The Anatomy of a Short Sale (Bank of America Style)
By Kristi DeFazio, Colorado Springs Rea lEstate 719-459-5468
(RE/MAX Advantage)
I have a buyer that put in an offer on a short-sale on July 5th. That was over two months ago. I have been wanting to write this blog to outline the progress of this short sale and I keep getting delayed. No worries though, I knew I would have plenty of time with it being a short sale with Bank of America. In other words- It isn't going anywhere. I plan on updating this from time to time until the deal is closed (me thinking positively!). We put in a great offer for this particular home. Based on what the bank owes, and the 2nd loan- it should be a no-brainer deal. My clients have money, they are qualified AND they are willing to wait. This one is being handled by the pros. Not that it matters, but EVERYONE involved is in the real estate business and knows how to work a short sale. The ...