If you would like to search the MLS the same way I do, email me at LesslieG@aol.com The following statistics include real estate transactions for Anaheim Hills as of Friday, October 12, 2012. Condo Listings, by Zip Code, Activity between 10/5/12-10/12/12 Active condo listings in 92807: 1, $325,000; 1,532 square feet or $212.14 per square foot. Pending: 1, $449,000; 2,255 square feet or $199.11 per square foot. Closed: 1; $382,000; 1,635 square feet or $233.64 per square foot. No Back-up sales between 10/5/12-10/12/2012 Active condo listings in 92808: 3, Average price is $399,633; 1,370 square feet or $291.70 per square foot. Closed: 1, $311,000; 1,394 square feet or $223.10 per square foot. No Back-up or Pending sales between 10/5/2012-10/12/2012 Single Family Residence Listi...