
Palmdale, CA Real Estate News

By Don Gockel, Realtor, Broker, GRI - Antelope Valley Real Estate
(NextHome The Gockel Group - Palmdale Lancaster Quartz Hill -)
West Palmdale, California Real EstateWe here at the Gockel Group we continuously monitor local real estate statistics to keep our clients informed and ahead of the real estate trends. Below you will find West Palmdale real estate statistics for the last seven days.Number of homes entering the market: 40     Of these, the number that are short pays is: 10Number of homes entering escrow: 19Number of homes closing escrow (sold): 6Number of homes cancelled/removed/expired/withdrawn from the market: 38See my 24 hour Market Report of the entire Antelope Valley by viewing A.V. Real Estate Trends (or paste to your browser)To find the true value of your home with a free, over-the-net home evaluation, please visit: Palmdale, Lancaster & Antelope Valley Real Estate Onlin...
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By Don Gockel, Realtor, Broker, GRI - Antelope Valley Real Estate
(NextHome The Gockel Group - Palmdale Lancaster Quartz Hill -)
East Palmdale, California Real EstateWe here at the Gockel Group we continuously monitor local real estate statistics to keep our clients informed and ahead of the real estate trends. Below you will find East Palmdale real estate statistics for the last seven days.Number of homes entering the market: 73 Of these, the number that are short pays is: 27Number of homes entering escrow: 32Number of homes closing escrow (sold): 8Number of homes cancelled/removed/expired/withdrawn from the market: 95See my 24 hour Market Report of the entire Antelope Valley by viewing A.V. Real Estate Trends (or paste to your browser)To find the true value of your home with a free, over-the-net home evaluation, please visit: Palmdale, Lancaster & Antelope Valley Real Estate Online (o...
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By Don Gockel, Realtor, Broker, GRI - Antelope Valley Real Estate
(NextHome The Gockel Group - Palmdale Lancaster Quartz Hill -)
West Palmdale, California Real EstateWe here at the Gockel Group we continuously monitor local real estate statistics to keep our clients informed and ahead of the real estate trends. Below you will find West Palmdale real estate statistics for the last seven days.Number of homes entering the market: 29     Of these, the number that are short pays is: 3Number of homes entering escrow: 25Number of homes closing escrow (sold): 1Number of homes cancelled/removed/expired/withdrawn from the market: 51See my 24 hour Market Report of the entire Antelope Valley by viewing A.V. Real Estate Trends (or paste to your browser)To find the true value of your home with a free, over-the-net home evaluation, please visit: Palmdale, Lancaster & Antelope Valley Real Estate Online...
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By Don Gockel, Realtor, Broker, GRI - Antelope Valley Real Estate
(NextHome The Gockel Group - Palmdale Lancaster Quartz Hill -)
East Palmdale, California Real EstateWe here at the Gockel Group we continuously monitor local real estate statistics to keep our clients informed and ahead of the real estate trends. Below you will find East Palmdale real estate statistics for the last seven days.Number of homes entering the market: 75 Of these, the number that are short pays is: 20Number of homes entering escrow: 32Number of homes closing escrow (sold): 7Number of homes cancelled/removed/expired/withdrawn from the market: 119See my 24 hour Market Report of the entire Antelope Valley by viewing A.V. Real Estate Trends (or paste to your browser)To find the true value of your home with a free, over-the-net home evaluation, please visit: Palmdale, Lancaster & Antelope Valley Real Estate Online (...
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Good photography, by contrast, is the real estate marketing tool of the millennium!For years now, buyers have dreamed of an even more, more engaging, more interactive tools; virtual redecorating or Obeo Style DesignerChange the paint. Change the flooring. Change the cabinets and countertops. Also Interactive Floor Plans or Obeo Space DesignerBuyers love to see exactly how their furniture is going to fit into the home - and the more they commit their minds to the home, the more committed they are to buying it. Virtual redecorating will sell real estate!If you would like more information about Obeo tours and services, please contact me.PS...Did You Know That You Can Add FREE Music To Your Tours? Call Me Or Email To Find Out How!
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By Don Gockel, Realtor, Broker, GRI - Antelope Valley Real Estate
(NextHome The Gockel Group - Palmdale Lancaster Quartz Hill -)
West Palmdale, California Real EstateWe here at the Gockel Group we continuously monitor local real estate statistics to keep our clients informed and ahead of the real estate trends. Below you will find West Palmdale real estate statistics for the last seven days.Number of homes entering the market: 34     Of these, the number that are short pays is: 6Number of homes entering escrow: 15Number of homes closing escrow (sold): 6Number of homes cancelled/removed/expired/withdrawn from the market: 39See my 24 hour Market Report of the entire Antelope Valley by viewing A.V. Real Estate Trends (or paste to your browser)To find the true value of your home with a free, over-the-net home evaluation, please visit: Palmdale, Lancaster & Antelope Valley Real Estate Online...
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By Don Gockel, Realtor, Broker, GRI - Antelope Valley Real Estate
(NextHome The Gockel Group - Palmdale Lancaster Quartz Hill -)
East Palmdale, California Real EstateWe here at the Gockel Group we continuously monitor local real estate statistics to keep our clients informed and ahead of the real estate trends. Below you will find East Palmdale real estate statistics for the last seven days.Number of homes entering the market: 78 Of these, the number that are short pays is: 25Number of homes entering escrow: 27Number of homes closing escrow (sold): 9Number of homes cancelled/removed/expired/withdrawn from the market: 78See my 24 hour Market Report of the entire Antelope Valley by viewing A.V. Real Estate Trends (or paste to your browser)To find the true value of your home with a free, over-the-net home evaluation, please visit: Palmdale, Lancaster & Antelope Valley Real Estate Online (o...
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By Don Gockel, Realtor, Broker, GRI - Antelope Valley Real Estate
(NextHome The Gockel Group - Palmdale Lancaster Quartz Hill -)
West Palmdale, California Real EstateWe here at the Gockel Group we continuously monitor local real estate statistics to keep our clients informed and ahead of the real estate trends. Below you will find West Palmdale real estate statistics for the last seven days.Number of homes entering the market: 44     Of these, the number that are short pays is: 10Number of homes entering escrow: 10Number of homes closing escrow (sold): 7Number of homes cancelled/removed/expired/withdrawn from the market: 40See my 24 hour Market Report of the entire Antelope Valley by viewing A.V. Real Estate Trends (or paste to your browser)To find the true value of your home with a free, over-the-net home evaluation, please visit: Palmdale, Lancaster & Antelope Valley Real Estate Onlin...
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Why not have a professional photographer take the pictures for you and get this in return. With Obeo Still Photo Tour, you can still have the same great look, same great customer service and tools for half the cost.  Only $59.Call me today for more information or to order your new tour.
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By Don Gockel, Realtor, Broker, GRI - Antelope Valley Real Estate
(NextHome The Gockel Group - Palmdale Lancaster Quartz Hill -)
East Palmdale, California Real EstateWe here at the Gockel Group we continuously monitor local real estate statistics to keep our clients informed and ahead of the real estate trends. Below you will find East Palmdale real estate statistics for the last seven days.Number of homes entering the market: 63 Of these, the number that are short pays is: 20Number of homes entering escrow: 27Number of homes closing escrow (sold): 8Number of homes cancelled/removed/expired/withdrawn from the market: 50See my 24 hour Market Report of the entire Antelope Valley by viewing A.V. Real Estate Trends (or paste to your browser)To find the true value of your home with a free, over-the-net home evaluation, please visit: Palmdale, Lancaster & Antelope Valley Real Estate Online (o...
Comments 1
By Don Gockel, Realtor, Broker, GRI - Antelope Valley Real Estate
(NextHome The Gockel Group - Palmdale Lancaster Quartz Hill -)
West Palmdale, California Real EstateWe here at the Gockel Group we continuously monitor local real estate statistics to keep our clients informed and ahead of the real estate trends. Below you will find West Palmdale real estate statistics for the last seven days.Number of homes entering the market: 33     Of these, the number that are short pays is: 6Number of homes entering escrow: 22Number of homes closing escrow (sold): 3Number of homes cancelled/removed/expired/withdrawn from the market: 34See my 24 hour Market Report of the entire Antelope Valley by viewing A.V. Real Estate Trends (or paste to your browser)To find the true value of your home with a free, over-the-net home evaluation, please visit: Palmdale, Lancaster & Antelope Valley Real Estate Online...
Comments 1
By Diana Hadsell
Are your using the right virtual tour company?If you are using Obeo, then you are using the right company.  The chart below from NAR is proof. If you like more information on how to give your listing the best marketing out there or would like to see why at Obeo we are not just a virtual tour company, please contact me. 
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By Diana Hadsell
Obeo feels that your listing deserve as much exposure as possible to potential buyers.Because of this, we have aligned partnershps with many other websites to get your listings additioal website traffic.Please see some of the website belowNational Real Estate Homes.comHomeSeekers.comYahoo Real EstateTrulia Real Estate SearchGoogleSRARCentury 21 ( ( ( Global Estates ('m really excited to help you.  If you have any questions, you can feel free to call me or e-mail. 
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By Diana Hadsell
NEW OBEO LOOK!!!!You have been waiting... and NOW IT IS HERE...OBEO HOMESITE!See it now... has a new look and feel. It is high end and top of the charts!! Here are some of the new features on the new Obeo Homesite: *   Larger photos and panoramic (tour is almost as big as the screen) *   Theater mode (all your stills move in and out while you enjoy the show) *   Weather Channel (this is in the tools section) *   Bigger bolder Agent page *   Just an overall MORE PROFESSIONAL LOOK AND FEEL... *   NEW ADD ON..."Style Designer" -this feature take your stills and allows the consumer to change the colors of the walls, change the flooring, trim, countertops and cabinets.....all in a few clicks (starts at $40) This is in the tour example above. It's the ONLY one li...
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Obeo, a provider of full-service residential real estate online marketing products in North America, recently named Diana Hadsell, as its Northern Los Angeles County Consultant.In this capacity, Diana will help service real estate professionals in the Antelope, Santa Clarita and San Fernando Valley's."With the new HomeSite Tours, Style Designer and Space Designer along with all the behind the scene tools, I'm so excited to show realtors that Obeo is not just another virtual tour company."Diana previously served for over six years as a title representative in the Santa Clarita Valley. Below is a list of "just some" of her most wonderful customer and what they had to say about her."I have worked with Diana for several years now and she is always available for any questions and readily sol...
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By Don Gockel, Realtor, Broker, GRI - Antelope Valley Real Estate
(NextHome The Gockel Group - Palmdale Lancaster Quartz Hill -)
East Palmdale, California Real EstateWe here at the Gockel Group we continuously monitor local real estate statistics to keep our clients informed and ahead of the real estate trends. Below you will find East Palmdale real estate statistics for the last seven days.Number of homes entering the market: 66 Of these, the number that are short pays is: 23Number of homes entering escrow: 16Number of homes closing escrow (sold): 6Number of homes cancelled/removed/expired/withdrawn from the market: 58See my 24 hour Market Report of the entire Antelope Valley by viewing A.V. Real Estate Trends (or paste to your browser)To find the true value of your home with a free, over-the-net home evaluation, please visit: Palmdale, Lancaster & Antelope Valley Real Estate Online (o...
Comments 1
By Don Gockel, Realtor, Broker, GRI - Antelope Valley Real Estate
(NextHome The Gockel Group - Palmdale Lancaster Quartz Hill -)
West Palmdale, California Real EstateWe here at the Gockel Group we continuously monitor local real estate statistics to keep our clients informed and ahead of the real estate trends. Below you will find West Palmdale real estate statistics for the last seven days.Number of homes entering the market: 39     Of these, the number that are short pays is: 4Number of homes entering escrow: 16Number of homes closing escrow (sold): 5Number of homes cancelled/removed/expired/withdrawn from the market: 34See my 24 hour Market Report of the entire Antelope Valley by viewing A.V. Real Estate Trends (or paste to your browser)To find the true value of your home with a free, over-the-net home evaluation, please visit: Palmdale, Lancaster & Antelope Valley Real Estate Online...
Comments 2
By Don Gockel, Realtor, Broker, GRI - Antelope Valley Real Estate
(NextHome The Gockel Group - Palmdale Lancaster Quartz Hill -)
East Palmdale, California Real EstateWe here at the Gockel Group we continuously monitor local real estate statistics to keep our clients informed and ahead of the real estate trends. Below you will find East Palmdale real estate statistics for the last seven days.Number of homes entering the market: 75 Of these, the number that are short pays is: 25Number of homes entering escrow: 26Number of homes closing escrow (sold): 7Number of homes cancelled/removed/expired/withdrawn from the market: 50See my 24 hour Market Report of the entire Antelope Valley by viewing A.V. Real Estate Trends (or paste to your browser)To find the true value of your home with a free, over-the-net home evaluation, please visit: Palmdale, Lancaster & Antelope Valley Real Estate Online (o...
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By Jeff Thompson
(Thompsons Home Inspections)
Attention top producing agents in the Palmdale, California area. I just want to let you know that I am looking for agents to become part of your power team and if you already have a Home and Mold inspector great. However, I would still like to be a back up if they cannot assist you for that inspection, for everyone knows that you are short on time and you needed that inspection done yesterday not in three days. Our promise to you will be:1) The inspector will be there at the day and time agreed upon.2) Client satisfaction with a completed report on site, the report will be easy to read, and all of the photos will be in color. Plus you will have the photos on a CD disk.Thank you for your time. Please visit my website at Jeff Thompson.
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By Don Gockel, Realtor, Broker, GRI - Antelope Valley Real Estate
(NextHome The Gockel Group - Palmdale Lancaster Quartz Hill -)
West Palmdale, California Real EstateWe here at the Gockel Group we continuously monitor local real estate statistics to keep our clients informed and ahead of the real estate trends.  Below you will find West Palmdale real estate statistics for the last seven days.Number of homes entering the market: 49  Of these, the number that are short pays is: 9Number of homes entering escrow: 11Number of homes closing escrow (sold): 4Number of homes cancelled/removed/expired/withdrawn from the market: 44See my 24 hour Market Report of the entire Antelope Valley by viewing A.V. Real Estate Trends (or paste to your browser)To find the true value of your home with a free, over-the-net home evaluation, please visit: Palmdale, Lancaster & Antelope Valley Real Estate Online (...
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