
La Mesa, CA Real Estate News

By Rachell Lara Realtor, San Diego Real Estate Guide
(Real Brokerage/ 619.316.7445)
619-316-7445 Rachell Lara Real Estate Consultant and La Mesa Real Neighborhood Specialist Real Estate Trends for La Mesa 91941 La Mesa Home Price Trends The median list price in January for single family homes in La Mesa 91941 is $554,850. The list prices dropped by -2.64% from the previous month. The price per square foot for listings in this area is $252. The median sale price in August for single family homes is $426,250. The sale prices increased by 12.17% from the previous month. The price per square foot for sales in this area is $175 Real Estate Trends for La Mesa 91942 The median list price in January for single family homes in La Mesa 91942 is $385,000. The list prices dropped by -1.28% from the previous month. The p...
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By Jason E. Gordon, Sr Loan Officer, CMA, CMPS, CDLP, CDRE, RCSD, CDPE
(CMG Mortgage, San Diego, CA)
Tuesday closed with a modest gain of 6 basis points. Industry Analysts remain conflicted in their predictions of where mortgage rates will end up in the short term. This daily mortgage interest rate report is designed to provide Borrowers & Real Estate Profesionals with factual data regarding where rates are at any given time and what trends are propelling current mortgage pricing on any given day. Feel free to browse the library and research historical rate updates dating back nearly 2 years at whenever desired.  Also, make sure to learn about THE TRUTH BEHIND MORTGAGE QUOTES to better understand the relationship between up-front closing costs and mortgage interest rates so you don't get duped by clever advertising campaigns. The Mortgage Street Smarts of where mor...
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By Jason E. Gordon, Sr Loan Officer, CMA, CMPS, CDLP, CDRE, RCSD, CDPE
(CMG Mortgage, San Diego, CA)
On the heals of a painful day for mortgage rates yesterday, we are currently making up some ground with a 30 point gain today thus far. This daily mortgage interest rate report is designed to provide Borrowers & Real Estate Profesionals with factual data regarding where rates are at any given time and what trends are propelling current mortgage pricing on any given day. Feel free to browse the library and research historical rate updates dating back nearly 2 years at whenever desired.  Also, make sure to learn about THE TRUTH BEHIND MORTGAGE QUOTES to better understand the relationship between up-front closing costs and mortgage interest rates so you don't get duped by clever advertising campaigns. The Mortgage Street Smarts of where mortgage interest rates are goin...
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By Jason E. Gordon, Sr Loan Officer, CMA, CMPS, CDLP, CDRE, RCSD, CDPE
(CMG Mortgage, San Diego, CA)
Another tough day for mortgage rates on Tuesday with a net result of a 24 basis points worsening. Several Lenders throughout the country posted mid-day pricing adjustments (increasing the cost of interest rates 0.125- 0.250 points). This daily mortgage interest rate report is designed to provide Borrowers & Real Estate Profesionals with factual data regarding where rates are at any given time and what trends are propelling current mortgage pricing on any given day. Feel free to browse the library and research historical rate updates dating back nearly 2 years at whenever desired.  Also, make sure to learn about THE TRUTH BEHIND MORTGAGE QUOTES to better understand the relationship between up-front closing costs and mortgage interest rates so you don't get duped by c...
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By Rachell Lara Realtor, San Diego Real Estate Guide
(Real Brokerage/ 619.316.7445)
619.316.7445 or  to contact Rachell Lara, Community Speacialist of San Diego Lifestyles Realty La Mesa, Christmas in the Village La Mesa Village always has something going on, and in December it is an Old Fashioned Christmas on La Mesa Blvd.   When:    Friday, Dec. 14, 2012  5pm-10pm     and Saturday, Dec. 15, 2012  5pm-10pm Where:   La Mesa Blvd, 91942 Who:      The Whole Family Costs:     The event is free   Don't miss the Holiday Parade starting at 5pm both nights   The event is a gift to the community from the La Mesa Village Merchants Association The Village is transformed into a Victorian Wonderland. Perfect for creating holiday memories and finding original gifts for  giving! The streets are filled with Strolling Minst...
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By Regina P. Brown, M.B.A., Broker, Instructor
(MBA Broker Consultants)
Today when I logged in here on AR, I noticed that I had received a question.  I took the time to read and answer the question… then I wondered how many other questions have been posted?  And how many AR members have answered those questions? Today’s question is:  “Has anyone been able to negotiate with a lender in a short sell transaction to get the lender to pay the HOA back fees?” My answer:  First off, you should know that the lenders (big banks) do not "negotiate". They tell you their rules (and sometimes they keep them a secret), but you must play by them if you want to get their short sale approval. Yes sometimes the short sale lenders WILL pay HOA fees, sometimes they will NOT. It depends on the lender's policies, the type of mortgage loan, the lender's "investors", how much mone...
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By Ryan Case, 877-828-0710
(SCA Real Estate)
  La Mesa Homes For Sale If you are currently looking to purchase a home for sale in La Mesa California, but don't know where to begin, SCA Real Estate is here to help! Our friendly Realtors can provide you with instant access which will allow you to view all La Mesa Homes For Sale with the simple click of your mouse!   La Mesa MLS Home Search  Often times Real Estate websites can be confusing and misleading, and most have outdated data! Our La Mesa Homes website is updated daily, which means you will only be shown Homes for sale in La Mesa that are actually available!, vs homes that are pending or already sold.    Work with a top La Mesa Realtor When you choose to hire an experienced and knowledgeable La Mesa Realtor, it can & will make all the difference in the world between finding y...
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Remodeled 2 bedroom Strawberry Hills Condo Overview Maps Photos Market Stats $174,900 Condominium Main Features 2 Bedrooms1 Bathroom1 UnitInterior: 1,068 sqft Location 5430 Baltimore Dr68La Mesa, CA 91942USA To get updates on open home dates and other property events, please click the "Like" button below: Ryan Case SCA Real Estate(877) 828-0710ryan@scarealestate.com   Listed by: SCA Real Estate Our recent listings MUST SEE Turnkey Menifee Lakes CharmerMUST SEE Lakefront turnkey home in Menifee Lakes!Remodeled 5 bedroom STANDARD SALE Turnkey HomeRemodeled Brick Ranch Home on quiet cul-de-sacRemodeled 2 bedroom Strawberry Hills Condo Subscribe to our listing feed Nearby properties for sale
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By Jason E. Gordon, Sr Loan Officer, CMA, CMPS, CDLP, CDRE, RCSD, CDPE
(CMG Mortgage, San Diego, CA)
How is the market responding the day before elections? So far, so good!  After a strong improvement on Friday, we find ourselves back on the same pace today with a 21 basis point gain in early trading. Today might be a great day to lock in your rates! This daily mortgage interest rate report is designed to provide Borrowers & Real Estate Profesionals with factual data regarding where rates are at any given time and what trends are propelling current mortgage pricing on any given day. Feel free to browse the library and research historical rate updates dating back nearly 2 years at whenever desired.  Also, make sure to learn about THE TRUTH BEHIND MORTGAGE QUOTES to better understand the relationship between up-front closing costs and mortgage interest rates so you d...
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By Rachell Lara Realtor, San Diego Real Estate Guide
(Real Brokerage/ 619.316.7445)
Call Gold Star Group at 619-316-7445 or click to reach our San Diego Community Specialist & Real Estate Agent     Welcome to La Mesa's Real Estate Portal, your single stop for finding a home in La Mesa, California. San Diego Real Estate changes constantly so be sure to come back daily to see ALL the available homes in La Mesa from La Mesa Foreclosures to La Mesa Luxury Homes. La Mesa, the Jewel of the Hills is a wonderful city and community celebrating it's 100 year anniversary in 2012. The Village of La Mesa host great events including San Diego County's largest Oktoberfest and Christmas in the Village. La Mesa has great neighborhoods. Because the topography of La Mesa is hilly many of the houses have gorgeous views. It is d...
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By Jason E. Gordon, Sr Loan Officer, CMA, CMPS, CDLP, CDRE, RCSD, CDPE
(CMG Mortgage, San Diego, CA)
After last Thursday's banner improvement day, we have seen mortgage pricing gradually increase with 51 & 15 basis point worsenings on Friday and Monday respectively. This daily mortgage interest rate report is provided to equip Borrowers & Real Estate Profesionals with factual data regarding where rates are at any given time and what trends are propelling current mortgage pricing on any given day. Feel free to browse the library and research historical rate updates dating back nearly 2 years at whenever desired.  Also, make sure to learn about THE TRUTH BEHIND MORTGAGE QUOTES to better understand the relationship between up-front closing costs and mortgage interest rates so you don't get duped by clever advertising campaigns. The Mortgage Street Smarts of where mort...
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By Rachell Lara Realtor, San Diego Real Estate Guide
(Real Brokerage/ 619.316.7445)
Call Gold Star Group at 619-316-7445 or click to reach our San Diego Community Specialist & Real Estate Agent HOW TO BUY A HOUSE IN TODAY'S SAN DIEGO'S REAL ESTATE MARKET: How to Really Improve Your Credit Score Have you been wondering how and if you can take advantage and participate in the most affordable real estate market in the last 50 years? There is still time to purchase a home will prices and interest rates are down, but you need to start planning now, even if you think the date is next year. By starting with a plan now you can usual cut your waiting time in half, you just need to talk with the experts to take the proper steps.  There are PITFALLS. Please let us help guide you around them. San Diego YOUR CREDIT SCORE is one of the biggest ...
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By Solutions Real Estate San Diego, Expert Real Estate Advisors in San Diego
(Solutions Real Estate)
Private Property for Sale in La Mesa CA – La Mesa Real Estate for Sale Located amongst the rolling hills of San Diego County, La Mesa had been nicknamed the “Jewel of the Hills” due to its mild weather and temperatures, tree-lined streets, quaint and beautiful neighborhoods, convenient access to shopping, dining, and entertainment, and the downtown area. Located approximately 15 minutes from San Diego and the Pacific Ocean, the Private Property for Sale in La Mesa CA is highly prized and much sought after. With its prime location and amenities, more and more home buyers are looking to La Mesa for their next real estate purchase!   If you’re looking to purchase any of the La Mesa Real Estate for Sale you’ll find a wide variety of home types to choose from! To stay in budget, there are af...
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By Jason E. Gordon, Sr Loan Officer, CMA, CMPS, CDLP, CDRE, RCSD, CDPE
(CMG Mortgage, San Diego, CA)
Do you know someone who is currently applying for a mortgage loan and looking for the lowest mortgage rates? By forwarding this article, you will be doing them a huge favor! Finally a free daily report that offers complete transparency regarding mortgage rates by showing the actual market activity which influences the direction of mortgage rates. All Real Estate Professionals & Consumers are advised to stay informed about interest rates and learn THE TRUTH BEHIND MORTGAGE QUOTES to insure the best financial decisions are being made without the distraction of marketing gimmicks. Whether you're a newbee, market analyst (or somewhere in between), keep yourself informed of where mortgage interest rates are going (and why) by subscribing to this complimentary daily update. The Mortgage Stree...
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By Marti Steele Kilby, CRS, Broker/Owner, San Diego, CA
(Steele Group Realty)
The Vine Cottage Bistro     Surprisingly located at the front of a rather non-descript strip mall, the Vine Cottage offers a unique La Mesa dining experience.  The ambiance of the small restaurant is cozy and intimate with a bit of a European feel to it, and there is a charming outdoor seating area with plenty of heaters to keep things toasty.   The food and drink however are the real stars of this young restaurant that is getting rave reviews.  Executive Chef Schuyler Schultz imagines the food as “wine country comfort food” with a Mediterranean flair.  The dishes rely on fresh local fruits and vegetables and the he uses only free range chicken and sustainably-raised Niman Ranch meats.  Schultz also serves as wine manager and has assembled an interesting wine list featuring European var...
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By Marti Steele Kilby, CRS, Broker/Owner, San Diego, CA
(Steele Group Realty)
Antique Shopping in Downtown La Mesa         If you’re looking for a great way to spend an afternoon, head over to La Mesa Blvd, between Spring Street and 4th Street and wander through time in the many antique stores that line the street.  Although not as popular as the antique stores on Adams Avenue, Hillcrest, or in Ocean Beach, La Mesa has a variety of stores offering everything from large pieces of furniture to jewelry and knick-knacks.   Here are a few of my favorites:   Park Estate Company Antiques This is a large store with a wide variety of items.  But the best part is Mike the owner who is very knowledgable about everything in the store!   8371 La Mesa Blvd La Mesa, CA 91942 (619) 644-3003 11 am – 6 pm Mon – Sun.   La Mesa Antique Mall Just around the corner from La Mesa Blvd i...
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By Marti Steele Kilby, CRS, Broker/Owner, San Diego, CA
(Steele Group Realty)
  Fitness, Fun and a First Kiss at the EastCountyYMCA     My memories of the East County YMCA all revolve around the “Y” dance.  Once a month, the Y, which is a couple of blocks from Parkway Middle School, (then Junior High), put on a Friday night dance, and for a few hours and $1 I was swept into the rock ‘n roll fun of the mid ‘60s.  Boys asked girls to dance, and we all wore mini skirts and poor boy tops with plastic bangles and beads.  We learned to do the jerk, the swim and of course the twist.  Life ahead was endless and we all felt a sense of excitement, anticipation, and hmmm….hormones? I remember that the chaperones were charged with making sure that the slow dances weren’t too close, but they didn’t do a very good job.  So for all of us still too young to date, the Y dances we...
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By Marti Steele Kilby, CRS, Broker/Owner, San Diego, CA
(Steele Group Realty)
My Favorite La Mesa Restaurant       Nestled in the heart of the village of La Mesa is one of the best Italian restaurants in San Diego County.  Tiramisu Trattoria offers a great dining experience in a relaxing and intimate setting.  The food is multi-regional and carefully prepared with great attention to taste and plating.  And the service is some of the best I’ve ever experienced.  The restaurant opened in May 2004, and has had great reviews ever since.   I usually start with the insalata Tiramisu which includes mixed baby greens, caramelized onion, baked goat cheese and olive and raisin foccacia.  Absolutely delicious as none of the ingredients are overpowering and the goat cheese provides just the right amount of bite to the taste.  I usually follow with one of their special fish d...
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Consider One of the Many Beautiful La Mesa, CA Houses for Sale If you are looking for a place to call home consider La Mesa, California. Here, you will never run out of things to do. La Mesa has something in store for everyone. Just 12 miles from the beach, you can escape to beautiful views of the sunset in a matter of minutes or spend a day basking in the sun while being calmed by the ocean's waves. Alternatively, you can indulge in a number of La Mesa's quintessential traditions such as the annual Oktoberfest and the Flag Day Parade every June. If you are a car enthusiast, you will love La Mesa since it hosts the Back to the 50s Car Show where classic car owners from all over the country visit to show off their vintage vehicles. If you love gourmet cooking or organic produce, you wil...
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By Ryan Case, 877-828-0710
(SCA Real Estate)
Lloyd Cullen Real Estate is a local La Mesa Certified Distressed Property Expert . As a La Mesa Short Sale Company that specializes in short sales, you are assured the highest standard of professionalism and can always count on our La Mesa Certified Distressed Property Experts to help answer any questions you have in regards to La Mesa Short Sales. La Mesa Certified Distressed Property Expert Lloyd Cullen is a local La Mesa Short Sale Expert with experienced La Mesa Short Sale Agents here to assist you.   La Mesa Certified Distressed Property Expert We specialize in Short Sales for La Mesa and Surrounding Areas For our La Mesa Short Sale Realtors at Lloyd Cullen Real Estate to continue to have a good reputation for the hard work they do, they must continue to make their clients happy. W...
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