
Los Altos Hills, CA Real Estate News

By Mike Young, FHA 203k Consultant 916-758-1809 cell direct
(, covering the USA)
Homes in my areas are too expensive for FHA  Loan LimitsDon't fool yourself into believing that lie. I hear this all the time. Once I heard it in Fairfield, CA where the Realtor thought FHA loan limits were only about $200,000 when it turned out they were $565,00 at that time.Today if you do an FHA loan in San Jose, CA the limits are (updated 10-27-23)                                                                                          SFR         Duplex     3 units     4 units SAN JOSE-SUNNYVALE-SANTA CLARA, CA 41940   SANTA CLARA 085 CA $1,089,300 $1,394,775 $1,685,850 $2,095,200 What does this mean ? Simply stated you can purchase a home that might cost a million dollars, and when you apply your 3.5% down payment you fall into the FHA guideline. There are still allot of homes in ...
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By Eagle Ridge Real Estate Agents, Representing Buyers and Sellers in Eagle Ridge
(Eagle Ridge Realty)
 Use this handy map feature to find all homes listed on the MLS in the city of Los Altos Hills, CA. Call us today at (408) 846-8284 and we will be glad to list or show you homes for sale.  Use an experienced, local agent to help you with your sale.
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By Eagle Ridge Real Estate Agents, Representing Buyers and Sellers in Eagle Ridge
(Eagle Ridge Realty)
 Use this handy map feature to find all homes listed on the MLS in the city of Los Altos HIlls, CA. Call us today at (408) 846-8284 and we will be glad to list or show you homes for sale.  Use an experienced, local agent to help you with your sale.
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By John Souerbry, Homes, Land & Investments
(Cordon Real Estate)
The Los Altos Hills May 2014 home sales report reflects steady prices as we enter the prime summer selling season.  Only one home closed escrow in May, which indicates a weaker market for existing homes in the ultra-premium price range (current median list price is $4,850,000).  Driving through the Hills, we see construction underway for many new custom homes. Six of the 23 homes currently on the market have been for sale less than 30 days.  There are presently no short sale or foreclosed homes for sale.   June 1st Los Altos Hills Market Snapshot: Homes active on the market: 23 (click to view > Los Altos Hills homes for sale) Distressed properties for sale:  Short Sale – 0  Foreclosed – 0 Price range of active listings:  $2,950,000 to $27,000,000 Number of homes now in escrow:  13   Los...
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By John Souerbry, Homes, Land & Investments
(Cordon Real Estate)
The Los Altos Hills April 2014 home sales report reflects a steady market with prices holding as we enter the prime summer selling season.  Of the eight homes that closed escrow in April, all had selling prices above $2.5M.  Homes in Los Altos Hills typically sell a little slow than in other communities due to the large number of estate homes that carry higher price tags. Ten of the 24 homes currently on the market have been for sale less than 40 days.  There are currently no short sale or foreclosed homes for sale.   May 1st Los Altos Hills Market Snapshot: Homes active on the market: 24 (click to view > Los Altos Hills homes for sale) Distressed properties for sale:  Short Sale – 0  Foreclosed – 0 Price range of active listings:  $2,395,000 to $27,000,000 Number of homes now in escrow...
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By Robert Lei, Sunnyvale Cupertino Santa Clara, Palo Alto Mountain View Saratoga Campbell
(Century 21 (SUNNYVALE, CA) - (408) 893-2410)
Bullis Charter School is not the same as Gardner Bullis Elementary   Although both are physically in the city of Los Altos and have similar names, Bullis Charter School is not the same as Gardner Bullis Elementary.  The two schools get confused with each other, but are very different.  To explain, knowing the history is helpful.  Back when the Los Altos School District Board decided on February 10, 2003 to temporarily close down the original elementary school which served much of Los Altos Hills (Bullis-Purissima Elementary), a group of affected residents sprung to action and started Bullis Charter School (BCS) to fill the void.  Even though BCS is physically located in the city of Los Altos (in the portable classrooms on a campus shared by Egan Junior High School), BCS is chartered by ...
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By Robert Lei, Sunnyvale Cupertino Santa Clara, Palo Alto Mountain View Saratoga Campbell
(Century 21 (SUNNYVALE, CA) - (408) 893-2410)
Los Altos Hills is one of the most prestigious neighborhoods in Silicon Valley.  The ground dwellars in Los Altos are already considered the "haves", so the residents of the Hills are considered the "have mores".  If you buy a home in Los Altos Hills, which schools will your kids attend? Los Altos Hills served by 5 Elementary Schools from 3 Districts - Palo Alto Unified (1), Los Altos School District (3), and Bullis Charter School (1). In order from the northwestern tip down to the southeastern tip, the elementary schools assigned to the different neighborhoods of Los Altos Hills are:   -- Palo Alto Unified: Lucille M. Nixon Elementary (API 955) -- Los Altos School District: Bullis Elementary (API 947) -- Los Altos School District: Covington Elementary (API 974) -- Los Altos School Dist...
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By John Souerbry, Homes, Land & Investments
(Cordon Real Estate)
The Los Altos Hills March 2014 home sales report for homes that closed escrow reflects the exclusive nature of luxury property sales – few homes on the market and prices are currently holding steady.  All homes that completed sale in March or are now on the market carry a price over $2,000,000.  All escrow closings were for single family homes, selling at a median price of $3,140,000 (two homes that reported completed sales withheld their sale price). On average Los Altos Hills homes are selling quickly.  Homes that closed escrow in March averaged 34 days on the market before an offer was accepted, though seven of the nine that sold were on the market less than 30 days.  Seven of the 17 homes still for sale have been on the market less than 30 days. April 1st Los Altos Hills Market Snap...
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By John Souerbry, Homes, Land & Investments
(Cordon Real Estate)
There were three more Los Altos Hills homes for sale this past week in this exclusive Silicon Valley community, ranging in asking price from $2,998,000 to $10,888,000. The list of Los Altos Hills homes for sale is beginning to lengthen as spring gets closer, though there are only 18 actively listed at this time.  An indicator that demand is continuing to be strong is that of the ten homes that have sold so far in 2014, seven were on the market less than 30 days. Below are listings of Los Altos Hills homes for sale placed on the market in the past week.  Click on a property’s Address to view photos and detailed information.  Use the appropriate tabs to request more information or to schedule a visit.   Los Altos Hills Homes For Sale This Week   10631 MAGDALENA RD, LOS ALTOS HILLS, CA 940...
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By John Souerbry, Homes, Land & Investments
(Cordon Real Estate)
There are three more Los Altos Hills homes for sale this week in this exclusive Silicon Valley community.  The list of Los Altos Hills homes for sale is beginning to lengthen as spring is getting closer, though there are only 17 for sale at this time (not including homes already in escrow). Below are listings of Los Altos Hills homes for sale placed on the market in the past week.  Click on a property’s Address to view photos and detailed information.  Use the appropriate tabs to request more information or to schedule a visit.   Los Altos Hills Homes For Sale This Week   11653 DAWSON DR, LOS ALTOS HILLS, CA 94024 $5,950,000 Bedrooms: 4Bathrooms: 4 full | 1 partialSq. Ft.: 9,058 Open House on Sunday, Feb 23, 2014 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM --------------------------------------------------------...
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By John Souerbry, Homes, Land & Investments
(Cordon Real Estate)
There are two Los Altos Hills homes for sale a week or less today in this exclusive Silicon Valley community.  The list of Los Altos Hills homes for sale is beginning to lengthen as spring is getting closer, though there are only 16 for sale at this time (not including homes already in escrow). Below are listings of Los Altos Hills homes for sale placed on the market in the past week.  Click on a property’s Address to view photos and detailed information.  Use the appropriate tabs to request more information or to schedule a visit.   Los Altos Hills Homes For Sale A Week Or Less   27791 EDGERTON RD, LOS ALTOS HILLS, CA 94022 $3,150,000 Bedrooms: 5Bathrooms: 3 full | 1 partialSq. Ft.: 4,130           Open House on Sunday, Feb 9, 2014 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM ------------------------------------...
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By MichelleCherie Carr Crowe .Just Call. 408-252-8900, Family Helping Families Buy & Sell Homes 40+ Years
(Get Results Team...Just Call (408) 252-8900! . DRE #00901962 . Licensed to Sell since 1985 . Altas Realty)
Have You Seen These Los Altos Hills, Silicon Valley Burglary Suspects? Watch The Surveillance Footage and Report Suspects by Michelle Carr Crowe, Silicon Valley REALTOR(R) 'Tis the be robbed. Sadly, some people think Christmas shopping should begin at home...someone else's home, that is. The Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office released a home surveillance video showing three suspects who broke into a home in the 14000 Block of Berry Hill Lane in Los Altos Hills in Santa Clara County, on Wednesday, December 18, 2013 just before 4:00 p.m. The thieves made off with a jewelry box.  Police are asking for the public's help in identifying the suspects, and it can be anonymous. Anyone with information or potential leads on this case should...
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By John Souerbry, Homes, Land & Investments
(Cordon Real Estate)
There are 20 Los Altos Hills homes for sale holding an open house this coming weekend in this exclusive Silicon Valley community.  Click on the address included in the listings below to view details of each of the Los Altos Hills homes for sale.  If you would like assistance during your open house visit or more information about any of these homes, contact me directly or use the “Request More Info” tab on the individual property listing page. Los Altos Hills Homes For Sale Holding An Open House September 28-29   12012 ADOBE CREEK LODGE RD, LOS ALTOS HILLS, CA 94022   $6,250,000 Bedrooms: 5Bathrooms: 4 full | 1 partialSq. Ft.: 5,400    Open House on Saturday, Sep 28, 2013 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM       27461 SHERLOCK RD, LOS ALTOS HILLS, CA 94022   $6,200,000 Bedrooms: 5Bathrooms: 4 full | 2 pa...
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By John Souerbry, Homes, Land & Investments
(Cordon Real Estate)
The Los Altos Hills home sales report for August 2013 reflects the strong and steady market throughout Silicon Valley and moderate demand for Los Altos Hills housing.  Homes priced below $5M continue to sell briskly and values are expected to remain stable through the end of the year.  Sale of homes priced greater than $5M are very slow, with 11 homes offered for sale and only 2 currently in escrow. Of the 9 homes that closed escrow in August (down from 16 in July), 5 sold within 30 days and 3 sold in more than 60 days. September 1st Los Altos Hills Market Snapshot: Homes active on the market: 37 (click to view > Los Altos Hills homes for sale) Short sale/Foreclosed homes for sale:  0/0 Price range of active listings: $1,250,000 - $27,000,000 Homes now in escrow: 9 Contact Us for more i...
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By John Souerbry, Homes, Land & Investments
(Cordon Real Estate)
The Los Altos Hills home sales report for July 2013 reflects the strong and steady market throughout Silicon Valley and moderate demand for Los Altos Hills housing.  Homes priced below $5M continue to sell briskly and values are expected to remain stable until fall. Of the 16 homes that closed escrow in July (up from seven in June), eight were on the market longer than 30 days and three sold in 10 days or less.  The number of homes now in escrow dropped in half since June 1st, from 20 to 10. August 1st Los Altos Hills Market Snapshot: Homes active on the market: 42 (click to view > Los Altos Hills homes for sale) Short sale/REO homes for sale:  0/0 Price range of active listings: $1,699,000 - $27,000,000 Homes now in escrow: 10 Contact Us for more information regarding this Los Altos Hi...
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By John Souerbry, Homes, Land & Investments
(Cordon Real Estate)
The Los Altos Hills home sales report for June 2013 reflects the improving market throughout Silicon Valley.  However, despite as many homes being on the market in Los Altos Hills as there are in neighboring Los Altos or Palo Alto, the number of homes sold in June is considerably lower in Los Altos Hills.  This is most likely because home prices are so much higher in Los Altos Hills – 31 of the 42 homes listed for sale are priced above $3,000,000. The time needed to sell is also longer – June homes that closed escrow in Los Altos Hills averaged 30 days on market, the average in Los Altos and Palo also was about 15 days on market.  Of the seven Los Altos Hills homes that closed escrow in June, only two were on the market longer than 30 days and three sold in less than 10 days.  Again, th...
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By John Souerbry, Homes, Land & Investments
(Cordon Real Estate)
Looking for Los Altos Hills residential land for a home site?  We can help.  Home and land values in the Hills have surged in the past year.  Major residential remodels, expansions and new construction starts can be seen throughout the area.  Land value alone for many empty lots and tear-down homes coming on the market are listed at $2,000,000 or more per acre.  Prices are expected to increase as demand continues to build this summer. Click here for the list of >>> Los Altos Hills residential land <<< currently on the market.  Click on a property’s Address to view photos and detailed information.  The list is updated daily, so bookmark this page and check back for new listings.  If you would like to receive new listings automatically by email, click here:  Set-Up Los Altos Hills Residen...
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By John Souerbry, Homes, Land & Investments
(Cordon Real Estate)
Looking for Los Altos and Los Altos Hills residential land for a home site?  We can help. Here are Los Altos and Los Altos Hills residential lots and land for sale as of April 9, 2013.  Click on a property’s Address to view photos and detailed information.     10800 MAGDALENA RD, LOS ALTOS HILLS, CA 94024   $8,000,000          2100 WOODS LN, LOS ALTOS, CA 94024   $7,000,000               12401 HILLTOP DR, LOS ALTOS HILLS, CA 94024   $5,750,000                0 ELENA RD, LOS ALTOS HILLS, CA 94022   $5,750,000              28008 LAURA CT, LOS ALTOS HILLS, CA 94022   $3,759,000            25400 LA LOMA DR, LOS ALTOS HILLS, CA 94022   $3,498,000              26041 MOODY RD, LOS ALTOS HILLS, CA 94022   $3,495,000             0 LA LOMA DR, LOS ALTOS HILLS, CA 94022   $2,998,000               ...
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By John Souerbry, Homes, Land & Investments
(Cordon Real Estate)
Looking for Los Altos and Los Altos Hills residential land for a home site?  We can help. Here are Los Altos and Los Altos Hills residential lots and land for sale as of March 11, 2013.  Click on a property’s Address to view photos and detailed information.   2100 WOODS LN, LOS ALTOS, CA 94024   $8,500,000                 10800 MAGDALENA RD, LOS ALTOS HILLS, CA 94024   $8,000,000               12401 HILLTOP DR, LOS ALTOS HILLS, CA 94024   $5,750,000            0 ELENA RD, LOS ALTOS HILLS, CA 94022   $5,750,000             28008 LAURA CT, LOS ALTOS HILLS, CA 94022   $3,759,000           26041 MOODY RD, LOS ALTOS HILLS, CA 94022   $3,495,000             26310 ESPERANZA DR, LOS ALTOS HILLS, CA 94022   $2,725,000            27641 PURISSIMA RD, LOS ALTOS HILLS, CA 94022   $2,500,000         ...
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By John Souerbry, Homes, Land & Investments
(Cordon Real Estate)
Looking for Los Altos and Los Altos Hills residential land for a home site?  We can help. Here are Los Altos and Los Altos Hills residential lots and land for sale as of February 15, 2013.  Click on a property’s Address to view photos and detailed information.   28030 NATOMA RD, LOS ALTOS HILLS, CA 94022                 $19,500,000     18.12 acres                                      2100 WOODS LN, LOS ALTOS, CA 94024                 $8,500,000    9 acres             10800 MAGDALENA RD, LOS ALTOS HILLS, CA 94024                 $8,000,000    3.26 acres                                               12401 HILLTOP DR, LOS ALTOS HILLS, CA 94024                 $5,750,000    2 acres                     0 ELENA RD, LOS ALTOS HILLS, CA 94022                 $5,750,000    6.71 acres            ...
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