Does your Smoke Detector work?
By Tony Card, Your Big Bear REO Specialist
(Keller Williams, Big Bear Lake, CA)
Smoke Alarms We walk past them every day as we walk through our homes and never think about them until they start with that annoying chirp sound reminding us that the batteries need changing. We never think of them but they are a valid part of our everyday lives and I thank God that they worked in my home last night. As i knew that I had to get up early this morning, and knowing how much trouble i have with sleep, i took a sleeping pill before turning in at a decent hour to go to bed last night. Sometime during the night I was dreaming that there was an alarm going off and my wife was pulling my arm in an attempt to pull me off of the bed. When I did wake up i found my dog Lucky who had my arm clamped firmly in his mouth and he is trying to pull me from the bed. The annoying alar...