Mortgage Rate Update 2-2-12: Trends, Projections & Today's Lowest Rates
By Jason E. Gordon, Sr Loan Officer, CMA, CMPS, CDLP, CDRE, RCSD, CDPE
(CMG Mortgage, San Diego, CA)
What are San Diego's lowest mortgage rates today? What can we expect from mortgage rates in the 1st quarter of 2012? All Real Estate Professionals & Consumers are advised to stay informed about interest rates and learn THE TRUTH BEHIND MORTGAGE QUOTES to insure the best financial decisions are being made without the distraction of marketing gimmicks. Whether you're a newbee, market analyst (or somewhere in between), keep yourself informed of where mortgage interest rates are going (and why) by subscribing to this daily update. The Mortgage Street Smarts of where mortgage interest rates are going (and why): The following information is current as of Thursday 2-2-2012 and will help you understand todays best mortgage rates. If you are a Buyer/Borrower who is still on the fence (or if you ...