the actual sales price also increased about $6,000. Powers Colorado Springs Neighborhoods typifies the housing growth on the eastern part of Colorado Springs. If you’re looking for property around the 200K mark, then this area offers a variety of home selections, plus having the new growth of movie theatres, shopping, dining, and such. ...
Powers Colorado Springs 80922 and 80923 Stats – May 2011 to May 2012 Below are some remarkable statistics about Powers neighborhoods regarding Single Family/Patio Homes: Sold Listings: 89 Median Sales Price: 190,500 Average Sales Price: 201,740 Median List Price: 195,000 Sale Price to List Price %: 98.3 Currently, the Average Days on the Market is 64. In comparison to last month, the number of sold listings has continually increased from 84 to 89, as the actual sales price also increased $2,000. Powers Colorado Springs Neighborhoods typifies the housing growth on the eastern part of Colorado Springs. If you’re looking for property around the 200K mark, then this area offers a variety of home selections, plus having the new growth of movie theatres, shopping, dining, and such. There a...
Powers Colorado Springs 80922 and 80923 Stats – April 2011 to April 2012 Below are some remarkable statistics about Powers neighborhoods regarding Single Family/Patio Homes: Sold Listings: 84 Median Sales Price: 197,500 Average Sales Price: 199,786 Median List Price: 199,400 Sale Price to List Price %: 98.7 Currently, the Average Days on the Market is 73. In comparison to last month, the number of sold listings has continually increased from 79 to 84, as the median sales price also increased $12,500, and the actual sales price actually increased about $15,000 to the reports of last month, creating some new floating margins of home value stabilization. Powers Colorado Springs Neighborhoods typifies the housing growth on the eastern part of Colorado Springs. If you’re looking for proper...