
Studio City, CA Real Estate News

By Sharon Rollins
(Keller Williams Realty | STUDIO CITY)
By: Morgan Rollins Why can't there be homes like this in Studio City and Valley Village, not to mention Toluca Lake, Burbank, Sherman Oaks, and Encino? Built by XTEN ARCHITECTURE perfectly placed in the Hollywood Hills it has all you could ever want and then some. Dressed up in Black and White paint with bits of color for an eye popping experience and accented with glass from top to bottom to amplify the views giving you a vantage point down Beachwood Canyon, while only being a staircase away from a view of the Griffith Park Observatory.  Looking like a dwelling straight out of Tron(minus the ambient blue lights) while keeping it's original foundation and skeleton from the 1960s house that once stood. Due to budget. The builders decided on a major remodel; only adding an outdoor Patio g...
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By Bandele Oguntomilade, Top REALTOR, Your Woodland Hills Real Estate Agent 818-825-6996
(Bogun Realty and Luxury Homes)
  Summer challenge continues: Fixer uppers and handyman specials often represent a good way to get a great deal on a home. As long as you are aware that these homes need work, are prepared to create a realistic budget ahead of time, and remember to leave yourself some financial "wiggle room", you can have an ideal home for much less than what comparable homes, already in top condition are selling for.  If you are the type of person who recognizes a "diamond in the rough" you'll know a great deal when you see one, and will be interested in getting a free List of Fixer-Upper Homes in Studio City, California.   To get a free list of Fixer-Upper Homes in Studio City, California, and surrounding cities, click on the links below.  When you see a home that interest you, call Bandele Oguntomila...
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By Bandele Oguntomilade, Top REALTOR, Your Woodland Hills Real Estate Agent 818-825-6996
(Bogun Realty and Luxury Homes)
  Onwards with our summer challenge: To get a free list of fantastic short sale homes in Studio City, California, and surrounding cities, click on the links below and find you the best home deals in Studio City, California.  When you see a home that interest you, call Bandele Oguntomilade for a showing at 818-825-6996.  You may also visit my website at Contact us for all properties in Southern California, including but not limited to Woodland Hills Real Estate, Calabasas Real Estate, Encino Real Estate, Tarzana Real Estate, Studio City Real Estate, Sherman Oaks Real Estate, Hidden Hills Real Estate, Malibu Real Estate and Beverly Hills Real Estate. Short Sale Homes in Studio City CLICK HERE Search MLS - All Homes CLICK HERE What’s My Home Worth Today  ...
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By Bandele Oguntomilade, Top REALTOR, Your Woodland Hills Real Estate Agent 818-825-6996
(Bogun Realty and Luxury Homes)
  Taking on the summer challenge, I invite potential home buyers to click on the links below and find you the best home deals in Studio City, California, and surrounding cities.  When you see a home that interest you, call Bandele Oguntomilade for a showing at 818-825-6996.  You may also visit my website at To view other homes click on links below: Woodland Hills Homes, Woodland Hills Real Estate, West Hills Real Estate,  Calabasas Real Estate, Encino Real Estate, Tarzana Real Estate, Studio City Real Estate, Sherman Oaks Real Estate, Hidden Hills Real Estate, Malibu Real Estate and Beverly Hills Real Estate Find a Great Home Deal in Studio City, CA CLICK HERE Search MLS - All Homes CLICK HERE What’s My Home Worth Today  CLICK HERE Get $1000 at Close o...
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By Bandele Oguntomilade, Top REALTOR, Your Woodland Hills Real Estate Agent 818-825-6996
(Bogun Realty and Luxury Homes)
We are off to a roaring start with our summer challenge: To get a free list of best buys of upscale and luxury homes currently in Studio City, CA, and surrounding cities, click on the links below.  When you see a home that interest you, call Bandele Oguntomilade for a showing at 818-825-6996.  You may also visit my website at To view other homes click on links below: Woodland Hills Homes, Woodland Hills Real Estate, West Hills Real Estate,  Calabasas Real Estate, Encino Real Estate, Tarzana Real Estate, Studio City Real Estate, Sherman Oaks Real Estate, Hidden Hills Real Estate, Malibu Real Estate and Beverly Hills Real Estate   Bargain Luxury Homes in Studio City, CA CLICK HERE Search MLS - All Homes CLICK HERE What’s My Home Worth Today  CLICK HERE G...
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By Ralph Gorgoglione, California and Hawaii Real Estate (310) 497-9407
(Metro Life Homes)
  Pay It Forward - July Reporting Post   OK, Pay It Forward Angels, this is where you will write your SINGLE comment with the link to your Pay It Forward posts for July.   PLEASE NOTE: YOUR LINKS TO YOUR PAY IT FORWARD BLOG POSTS ARE DUE ON THE MONTHLY REPORTING POST NO LATER THAN THE 7TH OF THE FOLLOWING MONTH, 9PM PACIFIC TIME.   That means that the links (with hyperlinks) for July are due no later than August 7th, 9PM PT.   We have 5 Sundays falling in July, so you will need to post the links to your 5 posts here.   IMPORTANT REMINDER: Posts are screened for qualification of bonus points for acts of kindness you have performed yourself, not those others have done, charities being solicited (unless you have donated yourself), re-blogs, letting people know about facts and events, etc. ...
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By Esperanza Butler® 818 926 5425, Homes For Sale in West Hills, Ca (818) 926-5425
(KW Keller Williams Realty -Esperanza Butler-DRE 01797405)
Studio City California/Neighborhood Boundary Map   Click the plus+ or the minus- to zoom in or out and see the neighborhood boundaries View Studio City (STUD) in a larger map   Studio City is an affluent residential neighborhood within the City of Los Angeles, California in the San Fernando Valley (the "Valley"). The Studio City neighborhood expands over four ZIP code areas: 91604 and sections of 91602, 91607 and 90210. Located 10 miles from downtown Los Angeles, Studio City is close to Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Bel Air and all the major studios (Universal Studios- Hollywood, NBC Studios, CBS Studios, Walt Disney Studios, Disney Animation, ABC, Warner Brothers Studios, Paramount Studios and DreamWorks among others). Geography Studio City is located in the southeast section of the San Fe...
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By Ralph Gorgoglione, California and Hawaii Real Estate (310) 497-9407
(Metro Life Homes)
Pay It Forward - June Reporting Post OK, Pay It Forward Angels, this is where you will write your SINGLE comment with the link to your Pay It Forward posts for June. PLEASE NOTE: YOUR LINKS TO YOUR PAY IT FORWARD BLOG POSTS ARE DUE ON THE MONTHLY REPORTING POST NO LATER THAN THE 7TH OF THE FOLLOWING MONTH, 9PM PACIFIC TIME. That means that the links (with hyperlinks) for June are due no later than July 7th, 9PM PT. We have 4 Sundays falling in June, so you will need to post the links to your 4 posts here. IMPORTANT REMINDER: Posts are screened for qualification of bonus points for acts of kindness you have performed yourself, not those others have done, charities being solicited (unless you have donated yourself), re-blogs, letting people know about facts and events, etc. When people re...
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By Simon Mills
(Mills Realty)
Studio City Short Sale Are you behind on your mortgage payments and have already tapped your credit cards, friends and family? Getting out from the weight on your shoulders can seem impossible, but moving on is exactly what you are going to need to do. If you are considering a short sale then call Simon Mills of Mills Realty who will guide you through your Studio City Short Sale. Mills Realty will show you how you can relieve yourself from the debt of your home without any out of pocket expenses. Your lender will pay our fees, so our program will truly cost you nothing out of pocket. It makes no difference who your lender is or how many loans you have on your property Simon Mills of Mills Realty will guide you through your Studio City Short Sale. Our goal is to make the process as stres...
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By Ralph Gorgoglione, California and Hawaii Real Estate (310) 497-9407
(Metro Life Homes)
Don't assume your buyer will want to challenge an appraisal that comes in under purchase price. I had an escrow recently in which the appraisal came in almost 10% under purchase price. I am representing the buyer in the transaction and got a phonecall from their lender when the appraisal finally came in (which was almost 30 days after the fully executed contract). The lender said the appraisal was way off, and that they were going to fight it and submit a rebuttal.  I really didn't delve into whether or not I felt the appraisal was way off myself, but I did sort of tell the lender that the decision to submit a rebuttal to the appraisal can't be made unilaterally, and that it has to be the decision of the buyers. The buyers, for this reason and others which I really can't get into, decid...
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By Ralph Gorgoglione, California and Hawaii Real Estate (310) 497-9407
(Metro Life Homes)
Are you a "Gatekeeper"? Or do you "Fly By The Seat of Your Pants"? What does an Agency Disclosure mean to YOU? In California, and many other states, any real estate transation requires the buyer or seller and their agent to sign an Agency Disclosure.  I've included a sample of one that we use in California here. Basically, it describes and clarifies the existence of a FIDUCIARY RELATIONSHIP between the client and their real estate agent. I put alot of stock in this form.  The relationship between an agent and their client is not only one of trust and discretion, but it is one that inevitably must be excecuted during the course of a real estate transaction, and more importantly, within the framework of a contract for that transaction. Not an easy job to accomplish, sometimes. I think it'...
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By Ralph Gorgoglione, California and Hawaii Real Estate (310) 497-9407
(Metro Life Homes)
Pay It Forward - May Reporting Post OK, Pay It Forward Angels, this is where you will write your SINGLE comment with the link to your Pay It Forward posts for May. PLEASE NOTE: YOUR LINKS TO YOUR PAY IT FORWARD BLOG POSTS ARE DUE ON THE MONTHLY REPORTING POST NO LATER THAN THE 7TH OF THE FOLLOWING MONTH, 9PM PACIFIC TIME. That means that the links (with hyperlinks) for May are due no later than June 7th, 9PM PT. We have 5 Sundays falling in May, so you will need to post the links to your 5 posts here. IMPORTANT REMINDER: Posts are screened for qualification of bonus points for acts of kindness you have performed yourself, not those others have done, charities being solicited (unless you have donated yourself), re-blogs, letting people know about facts and events, etc. When people read a...
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By Ralph Gorgoglione, California and Hawaii Real Estate (310) 497-9407
(Metro Life Homes)
We paid for a bus drivers sandwich at Subway! Pay It Forward Richard and I were at Subway the other day picking up a quick bite on route to our next appointment. In line behind us was a gentleman with a great attitude, and the Subway counter guy asked what he wanted. He replied "Anything you got, just as long as it's free!" That gave us a little chuckle. I noticed he was wearing a uniform, so I asked him what he does for a living and he stated that he was a bus driver. Richard and I told him that we would like to buy his lunch for him. He was gracious and thought it was the coolest thing ever.  So did we!  I have to tell you, it's the best feeling ever to do some of these little things for people.  The look on their faces is priceless..... Los Angeles Homes For Sale Los Angeles Condos F...
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By Ralph Gorgoglione, California and Hawaii Real Estate (310) 497-9407
(Metro Life Homes)
ActiveRain MasterMinds Challenge - May 2011 - Foreclosures: What's the best way to prevent or handle them? OK, MasterMind Groups. Time for you to do what you've done best: Develop the best solutions. Here is the challenge for May, 2011: Should we make the emphasis on creating more programs for the homeowners to hold on to the homes? Should we make it easier for them to exit and find other housing solutions?  Is "Cash-for-Keys" the answer?  What about the physical condition of some bank owned properties versus lender conditions for people to buy them?  Is that problematic?  How do we handle that? Your team's solutions must be posted HERE on this blog post no later than June 1st, 9pm Pacific Time in order for the team to be assigned the bonus points. Also, you must list each team member W...
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By Ralph Gorgoglione, California and Hawaii Real Estate (310) 497-9407
(Metro Life Homes)
ActiveRain Masterminds Group - The AR Powers have Spoken - 3000 Bonus Points!! WOW!! What an incentive to join the group! The ActiveRain Powers that Be have seen what our ActiveRain Masterminds group has been up to, and THEY LIKE IT! So much so that they are increasing the bonus points to the winners each month in addition to ALL the participants! Each month, the members of the winning team will receive bonus points, and every other participant will receive bonus points, guaranteed! So if you're not already on a team, get one together now! You can read about the group and the rules here: Put your thinking caps on, and be a part of the creative mindshare! Los Angeles Homes For Sale Los Angeles Condos For Sale Los Angeles Townhomes For Sale
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By Ralph Gorgoglione, California and Hawaii Real Estate (310) 497-9407
(Metro Life Homes)
A Note to the Pay It Forward Group Members............... Hi everyone! Just wanted to touch base with all of our Pay It Forward members and thank you all for your continued blogging. I enjoy reading these posts, and quite frankly, some of them are very touching. I just want to give a shout out and remind everyone what the original intent of the group was from the beginning. What we want to see here are personal examples of how you've offered an act of kindness to someone or some group or cause. I've had some people call this "bragging", but it is nothing close to that. It is providing examples to others. On many occasion, I've read some of these posts and have felt so inspired by some of these acts that I have duplicated them myself. And that is what we were hoping for here.  To create ...
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By Ralph Gorgoglione, California and Hawaii Real Estate (310) 497-9407
(Metro Life Homes)
Congratulations to our Winners for April: Donna FoersterGail C. Harris 1,000 Bonus Points Each!! This month's "Liar" posts were from featured members: Judy KlemKaren CrowsonChristine SutherlandCindy MarchantDanell Estrada To join the group, click here: The winners each had 4 out of 5 correct guesses this month! Each month if there is one member who has the most correct guesses, they will receive 1,500 bonus points. If there is a tie, each member who ties will receive 1,000 bonus points each. Once again, thank you Praful Thakkar for your assistance with the tabulation. Check out our current post of "2 Truths and A Lie"!! If you haven't played yet, then try this month! It's alot of fun and a great way to meet some of the other members on Act...
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By Ralph Gorgoglione, California and Hawaii Real Estate (310) 497-9407
(Metro Life Homes)
  Treat mom to a special Mother’s Day Brunch at the Sportsmen’s Lodge Event Center in Studio City, California! The Sportsmen’s Lodge Event Center will be hosting a fabulous Mother’s Day Brunch for all of the fabulous moms out there this Sunday, May 8, 2011. The Sportsmen’s Lodge Event Center is located at 12833 Ventura Boulevard in Studio City. At the Sportsmen’s Lodge Event Center moms and their loved ones will enjoy a fantastic Champagne Brunch Buffet in honor of Mother’s Day! Each Child 9 years old and under will eat for free at the Sportsmen’s Lodge Event Center. If you get to the Mother’s Day Brunch by 10:30 am you will get $5.00 off of your bill. Now, that is a treat for mom! For more information regarding the Mother’s Day Brunch at the Sportsmen’s Lodge Event Center please visit ...
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By Ralph Gorgoglione, California and Hawaii Real Estate (310) 497-9407
(Metro Life Homes)
Good morning everyone! May the 4th be with you...... Not sure how many of you out there are Star Wars "die-hard" fans, but I remember in junior high school seeing the first Star Wars movie, and ever since then looking forward to the next. I remember in high school making a pact with a buddy of mine that in the future no matter where we were, we would get together to see the next Star Wars movie. Well, that sort of crashed and burn, since LIFE happens. But anyway, just wanted to give a shout out to everyone........... Los Angeles Homes For Sale Los Angeles Condos For Sale Los Angeles Townhomes For Sale
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By Judy Graff
(Aaroe + Williamson)
Please come see this pristine 3 bed, 2 bath in one of L.A.'s most desireable neighborhoods! Listed at $749,000, it features 1458 sf., 6303 sf lot, character, updates, and a desireable Woodbridge Park location. MLS #F11046652.  I'll be there from 2 to 5 and hope your So. Cal. clients can swing by, too.  More pictures and details can be found at  
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