
Monterey, CA Real Estate News

By Leslie DeLuca, No One Knows The Monterey Peninsula Like DeLuca
(DeLuca Real Estate )
  CAROUSEL CANDIES ON FISHERMAN'S WHARF IN MONTEREY is a magical place.....   I have known Richard and Liz Elves for over 30 years.  They own and operate Carousel Candies on Fisherman's Wharf in Monterey.  The store has been in the family since can feel the love and passion that goes into their products the minute you walk through the door.  They are a perfect team and they have created a candy store that keeps people from all over the world going back again and again. When you walk down the wharf, you can smell the scent of their delicious caramel corn being freshly made... as you follow your nose to see just what that marvelous smell is... you finally see the Hot Pink, black and white store front and you will be  drawn inside not only by the sweet and wonderful scent, but by...
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By Blatt + Cutino, Broker-Associate 831/206-8070*Call today*
(Coldwell Banker Realty)
Web 3.0 from Kate Ray on Vimeo. Please take the time to view this video. It is well worth the time and very interesting about the future of the web.
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By Blatt + Cutino, Broker-Associate 831/206-8070*Call today*
(Coldwell Banker Realty)
  For the second consecutive day, a prescribed burn was ignited at the former Fort Ord. Army officials said the burn was started at 8:15 a.m. at Burn Unit 15, which contains about 167 acres. The burn is expected to last two hours.The burns are being done as part of an Army Superfund project to remove unexploded munitions and explosives from the area that were left over from when Fort Ord was an Army training center.A prescribed burn was also conducted Thursday.Army officials said people may see smoke in the area during the burns, and that those with health problems made worse by smoke should close windows and remain indoors as much as possible.   This photo was taken at 9 am from Chicago Title in Monterey as I was dropping off documents. Then a few hours later I was at the Del Monte Ce...
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By Blatt + Cutino, Broker-Associate 831/206-8070*Call today*
(Coldwell Banker Realty)
Monterey Zillow Home Value IndexMonterey Home Values - Interactive chart Home values in Monterey have experienced a slight increase. Homes are selling and the market is steady!
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By Blatt + Cutino, Broker-Associate 831/206-8070*Call today*
(Coldwell Banker Realty)
Salinas International Airshow from my backyard at Las Palmas Ranch! This afternoon while my kids where napping(they soon woke up) the USAF Thuderbirds fired up their engines and fly over and around my house. The jet sound is intense--the dog was scared and the kids woke up..we all went out back and watched the show. This is an annual event from my backyard!  The show ends tomorrow..there is still time to purchase         These planes were right over my head. This is the view from my bckyard and i t was thrilling.         If you have a chance to will be worth it. P.S. take a look at the utube video here!
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By Blatt + Cutino, Broker-Associate 831/206-8070*Call today*
(Coldwell Banker Realty)
  The semi-annual Las Palmas Ranch Community Garage Sale sponsored by The Las Palmas Ranch Master Association No. 2 will be held on Saturday, October 2nd 8am - noon. This event is advertised in The Salinas Californian and The Monterey County Herald and no sign-up is required. Just place your unwanted "treasures" on your drive-way. This is a popular event and buyers arrive early at Las Palmas Ranch. This event precedes Waste Management's Fall Clean-Up Week, so most unsold items and extra waste can be left at your curb and removed at no extra charge.
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By Blatt + Cutino, Broker-Associate 831/206-8070*Call today*
(Coldwell Banker Realty)
Next week I am planning to attend RainCamp in the bay area! I am curious who else here is planning to be there? I would love to know and get together with some of you out there. Last year I attended the event in San Francisco and it was awesome..I am sure this one will be even better!!! Please contact me..I would love to meet you!
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By Blatt + Cutino, Broker-Associate 831/206-8070*Call today*
(Coldwell Banker Realty)
View Larger Map Here is a map of where I work and live! Many of you may have visited the Monterey Peninsula. Make sure it is on your list of places to see.
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By Leslie DeLuca, No One Knows The Monterey Peninsula Like DeLuca
(DeLuca Real Estate )
   This is a picture my husband and I took on Fisherman's Wharf a couple of nights ago...gorgeous moon over Monterey Bay. The wharf was alive with local fisherman and kids were on the docks fishing....and enjoying the evening.  Monterey Bay Aquarium has extended Saturday and Sunday hours until 8 p.m. where you can explore the aquarium and listen to Jazz Festival players.  It is a great way to spend the evening where the crowds are less and the magical sights of the aquarium and the out of this world view from the back deck will take your breath away. Time 6-8 p.m. at 886 Cannery Row Monterey.  Admission is $29.95 General and $27.95 seniors and students.  Kids 3-12 are $17.95  kids under 3 are free.  More info at Don't miss this while visiting Monterey..... A ...
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By Blatt + Cutino, Broker-Associate 831/206-8070*Call today*
(Coldwell Banker Realty)
Just tried the new Gmail call phone for the first time yesterday. Great reception and easy to use. Thanks Google for another smart feature.
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By Blatt + Cutino, Broker-Associate 831/206-8070*Call today*
(Coldwell Banker Realty)
Local Farmer's Markets are a vibrant part of any community! I happen to live on the magnificant Monterey Peninsula and love to go to the Farmer's Market. Last night was the BIG one downtown Monterey on Alvarado Street. The street is closed from 3pm -8pm. The kids had their faces painted! The have the best facepainter..she is actually helping us getting the kids to sleep in there own bed! Each time they do we go to the market and tell her and she gives them a free facepainting!! How much fun is that! Another favorite Farmer's Market is the one located at the Monterey Peninsula College. They have the best best orchids for the best best prices. And, they last forever! This one used to be Thursday afternoons but it was just changed to Fridays from 10am - 2pm! Which I am so pleased about. Sa...
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By Blatt + Cutino, Broker-Associate 831/206-8070*Call today*
(Coldwell Banker Realty)
I took this photo last year while having lunch with my family on Cannery Row! It kept coming up on my screen saver and thought is was a nice idea to post here on Active Rain. This is a rare site for the Monterey Bay but ships do come in and sit so magnificently on the bay. You will always take a double take when you see one! Here is the article that appeared in the news: The World cruise ship brought 644 feet of luxury to the Monterey Bay on Sunday when it dropped its anchor. The vessel is the only private residential ship that travels the globe, and for local businesses The World is within their reach when it comes to tourism dollars.  "We plan on seeing some of these people real soon," said Anthony Lucido of Domenico's on the Wharf.  Passengers on The World are shuttled to and from t...
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By Blatt + Cutino, Broker-Associate 831/206-8070*Call today*
(Coldwell Banker Realty)
It must be that interest rates are so low and/or buyer confidence is back. But I have had so many buyers lately..more than ever in my career. There are some great deals to be had right now for people..The Monterey Peninsula is a great place to live and it always will be.
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By Leslie DeLuca, No One Knows The Monterey Peninsula Like DeLuca
(DeLuca Real Estate )
PEBBLE BEACH U.S. OPEN GOLF  IS COMING TO THE MONTEREY PENINSULA.  Pebble Beach California: Pebble Beach will once again host the U.S. Open Golf Championships in majestic Pebble Beach June 14-20.  Pebble Beach has been home to 10 previous USGA Championships.  Huge preparations are being made in Pebble Beach to insure a first class experience for all attendees, players and guests. 18,000 bleacher sears will be constructed, 6 miles of fencing, 7,800 volunteers from many communities 1,500 media from 25 countries will be present. Pebble Beach has been the backdrop for many Hollywood movies including "National Velvet", "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir was filmed on the 4th fairway of Pebble, and countless others.  For information you can take a guided tour with Monterey Movie Tours.  www.movietours....
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By Blatt + Cutino, Broker-Associate 831/206-8070*Call today*
(Coldwell Banker Realty)
Today I was reading Brad's post on using Gmail to post.  Which I think is a great idea! I have trouble with my AR posts sometimes on my office computer so I was looking for a better way.   Here is a photo of my kids that I was able to insert thanks to Gmail:   And I love the highlighter!!! I can make the text larger...oh boy! And there are lots of cute little icons--   And so much more...Thanks Brad!          
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By Blatt + Cutino, Broker-Associate 831/206-8070*Call today*
(Coldwell Banker Realty) Next weekend May 21-23 is the Monterey Rock and Rod at the Monterey Fairgrounds! See the fun below! THIS YEARS CAR SHOW AND OLDIES ROCK FESTIVAL FEATURES hundreds of 1972 and older classic, hot rods, street rods, muscle cars, trucks, and customs, located in the Salinas and King City Rooms and throughout the lawn and oak tree studded areas of the Monterey County Fairgrounds. On hand there will be many types of food and merchandise vendors. The event kicks off Friday evening with a Sock Hop featuring live 50s and 60s style music being held in the Monterey Room at the Fairgrounds beginning at 6:00pm. On Saturday the car show commences and music will rock the Payton Stage all day and night. A variety of rock & roll bands will be on stage throughout the day an...
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By Michael Kirch
(Kensington Realty Group, Inc.)
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