
Palmdale, CA Real Estate News

By Don Gockel, Realtor, Broker, GRI - Antelope Valley Real Estate
(NextHome The Gockel Group - Palmdale Lancaster Quartz Hill -)
East Palmdale Real EstateWe here at the Gockel Group we continuously monitor local real estate statistics to keep our clients informed and ahead of the real estate trends.  Below you will find East Palmdale real estate statistics for the last seven days.Number of homes entering the market: 84  Of these, the number that are short pays is: 18Number of homes entering escrow: 17Number of homes closing escrow (sold): 7Number of homes cancelled/removed/expired/withdrawn from the market: 63See my 24 hour Market Report of the entire Antelope Valley by CLICKING HERE!To find the true value of your home with a free, over-the-net home evaluation, please visit: you would like a free list of homes for sale in the area, would like more information about West Palmdale...
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By Don Gockel, Realtor, Broker, GRI - Antelope Valley Real Estate
(NextHome The Gockel Group - Palmdale Lancaster Quartz Hill -)
West Palmdale Real EstateWe here at the Gockel Group we continuously monitor local real estate statistics to keep our clients informed and ahead of the real estate trends.  Below you will find West Palmdale real estate statistics for the last seven days.Number of homes entering the market: 39  Of these, the number that are short pays is: 9Number of homes entering escrow: 5Number of homes closing escrow (sold): 3Number of homes cancelled/removed/expired/withdrawn from the market: 66See my 24 hour Market Report of the entire Antelope Valley by CLICKING HERE!To find the true value of your home with a free, over-the-net home evaluation, please visit: you would like a free list of homes for sale in the area, would like more information about West Palmdale o...
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By Mario Ramirez
(Realty Executives Platinum )
My best advice to everyone is have you're mantra and something to keep you going everyday........ Everyday before I start my day....I alwasy say these words.....Just remember to smile !!!!! Always  remeber work a little everyday you'll be alright you'll be ...O.k.....  So, just try it out and let me know what you think.....It is a little spell ..I use to start my day...Let me know if it works....Suerte (Good Luck , Everyone) ........
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By Don Gockel, Realtor, Broker, GRI - Antelope Valley Real Estate
(NextHome The Gockel Group - Palmdale Lancaster Quartz Hill -)
East Palmdale Real EstateWe here at the Gockel Group we continuously monitor local real estate statistics to keep our clients informed and ahead of the real estate trends.  Below you will find East Palmdale real estate statistics for the last seven days.Number of homes entering the market: 66  Of these, the number that are short pays is: 13Number of homes entering escrow: 15Number of homes closing escrow (sold): 10Number of homes cancelled/removed/expired/withdrawn from the market: 90See my 24 hour Market Report of the entire Antelope Valley by CLICKING HERE!To find the true value of your home with a free, over-the-net home evaluation, please visit: you would like a free list of homes for sale in the area, would like more information about West Palmdal...
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By Don Gockel, Realtor, Broker, GRI - Antelope Valley Real Estate
(NextHome The Gockel Group - Palmdale Lancaster Quartz Hill -)
West Palmdale Real EstateWe here at the Gockel Group we continuously monitor local real estate statistics to keep our clients informed and ahead of the real estate trends.  Below you will find West Palmdale real estate statistics for the last seven days.Number of homes entering the market: 34  Of these, the number that are short pays is: 8Number of homes entering escrow: 11Number of homes closing escrow (sold): 2Number of homes cancelled/removed/expired/withdrawn from the market: 54See my 24 hour Market Report of the entire Antelope Valley by CLICKING HERE!To find the true value of your home with a free, over-the-net home evaluation, please visit: you would like a free list of homes for sale in the area, would like more information about West Palmdale ...
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By Mario Ramirez
(Realty Executives Platinum )
The day begins,  and everyone has  the same amount of sunlight to live their day. I have thought long and hard, Ive always  tried to figure out the difference between me and someone who is exceptional, powerful person who impacts his industry like; Alan Greenspan, who is not any longer the Federal Reserves Chairman , yet his comments create action both positive or negative in the markets around the world. Micheal Jordan, a man who has not played in the NBA for  few years and is still spoken of today..As the greatest that ever was... History speaks of many others who have long paced away and their influence is still felt in all our lives. For instance , Mother Teresa, Martin LUther King, Cesar Chaves, and Abraham Lincoln and many more...... I have begun this journey to discover the  diff...
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By Don Gockel, Realtor, Broker, GRI - Antelope Valley Real Estate
(NextHome The Gockel Group - Palmdale Lancaster Quartz Hill -)
East Palmdale Real EstateWe here at the Gockel Group we continuously monitor local real estate statistics to keep our clients informed and ahead of the real estate trends.  Below you will find East Palmdale real estate statistics for the last seven days.Number of homes entering the market: 61  Of these, the number that are short pays is: 17Number of homes entering escrow: 15Number of homes closing escrow (sold): 5Number of homes cancelled/removed/expired/withdrawn from the market: 71See my 24 hour Market Report of the entire Antelope Valley by CLICKING HERE!To find the true value of your home with a free, over-the-net home evaluation, please visit: you would like a free list of homes for sale in the area, would like more information about West Palmdale...
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By Don Gockel, Realtor, Broker, GRI - Antelope Valley Real Estate
(NextHome The Gockel Group - Palmdale Lancaster Quartz Hill -)
West Palmdale Real EstateWe here at the Gockel Group we continuously monitor local real estate statistics to keep our clients informed and ahead of the real estate trends.  Below you will find West Palmdale real estate statistics for the last seven days.Number of homes entering the market: 35  Of these, the number that are short pays is: 9Number of homes entering escrow: 11Number of homes closing escrow (sold): 4Number of homes cancelled/removed/expired/withdrawn from the market: 53See my 24 hour Market Report of the entire Antelope Valley by CLICKING HERE!To find the true value of your home with a free, over-the-net home evaluation, please visit: you would like a free list of homes for sale in the area, would like more information about West Palmdale ...
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By Don Gockel, Realtor, Broker, GRI - Antelope Valley Real Estate
(NextHome The Gockel Group - Palmdale Lancaster Quartz Hill -)
Vacant land on the east boundry of proposed Palmdale International Airport. Near the proposed Hwy.14/I-15 connector. Don't miss an opportunity to be in the path of developement. Currently listed at $87,500!Are you an investor interested in being in the way of progress this is it! This 2.5 acre parcel is located at Ave. P-6 and 116th St. East. Nothing there, or within a half mile now, but when the international airport is started this will be the place. Land is dirt cheap now! Contact me for more information.Don Gockel, GRI, Realtor my podcast at office661-965-0557 cell888-400-7607 fax
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By Jeff Thompson
(Thompsons Home Inspections)
Greetings everyone. I just wanted to share a little story that happened to me last week. Someone has been using my debt card number and I still have my debt card in my wallet. Lately I have noticed that receipts are printing the whole card number on it and after I sign the receipt they are kept. on Sept 11 2007 someone has been going crazy using my card number and buying everything on-line. Like all the other victims I had no knowledge of this until I looked at my balance on-line. After calling the bank to report this the investigation has been getting my money back. The local Police are closing in on the thief and I wanted to remind everyone these small precautions:1) Check your receipts and if your whole card number is on it to ink over all of the number s except for the last 4, for t...
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By Donna Oehler, A.V. Foreclosure Specialist
(Realty Executives Platinum)
Las week I went to a class offered by our local title company regarding short sales.  The class was only 1 hour long and although I know there is probably not much anyone can teach in one hour regarding short sales I decided to take the time out of my busy schedule to attend.During the "class" the "instructor" did have a few good points for beginners - I was actually surprised of all the good points she was able to squeeze into the first half hour and I was impressed she was able to keep the class under control and not have questions every two minutes.Then she said something that really bothered my - and I spoke up because I felt what she was saying was wrong - so I wanted to present it to those of your who also work short sales. The instructor said that once you have an "offer" do not ...
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By Don Gockel, Realtor, Broker, GRI - Antelope Valley Real Estate
(NextHome The Gockel Group - Palmdale Lancaster Quartz Hill -)
East Palmdale Real EstateWe here at the Gockel Group we continuously monitor local real estate statistics to keep our clients informed and ahead of the real estate trends.  Below you will find East Palmdale real estate statistics for the last seven days.Number of homes entering the market: 77  Of these, the number that are short pays is: 26Number of homes entering escrow: 8Number of homes closing escrow (sold): 9Number of homes cancelled/removed/expired/withdrawn from the market: 37See my 24 hour Market Report of the entire Antelope Valley by CLICKING HERE!To find the true value of your home with a free, over-the-net home evaluation, please visit: you would like a free list of homes for sale in the area, would like more information about West Palmdale ...
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By Donna Oehler, A.V. Foreclosure Specialist
(Realty Executives Platinum)
OK - my dog didn't exactly eat my homework but he ate the cord to my lap top computer, which is keeping me from doing my work at home!  Errhhh. This has been very frustrating because although my laptop is only 2 years old I think it is one of the only computers that can not use the universal cords available at the electronic store.Although - being the frugal shopper I was able to located on on E-bay!  Yeah - so hopefully my days of being stuck on my desktop will be limited.    
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By Donna Oehler, A.V. Foreclosure Specialist
(Realty Executives Platinum)
I just wanted to give a great big THANK YOU to all the wonderful people who participated in the Relay for Life Cancer walk Saturday September 17th & 18th at Highland High School in Palmdale California. This year we had to compete with the Relay held at the Antelope Valley College but we still had a nice turn out.This year I formed a team with friends, family and co-worker to help raise money and awareness of this horrible disease. I am proud to say that my team raise over $2500 and the total for all the teams was over $100,000 for this event! This event was very emotional and supportive for the Survivors as well as for those who have lost loved ones to the battle.  I just wanted to thank everyone who came to Palmdale and showed their support.  It just goes to show that when people work ...
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By Don Gockel, Realtor, Broker, GRI - Antelope Valley Real Estate
(NextHome The Gockel Group - Palmdale Lancaster Quartz Hill -)
West Palmdale Real EstateWe here at the Gockel Group we continuously monitor local real estate statistics to keep our clients informed and ahead of the real estate trends.  Below you will find West Palmdale real estate statistics for the last seven days.Number of homes entering the market: 31  Of these, the number that are short pays is: 2Number of homes entering escrow: 7Number of homes closing escrow (sold): 3Number of homes cancelled/removed/expired/withdrawn from the market: 43See my 24 hour Market Report of the entire Antelope Valley by CLICKING HERE!To find the true value of your home with a free, over-the-net home evaluation, please visit: you would like a free list of homes for sale in the area, would like more information about West Palmdale o...
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By Don Gockel, Realtor, Broker, GRI - Antelope Valley Real Estate
(NextHome The Gockel Group - Palmdale Lancaster Quartz Hill -)
East Palmdale Real EstateWe here at the Gockel Group we continuously monitor local real estate statistics to keep our clients informed and ahead of the real estate trends.  Below you will find East Palmdale real estate statistics for the last seven days.Number of homes entering the market: 51  Of these, the number that are short pays is: 10Number of homes entering escrow: 11Number of homes closing escrow (sold): 3Number of homes cancelled/removed/expired/withdrawn from the market: 66See my 24 hour Market Report of the entire Antelope Valley by CLICKING HERE!To find the true value of your home with a free, over-the-net home evaluation, please visit: you would like a free list of homes for sale in the area, would like more information about West Palmdale...
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By Don Gockel, Realtor, Broker, GRI - Antelope Valley Real Estate
(NextHome The Gockel Group - Palmdale Lancaster Quartz Hill -)
West Palmdale Real EstateWe here at the Gockel Group we continuously monitor local real estate statistics to keep our clients informed and ahead of the real estate trends.  Below you will find West Palmdale real estate statistics for the last seven days.Number of homes entering the market: 33  Of these, the number that are short pays is: 4Number of homes entering escrow: 8Number of homes closing escrow (sold): 6Number of homes cancelled/removed/expired/withdrawn from the market: 38See my 24 hour Market Report of the entire Antelope Valley by CLICKING HERE!To find the true value of your home with a free, over-the-net home evaluation, please visit: you would like a free list of homes for sale in the area, would like more information about West Palmdale o...
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By Donna Oehler, A.V. Foreclosure Specialist
(Realty Executives Platinum)
I am a team captain for  The Relay For Life which is an overnight event being help September 15-16, 2007 at Highland High School in Palmdale. It will help bring the Antelope Valley together to help support the American Cancer Society and its lifesaving mission to eliminate cancer as a major health problem. The Society works hard every day to prevent cancer and save lives by supporting groundbreaking research, affecting public policies that protect us from cancer, and educating people on how to prevent or detect cancer early. I want to invite you to show your support in the ongoing fight against cancer by joining me for this year's event. Please click on the link below for more information, including details on the inspirational Survivors' Lap and the moving Luminary Ceremony. I hope to ...
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By Don Gockel, Realtor, Broker, GRI - Antelope Valley Real Estate
(NextHome The Gockel Group - Palmdale Lancaster Quartz Hill -)
We have all heard, by now, that the Fed's are considering some sort of "bailout" or assistance for home owners being impacted by adjustable rate mortgages. How will this help us here in the Antelope Valley and Southern California in general?First off, the current proposal is to use the FHA to back fixed rate loans that would be used to replace the adjustable loans that have caused this termoil. Currently the FHA limit is approximately $415,000. This means that if your loan will be above that amount, either you come in with money out of pocket or this option will not work.Second, if you owe more than your home is worth, a similar situation applies. Lets say you owe $350,000 on the home you purchased 2 years ago. Today the home appraises for $325,000 and you apply for an FHA fixed rate lo...
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By Don Gockel, Realtor, Broker, GRI - Antelope Valley Real Estate
(NextHome The Gockel Group - Palmdale Lancaster Quartz Hill -)
East Palmdale Real EstateWe here at the Gockel Group we continuously monitor local real estate statistics to keep our clients informed and ahead of the real estate trends.  Below you will find East Palmdale real estate statistics for the last seven days.Number of homes entering the market: 65  Of these, the number that are short pays is: 13Number of homes entering escrow: 13Number of homes closing escrow (sold): 6Number of homes cancelled/removed/expired/withdrawn from the market: 83See my 24 hour Market Report of the entire Antelope Valley by CLICKING HERE!To find the true value of your home with a free, over-the-net home evaluation, please visit: you would like a free list of homes for sale in the area, would like more information about West Palmdale...
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