Sun City Community Garage Sale
By KAREN SANCHEZ, ...Marketing your home like no one else will.
( Reputable Realty)
Sat April 21, 2012 from 7AM-2 PM Sun City will be having it's semi-annual garage sale. Yard sale maps will be available at the guard houses. This is just one of the many MANY events for Sun City residents. There are a multitude of clubs, classes and groups in this active over 55 area. There are 2 club houses for residents to enjoy, 3 pools, 2 gyms and muliple meeting rooms. check out If you are looking to relocate to this kind of fun active community in the heart of the High Desert, please consider calling me, Karen at Real Living Hamilton Landon 760.684.0250 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 760.684.0250end_of_the_skype_highlighting Currently, as of 4/11/12 there are 16 homes listed average size 1730 average price per...