203k consultant San Jose
By Mike Young, FHA 203k Consultant 916-758-1809 cell direct
(203kOnLine.com, covering the USA)
203k consultant San JoseWe typically run from 5-30 projects in San Jose at any one time. We had a question one day if we would go to San Jose... why, yes we would. We actually had some in Watsonville, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz mountains, Scotts Valley and another 29 in San Jose. If you need a 203k consultant or HomeStyle® Renovation Mortgage consultant we would love to help you out. We should be one of the very first people on the site to assist in creating the scope of work and provide a bid so the client has a clear picture of his approximate costs before the contractor bids the project. The magic happens when a lender understands they can order the appraisal with our bid and keep moving fast forward while the contractor is working on their bid. This is just one reason our lenders close ...