IRS Helps First Time (and almost first time) Home Buyers
By Nancy Moeller
(Seven Gables Real Estate)
The IRS offers a little talked about exception to the 10% penalty on early withdrawns from IRAs to help first time home buyers (which the IRS defines loosely as anyone who hasn't owned a primary residence in two years) use IRA funds without penalty. Of course, the regular tax would still apply, but it's an option to consider if it means the difference between getting into the real estate market while its low or watching the market come back up beyond your reach. A couple buying a house can use up to $20,000 of IRA funds to help with their down or closing costs ... read on ... From IRS publication 590: Even if you are under age 59½, you do not have to pay the 10% additional tax on up to $10,000 of distributions you receive to buy, build, or rebuild a first home. To qualify for treatment ...