
Blossom Valley, CA Real Estate News

By Mike Young, FHA 203k Consultant 916-758-1809 cell direct
(, covering the USA)
Why do they need 45-60 days to close a 203k loan?Why does the LO always say they need that much time to close? I'm about to tell you the naked truth. The simple answer is "they don't". The reason they take so long to close your renovation loan is quite often "it has always taken them that long", or "because someone told them it takes that long", or "our company makes us say that" just in case as we would rather tell you that and close in 30-35 days that to tell you 30 days and need 45 on yours. I had one loan officer tell me he was ready to close his 203k loan in 28 days and his boss told him to hold it up till 45, as we can't do that on a regular basis. He was fit to be tied. This was a major bank in the business too. That attitude of "don't give great service to anyone or they will ex...
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By Mike Young, FHA 203k Consultant 916-758-1809 cell direct
(, covering the USA)
Since 14 Sept 2015 with FHA 203kThe "new" guideline has some good things inside for those who like Mixed Use buidlings as I do. The guideline used to be that we had to maintain no more than 25% commercial on a single story building, no more than 49% on a 2 story and no more than 33% for 3 or more stories. We now have had simplified to the structure may be 51% residential regardless of the number of stories, and the commercial use is restricted to the first floor only and cannot adversely affect the residential use. In other words it must be compatible with the residential use. No smog repair shops, muffler shops, things where there are fumes that might affect the health and/or safety of the tenants above.Live-workThis makes live-work more appealing to many as well. Now you can take a a ...
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By Mike Young, FHA 203k Consultant 916-758-1809 cell direct
(, covering the USA)
This one gets me all the time. You forgot the case number, here it is please insert it on each page of the report. I'm surprised you forgot it with as many of these as you have done.LMAO, the case number is ordered after our report is completed and turned in. It is ordered when the order the appraisal, they can't order the appraisal till they know the cost of the repairs. It is a "catch 22" for sure. There isn't a week that goes by that we don't get asked to provide the case number on all the forms. It is actually a pretty simple thing to do with our proprietary software. We merely add the case number and reprint the report with a push of a button then send that pdf to the client and their lender. If you are a 203k or a HomeStyle® Renovation Mortgage lender and would like to try our sof...
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By Chris Freck, EstaR Mortgage, A Bilingual Brokerage
(EstaR Mortgage)
VA Mortgage Loans in Blossom Valley California and 100% financing on VA Loans - the best loan program and loan payment in the country! Designed for both active duty military and honorable discharged Veterans, VA Mortgage Loans are one of the best mortgage loan programs available today. Here are some of the highlights of this incredible program: - Up to 100% financing, with no down required. - Monthly mortgage insurance is not tacked on to your payment. - More lenient credit qualifying standards than other types of mortgage loans. - Low rates compared to other loan programs. Here's how to qualify for a VA Mortgage Loan in Blossom Valley California: You must first verify your eligibility. Eligibility is verified by ordering your Certificate of Eligibility or COE. A Blossom Valley Californ...
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By Michael Devlin
(KW Real Estate School)
Blossom Valley San Jose Real Estate Listings Search Blossom Valley San Jose Real Estate New Listings (18) Blossom Valley San Jose Real Estate Foreclosure Listings (7) Blossom Valley San Jose Real Estate Short Sale Listings (11) Blossom Valley San Jose Real Estate Single Family Homes for Sale (41) Blossom Valley San Jose Real Estate Condos & Townhomes for Sale (24) Jo Ann Hill, Keller Williams Realty Silicon Valley DRE#01474793 NOW is a great time to get your real estate license! Free  eBook on how do it, real estate career sessions, license preparation class guest lesson, and much more! Click Here!
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By Kathleen Daniels, Probate & Trust Specialist, Probate Real Estate Services
(KD Realty - 408.972.1822)
Blossom Valley San Jose Ca homes for sale week ending October 3, 2009 compared to October 4, 2008. Blossom Valley San Jose Ca homes - Blossom Valley 95123 Blossom Valley San Jose Ca homes - Blossom Valley 95136 There were 78 Blossom Valley San Jose Ca homes for sale, including short sales and bank owned homes in the week ending October 3, 2009 compared to 232 Blossom Valley San Jose Ca homes for sale, including short sales and bank owned homes in week ending October 4, 2008. Of the 78 Blossom Valley San Jose Ca homes for sale there were 35 short sales, 15 bank owned homes and 28 traditional listings. 70.3% Listings in Escrow.There were 58 Blossom Valley San Jose Ca condos and Blossom Valley San Jose Townhomes for sale, including short sales and bank owned homes compared to 197 in 2008. ...
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