
Monterey, CA Real Estate News

By Eileen Begley, Monterey Real Estate
(Coldwell Banker, DelMonte)
Weather Alert for Monterey Peninsula, Ca. - Snow Expected to Continue Thru Christmas...  The weather in Monterey, especially near the harbor area is unseasonably cold this year. A thin layer of snow has settled over the beach, rocks and roof tops of Fisherman's Wharf. It's rumored there is ice skating in the Custom House Plaza area. The ocean is very calm, with minimal waves due to the thin coating of ice over the water. But WARNING it is not (yet) thick enough for you to walk on water, much less ice skate on. Please dress warmly. Yes, I admit, I too own a copy of Photoshop. :) Copyright 2008 by Eileen Begley, all rights reserved
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By Eileen Begley, Monterey Real Estate
(Coldwell Banker, DelMonte)
Sea GullsBirds & Animals of the Monterey Peninsula Series by Eileen Begley Seagulls are probably the best known of the coastal birds. Gulls are known to be intellient and curious birds. Gulls are not popular with everyone particularly when they nest on homes and other buildings. People use everything from fake owls to spikes to keep them from landing. Gulls will eat just about anything. Go to the end of either of the Fisherman's Wharves when the boats come in. The fishermen will throw the fish parts to them and you get to see some great acrobatics in action!  Life on the Monterey Peninsula  copyright 2008 by Eileen Begley
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By Eileen Begley, Monterey Real Estate
(Coldwell Banker, DelMonte)
Commercial Wharf or the Fisherman's Wharf If you have only been to the popular Fisherman's Wharf with all the stores and numerous restaurants, than you have missed out. Municipal Wharf 2 as it is officially known is the commercial pier for the fisherman and is east of the better known Wharf. This is a working pier. This is a pier where you can fish also and no license is required. There are two restaurants located here and also the home of the Monterey Peninsula Yacht Club.You can buy fresh fish here - straight off the boats. It's well worth the stroll to see this workhorse of a pier. copyright 2008 by Eileen BegleyLooking to buy a home on the Monterey Peninsula?
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By Eileen Begley, Monterey Real Estate
(Coldwell Banker, DelMonte)
Lake El Estero, Monterey, California This is a great park. There is a path around the lake (though you may have to share it with the Canadian Geese.) The path is 1.2 miles long and is a paracourse with a series of 18 exercise stations. Dennis the Menace Playground is also located here. There is also a skate board park and you can rent paddle boats. There is a baseball park for Little League use and there are BBQ and picnic facilities for group use. There is also a Youth Center & Dance Studio. Additional Information on the park Additional information about buying a home on the Monterey Peninsulacopyright 2008 by Eileen Begley,
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By Eileen Begley, Monterey Real Estate
(Coldwell Banker, DelMonte)
Monterey County Sales Comparison for 3rd Qtr. 2005 thru 2008 Yes, you read that right sales in 2008 were only slightly below 2005 sales!  The big difference is currently  sales are low end REO properties mostly in Seaside and Salinas. Many of these properties are getting multiple offers. Prices in the Seaside market are often 50 to 60% of the sales amt for the same properties in 2005. Unlike some other areas, Monterey County is working thru it's inventory of bank owned properties. It is now a Seller's market in Seaside and parts of Salinas.The inventory of listings was considerably lower in 2005, then climbed fast and now in 2008 is about 173% of the 2005 number.Quantity of sales peaked as well as prices in 2005 at 1034 sales, then dropped to 551 for 2006 and then even lower to 360 for...
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By Blatt + Cutino, Broker-Associate 831/206-8070*Call today*
(Coldwell Banker Realty)
Two days ago I had lunch with friends at LALLAgrill in Monterey located in the Del Monte Center. The LALLAgrill just opened a few months ago and seems to be the new place to be seen! This was my 3rd time eating lunch there and each time the food and the service were great.   When I arrived at the restaurant I was early and the wait staff was friendly and courteous. I was asked several times if I needed help. The atmosphere is upbeat and fun! The interior is decorated with splashes of color thruout and I loved the wall fountain.  There is a nice outdoor patio complete with fireplace and I heard you can bring your dog if you sit out on the patio! I didn't see any this day but I will consider bringing my small cockapoo in the future.     There is a full bar complete with two plasma TV's. W...
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By Blatt + Cutino, Broker-Associate 831/206-8070*Call today*
(Coldwell Banker Realty)
Not on is the Monterey Peninsula a beautiful place to live and a popular destination it is also home to some fabulous restaurants. In the coming weeks, I will chooses two restaurants and write my opinion/review of them. Feel free to jump in you have any favorites. Today I am having lunch at the new LALLA Grill in Monterey at Del Monte Center. So I will report back soon. The link provided to LALLA Grill is not available yet so I provided the link to Del Monte Center. When I called yesterday they said there site will be up soon. So today I will take photos to share. More later.....
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By Eileen Begley, Monterey Real Estate
(Coldwell Banker, DelMonte)
Sea Otter - Monterey Coast, California Birds & Animals of the Monterey Peninsula - Series by Eileen Begley You don't have to go to the Aquarium to see Sea Otters. Walk along the Monterey Recreation Trail and you will often see Otters. Another good Otter spotting spot is near the Commercial Pier in Monterey in the evening. Otters are a favorite of almost everyone. If you see a cluster of people leaning over and staring into the water - they are often looking at an otter. Unfortunately the otter population is growing very slowly. Pollution is probably a factor threatening the survival of the otters. The Monterey Bay Aquarium does ongoing research to protect this popular mammal. Monterey Peninsula Real Estate
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By Eileen Begley, Monterey Real Estate
(Coldwell Banker, DelMonte)
Sealions Birds & Animals of the Monterey Peninsula Series - by Eileen Begley The Gangs all here. You can see Sealions all along the Monterey Peninsula Recreation Trail. Also go to the end of the Coast Guard Pier. You need to get their before Sunset as it closes then. Also a great way to see Sealions is to go kayaking or take one of the boat cruises from Fisherman's Wharf. I call this one "Sharpai Sealion. Wish I could sleep that deeply and soundly!
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By Eileen Begley, Monterey Real Estate
(Coldwell Banker, DelMonte)
California Brown Pelican Birds & Animals of the Monterey Peninsula Series by Eileen Begley     These unique birds can live 25 to 30 years. They measure about 4 ft. long and have a wing span of seven ft. A good way to see Pelicans and other birds up close is to go kayaking. This photo was taken just north of Fisherman's Wharf along the Monterey Recreation Trail. The pelicans have a little company from the Sealions. You can also see Pelicans hanging out near the end of Fisherman's Wharf, waiting for a handout when the Sports Fishing Boats come in.Looking for a Monterey Home?
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By Eileen Begley, Monterey Real Estate
(Coldwell Banker, DelMonte)
  Birds & Animals of the Monterey Peninsula Series - by Eileen Begley Great Blue Heron This is another "you made my day" bird sighting. Photo taken in Monterey Harbor near the boats. This incredible bird was fishing close to the shore. I did not realize just how incredibly beautiful the birds are until I zoomed in with my lens. "Grey" is a misnomer.The identification description is white crown and face, with a black plume extenging above eye to back of head and beyond. They have a blue grey back, stomach and wings. Photo Tech Notes: Pre HDR so not exactly a High Dynamic Range photo. Shot with Fuji S2Pro using camera RAW. Image was converted twice and blended to bring out feather detail.Monterey Community InformationMonterey Artist Prints
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By Eileen Begley, Monterey Real Estate
(Coldwell Banker, DelMonte)
Birds & Animals of the Monterey Peninsula Series - by Eileen Begley Great White Egret This beautiful bird was fishing in Monterey Harbor near the boats. This bird is found along the ocean shores as well as in marshes and ponds. I have also seen it in the little lake in Marina, marshy fields and the Elkhorn Slough area. You can tell it is a Great White Egret by the size, the yellow beak and the black legs. Seeing one of these beautiful birds always makes my day!  Photo Prints on Canvas Want to Move to the Monterey Peninsula?copyright 2008 by Eileen Begley, All rights reserved
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By Eileen Begley, Monterey Real Estate
(Coldwell Banker, DelMonte)
Monterey Museum of Art - Miniatures Show  This is an awesome show! It runs from Nov. 20 to Jan 4, 2009. It is the annual fundraiser for the museum. All miniatures are donated by artists. You can buy tickets for $5 each or 7 for $30. You then put the tickets in the boxes below your favorites. There will be a drawing so you have a chance of winning one or more of you choices.The museum is at 559 Pacific St, Montery, Ca. 93940. It's open Wed. thru Saturday 11-5 and Sundays 1-4pm. Additional info for the Monterey Museum of Art   Search for Homes on the Monterey Peninsula
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By Blatt + Cutino, Broker-Associate 831/206-8070*Call today*
(Coldwell Banker Realty)
To make things easier for those looking for something to do this month with friends and family I decided to post what I found going on the Monterey Peninsula. 2008 December Events December 1PG Christmas Tree Lighting CeremonyPacific GroveTel: 831-373-3304www.pacificgrove.orgFestivities at Jewell Park Pacific Grove include live entertainment by school bands and choruses, followed by caroling and refreshments at Chautauqua Hall and Santa's first visit! December 2 - 3Christmas at the InnsPacific GroveTel: 831-373-3304www.pacificgrove.orgVisit 12 B&B's (Bed & Breakfast Inns) decorated for the holidays in Victoria-era splendor. Entertainment and light refreshments served. $20 per person. Tickets are limited. December 3 - 6Streets of BethlehemSalinasTel: 831-422-9872www.1stbaptist.netA living...
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By Blatt + Cutino, Broker-Associate 831/206-8070*Call today*
(Coldwell Banker Realty)
    This month Dec. 6- 14th the Monterey Bay Aquarium is holding a community open house for all Monterey County residents. Come one come all to this great event. You must show proof of residency for admission. I saw this on the news last night and for those of you who may have missed it..I am sharing it here. Personally, I love the Monterey Bay Aquarium and enjoyed it with my now 19 year old college daughter and now with my 2 year old twins! There is always something new to see and do. See you at the aquarium. for more information.
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By Blatt + Cutino, Broker-Associate 831/206-8070*Call today*
(Coldwell Banker Realty)
Now if you are looking for something different and exciting to do while you are visiting the beautiful Monterey Peninsula, try skydiving! I have always wanted to do this and will in the near future. My daughter skydived while on a trip to Fiji last Summer..she said it was awesome!!! I am including the link to the Monterey Bay Sky Diving company.   Have fun and let me know about your skydiving experience! Angelica Blatt
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By Blatt + Cutino, Broker-Associate 831/206-8070*Call today*
(Coldwell Banker Realty)
Open From November 26, 2008 through January 4, 2009 Join in on the fun and excitement of the 3rd Annual Monterey On Ice at the Old Fisherman's Wharf. This special event, hosted by the Old Fisherman's Wharf Association, was wildly popular in 2005 and 2006 when it was held at the Monterey Fairgrounds. Now, in 2008 this popular event will be held at the Custom House Plaza near Historic Old Fisherman's Wharf. The new setting will add to the Holiday feeling at Fisherman's Wharf and downtown Monterey. DAILY HOURS12:00pm to 10:00pm    Monday to Friday10:00am to 10:00pm    Saturday & Sunday HOLIDAY HOURSThanksgiving Day    10am to 10pm.Christmas Eve, December 24, 2008    12:00pm to 8:00pmChristmas Day, December 25, 2088    12:00pm to 8:00pmNew Year's Eve, December 31, 2008    10:00am to 11:00pm...
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By Blatt + Cutino, Broker-Associate 831/206-8070*Call today*
(Coldwell Banker Realty) Tomorrow, December 3, 2008 from 2-7pm you can attend the GoGreen Conference at the Monterey Conference Center. Click on the link above for more information and to print a flyer. It likes a great event to attend! And the best part about it is that it is FREE!!! Don't miss it! It is so important to conserve and reuse as much as possible.
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By Blatt + Cutino, Broker-Associate 831/206-8070*Call today*
(Coldwell Banker Realty)
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep, who are playing on this whimsical crib. Hand-painted sheep and clouds grace this elegant white crib. Sheep finials complete the look.Many of today's modern parents are extolling the virtues of round cribs - 360 degrees of optical stimulation for baby, giving baby the full view of its surroundings. When you order this crib, you are ensured a true masterpiece, as each crib is hand-painted especially for you. Details include: · Hand-crafted in the USA by furniture experts. Please note: There may be slight variations in your crib from the picture shown because each is made by hand. · Constructed of native hardwoods - beech, maple, and birch · Cribs are made with tapered legs, secured by mortise and tendon joints. · Strong metal cross braces are used under ...
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By Eileen Begley, Monterey Real Estate
(Coldwell Banker, DelMonte)
Getting in the Christmas Spirit   Video of last year's Monterey, Ca. lighted boat parade. This year the annual boat parade will be on Sunday, December 14, 2008 beginning at 5:00 PM. It will start at the United States Coast Guard Pier and will go as far as Lover's Pt. in Pacific Grove. It will then return to the Monterey Harbor. When I took this video last year I froze! So if you go,be sure and dress warmly! This event is great for kids and adults both.
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